“移动信息时代的自适应制图与空间认知“专辑征稿|GSIS Call for Papers
The past two decades have witnessed a great improvement and popularity in mobile technologies and geographic information services (e.g., location-based services (LBS)). These new technological advances and the application trends challenge the discipline of GIScience/Cartography and its sister disciplines to define and offer (improved or new) theories, principles, methods and techniques for designing maps and map-based applications.
为此,国际SCI期刊Geo-Spatial Information Science(地球空间信息科学学报,GSIS) 拟出版“移动信息时代的自适应制图与空间认知”专辑,旨在概括介绍最新的移动地图或基于地图的应用程序(如增强现实AR、混合现实MR)的相关理论、方法和技术,它们在移动平台上的交互使用,以及使用此类应用程序的认知度。该专辑现面向全球相关科研工作者征稿,征稿截止日期为2022年11月30日。
Submit a manuscript to the journal Geo-spatial Information Science(GSIS) for a Special Issue on "Adaptive cartography and spatial cognition in the mobile information era".
This special issue aims to provide a general picture of recent research activities that study the theories, methods, and technology of designing and implementing mobile maps or map-based applications (e.g., augmented reality AR, mixed reality MR), their interactive use on mobile platforms, as well as the cognitive aspects of using such applications.
本专辑由比利时根特大学黄浩生教授,北京师范大学董卫华教授, 瑞士苏黎世大学Sara Fabrikant 教授担任客座编辑。
Guest Editors:Prof. Haosheng Huang(Ghent University, Belgium); Prof. Weihua Dong(Beijing Normal University, China); Prof.Sara Fabrikant (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Technology and services for mobile maps:
new technology and devices (e.g., eye tracking, augmented reality, immersive virtual reality), new map use scenes (e.g., autonomous driving), and location-based services (LBS).
Experiments in indoor and outdoor environments, using (immersive) virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR)
New technologies and methods for spatial cognition:
new technologies designed to investigate spatial cognition such as eye tracking, EEG and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI); new methods to support experiment design and data analysis.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and geocomputation for spatial cognition
Cartographic designs, applications and evaluations:
new map interfaces, representations and map interaction designs for mobile platforms, map applications that are context-aware, personalized, adaptive and/or responsive across devices.
Cognitive studies:
new cognitive aspects of mobile map use, influence of dynamic environments, user behavior analysis (e.g., gaze behavior, spatial behavior), individual and group differences, information communication among the cartographic visualizations, the user and the environment.
Social and ethical issues:
location privacy and mobile maps; ethics of mobile maps.
黄 浩 生 教授
Ghent University, Belgium
黄浩生博士,现为比利时根特大学地理信息科学及地图学教授,担任根特大学Research Group CartoGIS联合主任。长期致力于位置服务(LBS),空间认知,城市信息学及地理空间智能(GeoAI)方面的研究。担任国际地图协会(ICA)位置服务专业委员会主席,Journal of Location Based Services (Taylor & Francis)副主编,Geo-Spatial Information Science等多个国际期刊编委,及多个国际期刊客座编辑。组织了一系列位置服务及移动地图方向的国际会议。
Prof. Dr. Haosheng Huang is a Professor in GIScience and Cartography, co-directing the Research Group CartoGIS at Ghent University, Belgium. His research interests lie in Location Based Services, outdoor/indoor navigation, spatial cognition, urban informatics, and geospatial AI (GeoAI). He is currently the Chair of the ICA Commission on Location Based Services, and Associate Editor of the Journal of Location Based Services. He also serves as Editorial Board Member of several journals, including Geo-Spatial Information Science, Urban Planning, Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis, and IJGI.
