梅赛德斯-奔驰爵士大师堂 | 9次格莱美奖得主,吉他大神José Feliciano
José Feliciano是一位具有国际影响力的流行音乐家,被认为是第一个进入英国音乐市场的拉丁艺术家,为其他在美国音乐产业中扮演重要角色的艺术家打开了大门。
被世界各地的乐评人誉为“最伟大的吉他手”,José Feliciano同时被称为“在他领域里的毕加索”,他的成就备受赞誉。他获得了超过45张白金唱片和19项格莱美提名,并获得了9项格莱美奖,以及“LARAS终身成就奖”。纽约市为了表彰他,将东哈莱姆区的公立学校改名为“José Feliciano表演艺术学校”。
《Guitar Player》杂志将他评为“最佳流行吉他手”,并将他列入“最伟大吉他手名人堂”,他还被《Playboy》杂志读者票选为“最佳爵士吉他手和最佳摇滚吉他手”。1996年,José被《Billboard》杂志授予“终身成就奖”。
Jose Feliciano is recognized as the first Latin Artist to cross over into the English music market, opening the doors for other artists who now play an important role in the American music industry.
As importantly, Feliciano has been acclaimed by critics around the world as “The greatest living guitarist”. Referred to as “The Picasso of his Realm,” Jose Feliciano’s accomplishments are highly celebrated. He’s been awarded over forty-five Gold and Platinum records; he has won nineteen Grammy nominations, earning nine Grammy Awards, including the “LARAS Award for Lifetime Achievement. New York City has honored him by re-naming Public School 155 in East Harlem, “The Jose Feliciano Performing Arts School.”
Guitar Player Magazine has awarded him “Best Pop Guitarist,” placing him in their “Gallery of the Greats,” and he’s been voted both “Best Jazz and Best Rock Guitarist” in the Playboy Magazine reader’s poll, as well. In 1996, Jose was selected to receive Billboard Magazine’s “Lifetime Achievement Award.”
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José Feliciano
Being constantly in demand, Jose has performed for and with some of the most important people on Earth. He’s enjoyed playing with many of the top symphonic orchestras including the London Symphony, the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. He’s appeared on major television shows worldwide; he has done a number of his own specials and his music has been featured on television, in films and on the stage.
José Feliciano《Billie Jean》
José在这个行业的第一次重大突破发生在西班牙。1966年,在阿根廷的马德普拉塔音乐节(Mar del Plata Festival)上,他取得了惊人的成绩。José回忆道:“他们真的不知道在演播室里该拿我怎么办,所以我建议我们录一些我小时候听过的老歌。” Feliciano对当时经典波列罗(bolero)的诠释简直令人惊叹。第一首单曲《Poquita Fe》大受欢迎,另一首《Usted》甚至更火。随后又发行了两张类似的专辑,“José Feliciano”的名字传遍了南美、中美洲、墨西哥和加勒比地区。
Jose was born blind, to humble beginnings, on September 10, 1945, in Lares, Puerto Rico. Exposed to the Rock’n’Roll of the 50’s, Jose was then inspired to sing. Jose’s first major break in the industry, however, happened in the Spanish market when, in 1966, after a spectacular performance at the Mar del Plata Festival in Argentina, the RCA executives in Buenos Aires encouraged Jose to stay and record an album of Spanish music. “They really didn’t know what to do with me in the studio,” Jose recalls. “So I suggested that we record a number of old boleros–songs I’d heard from the time I was a kid.” Feliciano’s interpretation of the classic bolero of the time was nothing short of amazing. The first single, “Poquita Fe,” was a ‘smash’ hit and “Usted” was even bigger. Two more albums followed in similar fashion and the name “Jose Feliciano” was known all throughout South and Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean.
José Feliciano
回到美国后,RCA在洛杉矶的高管们把他指派给了制作人Rick Jarrard。Rick仔细研究了José迷人的风格,建议他录一首他在演唱会上听过的The Doors的曲子《Light My Fire》……
Back in the States, RCA execs in Los Angeles assigned him to staff producer, Rick Jarrard. Rick closely studied Jose’s intriguing style and recommended that he record a Doors’ song that he’d heard him perform in concert — a tune called, “Light My Fire”…
José Feliciano《Light My Fire》
当他23岁时,José Feliciano获得了五项格莱美奖提名,并因其专辑《Feliciano!》赢得了两项格莱美奖。他曾在世界大部分地区演出,并以四种语言录制歌曲。但José不满意。他希望将自己的职业生涯扩展到包括一些表演,并在接下来的几年中,制作了一些戏剧性的电视节目,包括一集“Kung Fu”,“Macmillan and Wife”和“Chico and the Man”。José回忆道,“这很有趣,但我是一名音乐家......”确实是一位音乐家。
By the time he was 23, Jose Feliciano had earned five Grammy nominations and won two Grammy Awards for his album “Feliciano!” He had performed over much of the world, and had recorded songs in four languages. But Jose was not satisfied. He had a desire to expand his career to include some acting and during the next few years, had made a number of dramatic TV appearances, including an episode of “Kung Fu”, “Macmillan and Wife” and “Chico and the Man”. “It was a lot of fun,” recalls Jose, “But I’m a musician…” A musician, indeed.
