GAQC | 野火和能源产业的排放及其影响,以及新冠下的大气污染形势
全球大气质量对话(Global Air Quality Conversation,GAQC)是在教育部“高等学校学科创新引智计划”的资助下,由北京大学环境科学与工程学院主办的国际系列研讨会,主要包括四个主题:大气污染形成化学机制、大气监测与模拟、空气质量与气候变化以及大气污染的健康效应,针对每一主题邀请国际有影响力的专家做主题报告并就最新研究成果进行小规模讨论。项目旨在交流国际前沿研究成果、增强国际学术合作并为学生开拓国际视野和开发科研新思路。
4月9日(周六)上午 8:00-9:30
环境大楼B112 Zoom在线会议平台
8:00 - 9:00 主题汇报 + 提问环节
9:00 - 9:15 面对面访谈
9:15 - 9:30 小组讨论
Joost de Gouw,美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校化学教授。他研究方向广泛,主要包括三个方面:1.大气中有机物的来源、化学转化及其在空气质量和气候变化中的影响;2.能源产业和生物质燃烧(包括野火)排放的特性及其影响;3.室内可挥发有机物的排放与化学转化。其研究成果发表在Science、Nature等顶级期刊。
1)主题讲座(8:00-9:00):Emissions from Wildfires, Oil and Gas Production and the Effects of COVID-19 (线上线下同时进行)
As motor-vehicles and industrial emissions have decreased in the United States, the sources that impact air quality are now more diverse and harder to tackle. I will discuss recent work in my group that addresses two of those sources: oil and gas production, and wildfires. A recurring theme is how emissions were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Oil and gas production are both near their all-time highs in the United States. Emissions associated with this industrial activity include methane, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). We have used data from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) to calculate NOx emissions in different oil and gas production regions and found a good agreement with the Fuel-based Oil and Gas (FOG) emissions inventory. Emissions of VOCs are studied indirectly using the TROPOMI formaldehyde data. We show that most formaldehyde is in fact formed in the atmosphere and can be well explained by formation from the emitted VOCs.
Wildfires have an increasing impact on air quality in the western United States. The emissions depend on burning conditions as shown by laboratory data, and we show that this can also be seen in TROPOMI data of individual fire plumes. Particular attention will be given to the Marshall Fire, which started 2 miles from the University of Colorado and destroyed more than 1,000 homes and commercial buildings in Boulder County. We show that the air quality impact was not limited to the day of the fire but lasted multiple weeks through the smoke that was trapped inside homes. We made detailed VOC measurements using a Vocus PTR-TOF inside one smoke-impacted home and observed indoor enhancements of many different VOCs. Fires at the wildland-urban interface (WUI) are expected to increase in the future and the Marshall Fire has shown that scientific information regarding toxics and remediation efforts is sorely needed.
2)面对面访谈(9:00-9:15):由我院BBP卓越环境国际班的本科生代表就学术研究的疑惑和思考与Joost de Gouw进行面对面交流,并汇总相应的回答和感悟,发表在BBP·交流的栏目中(
3)小组讨论(9:15-9:30):基于《Catalytic role of formaldehyde in particulate matter formation》的小组讨论(在环境大楼B112线下进行)
组织者 | Theodore Koenig,刘妍慧
04.22:GAQC | Frank Kelly
05.13:GAQC | Hendrik Fuchs
05.27:GAQC | Oliver Wild
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