董 卫 华 教授
Beijing Normal Unviersity, China
Prof. Dr. Weihua Dong is a Professor in the Faculty of Geographical Science at the Beijing Normal University, China since 09.2017. He co-directs the Geospatial Cognition and Visual Analytics Research Center, jointly supported by Beijing Normal University (China) and Technical University of Munich (Germany). He has been focusing on the basic frontier research in the field of geospatial cognition for a long time. In particular, he has made pioneering research work in revealing the spatial cognitive mechanism of human visual cognition and geographical information expression at the micro level. He has served as Editorial Board Member of several journals, e.g. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, Journal of Location Based Service.
Sara Fabrikant 教授
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Sara Fabrikant博士,现为瑞士苏黎世大学地理信息科学教授, Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (GIVA) Group主任。长期致力于地理信息可视化及可视化分析,地理信息科学及认知,及人机交互及评价等方面的研究,并主持了一系列相关的科研项目,包括欧洲研究委员会(ERC)Advanced Grant一项。担任苏黎世大学Digital Society Initiative重点研究计划联合主任,瑞士科学理事会Swiss Science Council成员。曾任国际地图协会(ICA)副主席。组织了一系列地理信息科学及认知方向的国际会议(如AGILE 2008,GIScience 2010,COSIT 2015 和COSIT 2022)。
Prof. Dr. Sara Fabrikant is a Professor of Geography, leading the Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (GIVA) group at the University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland. Her research and teaching interests lie in geographic information visualization and geovisual analytics, GIScience and cognition, graphical user interface design and evaluation, including dynamic cartography. She is a Co-Director of the UZH Digital Society Initiative and a member of the Swiss Science Council. She served the International Cartographic Association as a vice president, and was involved in co-chairing the program committees of AGILE 2008, GIScience 2010, COSIT 2015, and COSIT 2022.
Deadline for full paper manuscripts
投稿链接为:https://rp.tandfonline.com/submission/create?journalCode=TGSI,投稿时选择本专辑“Adaptive cartography and spatial cognition in the mobile information era”。
GSIS已被SCI(IF2020:4.288)、 Scopus(CiteScore2020:7.4)、EI、DBLP、CSCD、GeoBase 等数据库收录
制作:王威 编辑:王晓醉 审核:张淑娟
Call for Papers
Forest volume/biomass/carbon modelling with multi-source data
陆灯盛 教授 (福建师范大学教授。已发表130多篇期刊论文,被谷歌学术引用21066次。)
陈奇 教授(夏威夷大学地理与环境系教授,研究聚焦于激光雷达遥感和环境应用。)
Ronald E. McRoberts 博士(明尼苏达大学森林资源系兼职教授)
Multi-scale and multi-mode human mobility: pre, peri and post COVID-19 pandemic
该专辑致力于刻画 COVID-19 大流行对人类空间、时间和时空尺度和出行方式(步行、自行车、公路车辆、公共交通等)的影响,并预测疫情大流行对人类流动性和人类流动性未来的影响。
程涛 教授(伦敦大学学院时空实验室(SpaceTimeLab)创始人和主任,Geo-Spatial Information Science期刊编委)
陈焕发 博士(讲师/博士生导师,任职于伦敦大学学院高级空间分析中心(UCL-CASA))
Future Trends in Geo-spatial Information Science: The role of Location Intelligence
该专辑旨在征集与地球空间信息科学未来发展相关的创新研究和应用论文,特别是Location Intelligence在地球空间社区中的作用。
John van Genderen 教授(荷兰特温特大学教授,GSIS国际副主编,国际知名的遥感和摄影测量学家)
Zohreh Masoumi 博士(伊朗基础科学高级研究所(IASB)助理教授)
Geo-spatial Information Science(GSIS)是由武汉大学主办的测绘遥感专业英文期刊,主编为中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士李德仁教授。2020年9月被SCI收录,2020影响因子为4.288,Q2分区。2020 CiteScore为7.4,Q1分区。
GSIS 采用开放获取的出版模式(Open Access),文章一经发表,可马上被全球读者免费全文下载,这种模式可以让你的文章有更多的曝光度。