
普惠金融 | 为何如此重要?

企研数据 社科大数据 2022-12-31



普惠金融(Inclusive Finance)是一个全球性议题,由联合国在2005年正式提出,对于发展中国家具有特殊的重要性。为了弄清楚“普惠金融为何如此重要”这一问题,本期我们翻译了普惠金融全球合作伙伴(Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion,简称GPFI)网页上对这一问题的阐述。

英文标题:Why Financial Inclusion[2]






金融包容性对贫困家庭也有许多直接的好处,他们通过使用贷款或储蓄来促进消费,可以减小健康问题带来的冲击,或者在耐用品、房屋装修或学费方面进行家庭投资(Collins,Morduh,Rutherford,and Ruthven2009)。其他金融产品,如保险,也可以帮助穷人管理风险。研究表明,金融包容性可以提高女性的经济能力水平。宏观经济证据表明,金融中介作用更深入的经济体往往增长的更快,收入不平等程度也相应减少(Beck, Demirguc-Kuteand Levine2007)。


[1]Collins D, Morduch J, Rutherford S, & Ruthven O. Portfolios of the Poor: How the World's Poor Live on $2 a Day[M].  Princeton University Press, 2009 .

[2] Beck T , Asli Demirgü-Kunt,  Levine R . Finance, inequality and the poor[J]. Journal of Economic Growth, 2007, 12(1):27-49.


Why Financial Inclusion

The World Bank Global Financial Inclusion( Global Findex[3] )Database indicates that 2 billion adults globally—about half the total adult population—have no access to financial services delivered by regulated financial institutions. While account penetration is nearly universal in high-income economies, with 94 percent of adults reporting that they have an account at a formal financial institution, it is only 54 percent in developing economies.

Instead, those in developing economies must depend on informal mechanisms for loans, savings and to protect themselves against risks such as uneven cash flows, seasonal incomes and unplanned needs such as sickness. Due to a lack of access, the poor are forced to rely on moneylenders for credit at high rates of interest, they use substitutes such as livestock or gold as a form of savings, and in emergencies they often have to pawn assets.

The absence of financial inclusion can also contribute to slower economic growth and persistent income inequality. On the latter, it is women who are most disadvantaged in developing economies. While 65 percent of men have a formal bank account, only 58 percent of women do. Indeed, there is a persistent gender gap of 7 percentage points across income groups, and 9 points within developing economies. Allowing broad access to financial services, without price or non-price barriers to their use and offered in a responsible manner, have been shown to benefit poor people and other disadvantaged groups. The availability of capital will allow poor people to realize small business opportunities, with flow on welfare effects.

Financial inclusion also has many direct benefits to poor households that are using loans or savings to accelerate consumption, absorb shocks such as health issues, or make household investments in durable goods, home improvements or school fees (Collins, Morduch, Rutherford, and Ruthven 2009[4]). Other financial products, such as insurance, can also help the poor manage risks. Research shows that financial inclusion can result in women’s economic empowerment. There is also macroeconomic evidence to show that economies with deeper financial intermediation tend to grow faster and reduce income inequality (Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt, and Levine 2007[5]).



《中共中央国务院关于支持浙江高质量发展建设共同富裕示范区的意见》: http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/2021-06/10/content_5616833.htm


Why Financial Inclusion | GPFI: https://www.gpfi.org/why-financial-inclusion


Global Findex: http://econ.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTDEC/EXTRESEARCH/EXTPROGRAMS/EXTFINRES/EXTGLOBALFIN/0,,contentMDK:23147627~pagePK:64168176~piPK:64168140~theSitePK:8519639,00.html


Collins, Morduch, Rutherford, and Ruthven 2009: http://www.portfoliosofthepoor.com/index.asp


Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt, and Levine 2007: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10887-007-9010-6






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