旧里新厅 | Shared-Living Space
设计单位:TM Studio (上海梓耘斋建筑设计咨询有限公司)
视频拍摄:任广,王怡捷,翟宇琦,张珂维,蒋凡东,曹源,周丹妮,高页茜,陆文虎,邱雁冰,黄菁晶,Andrea Grossi
旧里新厅 | Shared-Living Space
Micro Regeneration in West Guizhou Lilong
文/ 童明
Like most Lilong communities in Shanghai, the West Guizhou Community in Huangpu district has been experiencing serious physical decay, after almost 100 years since it was constructed. With the development of the urban society, the community’s spatial and social structure has become even more complicated, which presents many challenges this project aims to face.
1. 在经历多年演化过程后,里弄住房产权关系复杂,住户之间、公私之间边界模糊,再加上家庭结构分化重组,原居住单元不断调整,生活空间分散碎化,并相应导致单户居民生活品质的下降。
2. 原住民老龄化现象严重,经济能力相对较低,并且由于家庭生活差异较大,生活需求相对不一;居民自我更新能力日益减弱,集体合作意愿不高。同时,社区外来临时居住人口逐年增多,邻里纠纷较多,社区共识性下降。
There are two main reasons behind the degradation of the living environment:
1. Due to the rapid social and political changes since the community was constructed, situation of the property rights have become more complicated, the boundary of private and public space has been growingly blurred. The original living units have also been divided into smaller units to meet the need of the expanding number of households living in the neighbourhood, which further exacerbates the poor living conditions.
2. The current residents are mostly low-income elderly people who are usually ill-prepared to accept the different lifestyles of other neighbors or changes in the environment. At the same time, the increasing proportion of the migrants living in rental houses has intensified the conflicts among the neighbors. The residents show limited interests in being involved in community cooperation.
图1 拥挤非常的室内空间
All of these lead to conditions like poky indoor living space, damaged shared facilities and outworn general environment. Until now, there are still 60% of the residents who do not own a private toilet and need to share kitchens with others.
What’s happening in West Guizhou Lilong community is typical of many traditional Lilong neighbourhoods in Shanghai. Underneath the problems of the physical spatial environment, what we have to face are actually dilemmas rooted in the social mechanism. To activate the public involvement and participation, as well as to promote a sustainable and urban regeneration approach, not only an innovation in the institutional field is required, but a positive intervention in the urban structure is also urgently demanded.
图2 见缝插针的公共空间
本项目主题为共享生活空间(Shared-Living Space),所要探讨的是如何在有限的空间环境里,通过一些社区微创性改造,不仅美好优化环境,强化功能,而且通过植入社区公共生活的触媒性因素,加强场所领域的归属性感受,提升公共生活的精神品质,从而带动社区朝向美好生活的共同努力。
The concept of the project is Shared-Living Space, which aims to explore the possibilities of micro-scale regeneration in the narrow space. By creating a more positive public space with interventions on public facilities, we aim to improve the overall quality of living, enhance a sense of belonging and a community consensus, and to ultimately bring individual efforts together to create a vibrant neighbourhood.
图3 微更新项目位置索引
The project site is a 1800-square-meter Lilong community that was first constructed in the 1920s. Throughout history, it has maintained a layout comprising 3 main lanes and more than 10 sub-lanes. These spaces are crucial for residents’ public and social lives as they are equipped with shared facilities. However, due to improper arrangements of these facilities as well as the growingly intensive use, their general conditions have deteriorated and became negative spots in the community.
As the private domestic space of a household is difficult to work on in the current situation, the strategy of the project is to work on the main public area located on the main lanes to create more collective, shareable living space. With the intention to provide spaces which would encourage more social interactions, the project try to bring back the sense of big- family as it used to be. With a full respect for the physical and social context, make maximum use of existing resources to stimulate the living environment and ultimately, to prepare the neighbourhood for the next phase of this project, in which the regeneration inside the residential buildings will take place.
图4 微更新项目方案概念
On the tactical level, the project focus on dealing with surface material, relocation buildings openings and reframing of the gateway top with carefully thought construction methods to avoid damaging the original structure and disturbing residents’ daily life. By using the existing recourses on site, the project inserted micro-interventions in the lanes and gateways, renovated the unused and inactive space in the gateways, public toilets and garbage rooms in the lanes. They are then transformed into sharable living space for everyone in the community, and stimulates social interaction and the sense of belonging, which could also improve the community’s natural surveillance.
瑞康里厦门路弄[ E4 ]
The gateway is a dark and chaotic space with cables, wires hanging overhead disorderedly. There is a barber shop at a side of the entrance, due to its limited indoor space, the waiting area sometimes spreads out to the corridor area. The local residents like to use the chairs and tables for meeting and chatting. This informal temporary occupation actually helps to bring dynamics to the public space. Therefore, the concept of this design is to provide just a ‘frame’, by which the daily life of Lilong will be put on show vividly on this stage.
图5 瑞康里[厦门路]弄口现状及微更新方案
永康里空中书房 [ H1 ]
Upon the air of Yongkangli, there is a small attic suspended in between buildings on two sides. This room was connected by a precipitous, almost rotted steel staircase. The idea of this design is to transform the pump house down below to a solid staircase, providing a more comfortable and safer way to the study. On the east side, there is a roof terrace on which local residents would love to grow greenery and vegetables. This space would be unified and potentially become a nice way to this garden, previously hidden to the neighborhood.
图6 空中书房现状及微更新方案
瑞康里弄口厕所垃圾房 [ W1 ]
On the west of the entrance Ruikangli on East Beijing Road, there is a public toilet and a garbage point. Its openings were faced to the street, which caused unpleasent smell and indecent appearance to passengers. As most Lilong household do not own a private toilet, the public toilet is essential for them. We propose a design aimed to transform the toilet to a big concrete basin with greenery and rearrangement of the openings, to create a space that blend into its surrounding better.
图7 瑞康里[北京东路]弄口现状及微更新方案
宏兴里藤花架 [ G3 ]
As the most popular space on site. On its both sides, there were grapes and rosebushes. The design made use of the existing elements by constructing a metal-mesh made greenhouse structure, which could not only grow plants, but also be a decorative shelter for residents. Therefore, a sense of place for interacting would be generated, and reconciled the conflict between the traffic and gathered crowd .
图8 宏兴里藤花架现状及微更新方案
图9 宏兴里藤花架出现雏形
图10 居民们在初步建成的小广场休憩及晾晒衣物
图11-12 永康里空中书房及水泵房初步更新完成
图13 永康里通道电动车充电墙安装完毕
图14-16 宏兴里、瑞康里、永康里弄口初步更新完成
图17 瑞康里弄口厕所投入使用
图18 通风采光良好的公厕内部
图19 蕨类植物在墙面预留的种植混凝土内萌芽
作为2017 SUSAS上海城市空间艺术季的参展项目, 贵州西社区微更新项目目前正在进行中,可按下图推荐路线前往项目现场参观。