2008年学习动态规划的练手记录 -,-
Sequence alignment by dynamic programming.
## by YGC
## August 7, 2008
## guangchuangyu AT gmail.com
seq.x <- unlist(strsplit(X, ''))
seq.y <- unlist(strsplit(Y, ''))
seq.x <- c(0,seq.x)
seq.y <- c(0,seq.y)
match <- 5
mismatch <- -2
indel <- -6
## initial the score matrix
score <- matrix(NA, length(seq.x), length(seq.y))
score[,1] <- sapply(1:length(seq.x)-1, function(x) x * indel)
score[1,] <- sapply(1:length(seq.y)-1, function(x) x * indel)
## The dynamic programming, global alignment recursion
for (i in 2:length(seq.x)) {
for (j in 2:length(seq.y)){
# seq.x[i] , seq.y[j] are aligned
if ( seq.x[i] == seq.y[j]) {
score[i,j] <- score[i-1, j-1] + match
} else {
score[i,j] <- score[i-1, j-1] + mismatch
} # seq.x[i] aligned to -
sc <- score[i-1,j] + indel
if (sc > score[i,j])
score[i,j] = sc
# seq.y[j] aligned to -
sc <- score[i,j-1] + indel
if (sc > score[i,j])
score[i,j] = sc
## Traceback
i <- length(seq.x)
j <- length(seq.y)
ax <- character()
ay <- character()
while (i > 1 && j >1){
## case 1: best was seq.x[i] aligned to seq.y[j]
sc <- score[i-1,j-1]
if (seq.x[i] == seq.y[j]) {
sc <- sc + match
} else {
sc <- sc + mismatch
if (sc == score[i,j]) {
ax <- c(seq.x[i], ax)
ay <- c(seq.y[j], ay)
i <- i -1
j <- j-1
## case 2: best was seq.x[i] aligned to -
if ((score[i-1,j] + indel) == score[i,j]) {
ax <- c(seq.x[i], ax)
ay <- c("-", ay)
i <- i-1
## case 3: best was seq.y[j] aligned to -
if ((score[i,j-1] + indel) == score[i,j]) {
ax <- c("-", ax)
ay <- c(seq.y[j], ay)
j <- j-1
cat ("Sequence X: ", X,"\n")
cat ("Sequence Y: ", Y,"\n")
cat ("Scoring system: ", match, " for match; ", mismatch, " for mismatch; ", indel, " for gap", "\n\n")
cat ("Dynamic programming matrix:\n")
print (score)
cat ("\nAlignment:\n")
cat (paste(ax, collapse=''), "\n")
cat (paste(ay, collapse=''),"\n\n")
cat ("Optimum alignment score: ", score[length(score)],"\n")