José Feliciano《Feliz Navidad》
Feliciano有三首里程碑式的歌曲:1)1968年,《点燃我的火焰》(Light My Fire)在全球音乐排行榜上高居榜首,根据歌曲发行商的说法,由于José的演绎,这首歌现在已成为“standard”。2)1971年San Remo Music Festival的主题曲《Che Sara》在欧洲、亚洲和南美大获成功。3)当然还有圣诞歌曲《Feliz Navidad》,如今这首歌已成为每年圣诞节期间传统曲目。事实上,这首歌已经成为iTunes上的热门下载曲目,而ASCAP将其列入了本世纪25首最伟大的节日歌曲之列。
Three songs that have been milestones for Feliciano are: 1) “Light My Fire,” which topped the charts globally in 1968 and according to the song’s publisher, is now a “standard” because of Jose’s interpretation. 2) “Che Sara,” the 1971 San Remo Music Festival entry that became a mega-success for Jose throughout Europe, Asia and South America and of course, 3) “Feliz Navidad,” the Christmas song that has now become a tradition worldwide during the holiday season every year. In fact, it has become a top iTunes download while ASCAP has placed it among the 25 Greatest Holiday Songs of the Century!
José Feliciano
1995年,当José在奥斯卡获奖影片《冰血暴》(Fargo)中客串演出时,他演唱了一首非常重要的自创歌曲《Let 's Find Each Other Tonight》,展示了他作为一名作曲家和演员的实力。此外,其他主要作品有《Rain》、《California Dreamin》、《Destiny》、《Affirmation》、《The Sound of Vienna》、《Ay Cariño》、《Ponte A Cantar》、《Cuando El Amor Se Acaba》、《Porque Te Tengo Que Olvidar》等。
Additionally, the world enjoys many other Feliciano songs, including “Rain,” “Chico and the Man,” “California Dreamin’,” “Destiny,” “Affirmation,” ‘The Sound of Vienna,” “Ay Cariño,” “Ponte A Cantar,” “Cuando El Amor Se Acaba,” “Porque Te Tengo Que Olvidar?” and countless others, many of which are of his own writing. When Jose made a cameo appearance in the Academy Award Winning motion picture “Fargo” in 1995, he performed one such important self-penned composition, “Let’s Find Each Other Tonight,” demonstrating his strength as a songwriter, as well as a performer.乐队成员
José Feliciano - guitar/vocals
Robert Conti - percussion
Trevor Coen - bass
Stephen Sasloe - keys
Tyler Mchugh - keys
Jonathan Feliciano - drums
日期/Date:2019年6月27- 28日(周四-周五)
入场时间/Door Time:6:00 PM
演出时间/Show Time:7:30PM
地址/Add:前门东大街23号 Blue Note Beijing
B2剧场票价Ticket Price:
B1包厢价格Box Prices:
5人包厢价格/5 person:4000RMB
7人包厢价格/7 person:5600RMB
8人包厢价格/8 person:6400RMB
10人包厢价格/10 person:8000RMB
“感性·纯粹”不仅是梅赛德斯-奔驰对于速度与激情的向往,更是对艺术与美的不懈追求。一直以来,梅赛德斯-奔驰始终积极推动音乐艺术的普及和发展,致力于将纯正的世界顶级音乐带进中国,如今更是联手Blue Note Beijing,带来“梅赛德斯-奔驰爵士大师堂系列”演出,开启又一经典乐章。在这里,世界顶级爵士音乐大师汇聚星徽之下,用生动的现场体验为热爱音乐的朋友们创造无与伦比的殿堂级艺术享受。音乐是心灵的回响,梅赛德斯-奔驰诚邀您沉浸在节奏与律动打造的爵士天籁之中,用音乐表达自我,唤醒内心深处的感动,共赴爵士生活的精彩旅程。
'Sensual Purity' is more than the unswerving yearning for speed and passion but also unswerving yearning for speed and passion for Mercedes-Benz, which has always actively promoted the development of art and music around the world, and committed to bringing the purest form of world-class music into China. To this end, Mercedes-Benz has teamed up with Blue Note Beijing to present the exclusive 'Mercedes-Benz Jazz Master Series'. This special performance series brings together the world's top jazz musicians to deliver unparalleled artistry to music fans and friends alike during a stimulating live show experience. Music is an echo of the soul. Mercedes-Benz invites you to immerse yourself in the rhythm and beats of jazz, awaken feelings deep inside, express yourself with music and start a journey into the extraordinary jazz life.