
Senior School: Essential Skills To Learn Worldwise.

德威浦西 DulwichPuxi 2020-02-15
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Do a web search of the main reasons why international students drop out of college overseas – or why millennials are not stable in their careers – and you’ll quickly discover what I did: that college professors and business leaders are finding common threads amongst young post grads and first jobbers. 

On all accounts they:

  • Lack vision

  • Lack empathy

  • Lack accountability

  • Lack gratitude

  • Have difficulty with face to face communication skills

  • Have difficulty with collaboration across mixed groups

  • Have an unwarranted sense of entitlement

Entrepreneur Asia Pacific magazine wrote a fascinating article about it:


What I find concerning here are the main reasons why millennials fail. It appears that they struggle to collaborate, they lack confidence in themselves and their decisions, which can then lead to anxiety. Many struggle with presentation and communication, and are not critically thinking to see overall goals and vision. Basically, many millennials lack soft skills - and I think it’s time that we stop calling them soft skills because these skills are as essential to their success as is the study of algebra and modern history and computer science. Let’s face it - there’s nothing “soft” about getting rejected from a job - or never getting picked in the first place. There are plenty of life situations which require those “soft skills” to become essential skills.

Dulwich College Puxi places great emphasis on the development of these essential skills required to thrive in our modern world.

When our students go out into the world, they have been trained for years to work collaboratively, to seek connections, to find common ground and to be empathetic. It happens daily in our Business Studies classes, in our STEAM classes, on our Sports fields, in our Science labs, and when we go on our international education trips. It is our DNA - and the reason we can celebrate 400 years of academic success today.

Our students experience hard knocks – there are those assessments that are tough…and we focus as much on the “bounce back” of those who struggle, as on those who soar. 

Dulwich students are confident communicators. They are coached from primary school about the importance of student voice - standing up for what you believe in. They are given forums to make it happen together. And it happens. Our students have demonstrated they can be entrepreneurs at 8 and inventors at 14 because we give them space to TRY, FAIL, TRY and SUCCEED. That’s how we teach worldwise to learn worldwise - and there is nothing soft about that. 

Kelly King

Deputy Head of Senior School



  • 缺乏远见

  • 缺乏同情心

  • 缺乏责任心

  • 缺乏感恩之心

  • 缺乏面对面沟通技巧

  • 无法投入于混合群体中的合作

  • 有一种无根据的权力感



我在这里发现,千禧一代失败的主要原因- 他们无法与人共事,对自己或自己做的决定缺乏自信心,因而导致焦虑,他们在表达和沟通中挣扎,并缺乏批判性思维来看到总体目标和大局。他们缺乏软性技能 – 然而我觉得是时候停止称它们为软性技能,因为这些技能已经与代数,对数,火成岩和元素周期表一样重要。让我们面对现实吧 – 在工作上被炒鱿鱼或者从一开始就不被选中,从来没有什么是“虚(软)”的。

德威浦西对于发展这些在现代世界中茁壮成长所需的必备技能极度重视。我们致力于培养智胜全球的学生。当学生们在通过多年的训练后走向世界时,他们能够协同工作,寻求联系,找到共同点并善解人意。这些每天都会在我们的商业研究课程,STEAM课程,运动场,科学实验室和国际教育之旅中发生。这是我们的DNA – 也是我们今日能够庆祝400年学术成就的原因。

当然作为我们的学生也会经历困难- 那些艰难的评估考试…我们都知道,但无论是面对成绩优异的学生或是在学习中挣扎并依然在坚持不懈和努力的学生,我们同样关注。德威学生都是充满自信的沟通者。他们从小学起就被教导学生发言的重要性 – 坚持自己的信念。学校提供让这一切发生的平台- 也确实成功了。我们的学生在8岁成为了企业家, 14岁成为了发明家,因为我们给了他们尝试,失败,再尝试,最后成功的空间。


Kelly King

Deputy Head of Senior School

Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi


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