


1. 一篇论文不可能把所有需要研究的内容都搞清楚,那么在文章中如何委婉地表述某些内容并不是本文的关注重点?

A. Although a detailed investigation of these factors is beyond the scope of this work, we acknowledge that the V(motif) represents an upper bound of the equilibrium active site coverage for the specific materials we have considered.(Nat. Mater. 2016, 10.1038/NMAT4760)

类似的:Although further studies are required to clarify this question,a possible tentative explanation is the fact that in these tests NO2, formed by oxidation of NO and not rapidly converted to nitrate, acts as an oxidant for SO2(more active than O2) thus favouring the rate of deactivation. (Catalysis Today 2002, 73,287-296)

B. Further studies on synthetic applications of these important and related transformations are currently in progress. (Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2006, 45: 7079–7082)

We note that the mechanism of MTP-to-SC transformation merit detailed study and will be presented elsewhere. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 13740− 13748)

C. Leveraging new tools to study the role of Fe cations for OER in various chemical and electronic environments is likely to further improve our understanding of high-activity alkaline OER catalysts. (Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 8011− 8020)

类似的:We attempted to confirm this hypothesis with scanning electron microscopy, but we were unsuccessful. Further experiments, for example, using single-crystal Au and Pt with atomic force microscopy, would be helpful. (Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 8011− 8020)

2.  图X展示了…

A. GIXRD patterns in Figure 1A show the bulk structural information on as-deposited films.(Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 8011− 8020)

B. Figure1g plots the concentration of MTPs as the function of the polarity of the treatment solvents. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 13740− 13748)


C. More interestingly, they also 
fall into the quasi-linear plot of TOFs and MTP concentrations as indicated by red stars in Figure 2a.


D. When the mass loading is less than 3 μg cm−2, the current density is nearly proportional to the number of deposited Fe ions, resulting in a constant TOF. With loading increasing from 3 to 7.5 μg cm−2, the current density does not increase proportionally; consequently, the TOF decreases. Once the mass loading is greater than ∼ 7.5 μg cm−2, the current density remains constant, indicating the additional massdoes not contribute to the activity.(Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 8011− 8020)


3. 有助于…

A. The crossover of these two microstructures allows a facile control over the defects associated with the twin boundaries of AuNPs, and helps us to reveal the importance of twin boundary effects on gas-phase catalytic oxidation of alcohols.(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 13740− 13748)

B. Performing metal-mediated redox chemistry where oxidation state changes occur at the ligand while the metal’s electronic configuration is maintained is a much broader concept that is likely to inspire new transformations and, ultimately, new applications.(Science 2010, 327, 794-795)

C. The extended network of π bonds in these ligands allow them not only to stabilize radical species but also to facilitate reversible reactions with the metal center that may involve radical formation. (Science 2010, 327, 794-795)

D. Despite the success of these materials, it is recognised that the synthesis of entirely novel microporous materials would benefit fundamental research and provide new opportunities in emerging technological areas such as hydrogen storage. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2006, 35, 675–683)

4. 重点在于

A. The key to providing an efficient transformation of energy to a chemical form or from one chemical form into another is  the availability of suitable catalysts.(PNAS, 2011, 108, 937)

B. The development of sustainable energy solutions represents one of the most important scientific and technical challenges of our time, and heterogeneous catalysis is at the  heart of the problem.PNAS, 2011, 108, 937)

C. An important question with regard to charge separation is the role of “excess energy” that the hot CTn state inherited from the exciton. (Science2012:335, 1340-1344)

D. The key point of the present research is to transcribe the chirality in organogel fibers into the silica utilizing electrostatic interactions.(J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2000, 122 (20), 5008–5009)

E. Particular emphasis is placed on developing concepts that can be used to understand and predict variations in reactivity from one transition metal to the next or the effects of alloying, surface structure, and adsorbate-adsorbate interactions on the reactivity. (Advances in catalysis, 2000, 45: 71-129.)

F. The specific focus is the use of atom transfer radical polymerization to synthesize gradient copolymers with various composition profiles. (J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2000; 13: 775–786)

5. 列举

A. The study of phase transitions involving solute intercalation in nanomaterials is essential for a wide range of applications,such as hydrogen storage, battery charging , memory switching and nanoparticle synthesis. (Ref.:Nature Mater., 2014, 13(12): 1143)

B. Different qdot solubilization strategies have been devised over the past few years, including (i) ligand exchange with simple thiol-containing molecules or more sophisticated ones such as oligomeric phosphines , dendrons , and peptides; (ii) encapsulation by a layer of amphiphilic diblock or triblock copoymers or in silica shells; and (iii) combinations of layers of different molecules conferring the required colloidal stability to qdots. (Ref.:Science2005:307, 538-544)

C.Possible to envision, but yet to be demonstrated, for example/instance, are: (a) useful multi-catalyst architectures that are very difficult to access otherwise, (b) metal coordination environments, and therefore reactivity, that can be achieved in no other way, and (c) reactivity-defining microenvironments that can be achieved in few other ways.(Ref.: Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 1450-1459 )

注:such as和include一般引入的都是不完全列表,所列出的项目仅仅是几个例子而已(一般列举最有代表性的三个),在列表结束时不需要加etc,and so on,或者and others等字样。

D. Colloidal semiconductor quantum dots are single crystals a few nanometers in diameter whose size and shape can be precisely controlled by the duration, temperature, and ligand molecules used in the synthesisScience2005:307, 538-544)。

注:列举不一定需要such as, including之类的引导词

E. To be considered for further development, lead structures should display the following properties:  (1) simple chemical features, amenable for chemistry optimization; (2) membership to an established SAR series; (3) favorable patent situation; and (4) good absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) properties.(J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 2001, 41 (5), 1308–1315).

F. .Discussed are examples of: (a) opportunistic catalysis with metal nodes, (b) designed catalysis with framework nodes, (c) catalysis by homogeneous catalysts incorporated as framework struts, (d) catalysis by MOF-encapsulated molecular species, (e) catalysis by metal-free organic struts or cavity modifiers, and (f) catalysis by MOF-encapsulated clusters (Ref.: Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 1450-1459 )

G. The fields of catalysis, electrocatalysis, photocatalysis and photoelectricity are all examples of where nanotechnology is impacting on current science.(Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, 40, 4167-4185)

H. Heterogeneous asymmetric catalysis has been subdivided into three major categories: 1) application of immobilized homogeneous catalysts , 2) catalysis on surfaces that are chiral themselves or modified with chiral modifiers, and 3) diastereoselective reactions of chiral substrates promoted by achiral catalysts.(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2006, 45: 4732–4762)


I. The diffusion barrier limits the mass transportation to and from the active sites,which is quite important for the applications like gas sensing, catalysis, ion-exchange separation, and so forth. (Adv. Funct. Mater. 2007, 17, 2766–2771)







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