
听小说|远大前程:第十七章 匹普死里逃生

2017-05-17 查尔斯·狄更 翻吧


Chapter 17 Pip is close to death (匹普死里逃生)


I paid Clarrikers Miss Havisham's nine hundred pounds, and felt glad that Herbert's future, at least, was safe. Clarrikers were going to send Herbert to India, to open a new office there. So while helping my old friend, I would be losing him at the same time.


Wemmick advised us to move Magwitch out of the country in the middle of the week. So we decided to row the boat down to Clara's house on Wednesday, collect Magwitch, and continue right down the river to Essex, where we could stop one of the foreign ships sailing from the port of London to Ger many or Holland. With luck, nobody would notice us or suspect us. Our friend Startop agreed to row instead of me, as my hands were still too painful.


However, when I went back to our rooms on Monday, my head full of arrangements for the journey, I found a letter, ad dressed to me and delivered by hand. It said:


"If you want information about your guest, you should come tonight or tomorrow night to the old house near the lime kiln on the marshes. Tell no one. You must come alone."


I did not have time to consider. I rushed out again and was just in time to catch the afternoon coach.


I stopped in town only to ask about Miss Havisham. She was still very ill, it seemed. Then I walked fast on to the dark lonely marshes. Soon I arrived at the lime-kiln, which was still burning, although the workmen had all gone home. I pushed open the door of the old house, which I thought was uninhabited, but to my surprise there was a bed, a table and a candle inside Suddenly the candle was blown out, I was at-tacked from behind and my arms were tied close to my sides with a thick rope. The pain in my injured arm was terrible. In a moment the candle was lit again, and I recognized my at-tacker. Orlick!I saw he had been drinking, and I knew I was in a very dangerous situation.


"Now," he said fiercely,"I've got you!"


"Why have you brought me here?’I asked.


"Don't yon know?’ he replied, drinking straight from a bottle. "Because you're my enemy. I lost that job at Miss Havisham's because of you. And what's more, Biddy would have liked me if you hadn't been there. You've been in my way ever since you were a child. And now I'm going to have your life!Tonight you're going to die!"


I felt I was looking down into my own grave. I could see no possible way of escape.


"More than that,"he said,"I don't want anything left of you. I'll put your body in the kiln. Even your clothes will be burnt, and in the morning there'll be nothing left."


I realized I had not told anybody where I was going. No-body would know where to look for me.


"Another thing,"he said, smiling cruelly,"it was your fault your ugly sister was attacked. I did it, I hit her with the iron chain your convict left on the marshes, but I did it be cause I hated you!" He drank again. I watched the level of the liquid go down. I knew that when he finished the bottle, my life would end.


"And I know all about that convict you’re hiding. I've waited and watched outside your rooms and on the stairs. You fell over me once. I've got a friend who's going to inform the police about him. Yes, Compeyson'll make sure he's hanged, when you're dead!"


The last of the rum went down his throat, and picking up his hammer he came towards me. Determined to fight, I shouted as loudly as I could. Suddenly the door was thrown open and Herbert and Startop rushed in. With a violent shout Orlick jumped over the table and escaped into the night.


My two friends had found Orlick's letter to me, which, in my hurry, I had dropped in my room in London. They had suspected some wicked plot, and come straight to the town, and then to the marshes, to find me. Luckily they had arrived just in time.


They took me back to London that night, and looked after me carefully all the next day, so that, although my arm was still aching, and I felt very weak, I was fit enough for the planned journey on Wednesday.




第一章 匹普与一位陌生人相遇

第二章 抓住一名罪犯

第三章 给匹普的一次机会

第四章 一份从陌生人那里来的礼品

第五章 匹普的姐姐遇袭

第六章 远大前程

第七章 匹普到达伦敦

第八章 拜访文米克先生和贾格斯先生

第九章 乔的来访

第十章 匹普和赫伯特谈论爱情

第十一章 匹普出席一个葬礼

第十二章 匹普真相大白

第十三章 规划马格韦契的未来和听他讲述自己的身世

第十四章 匹普再一次拜访艾丝黛拉和郝薇香小姐

第十五章 马格韦斯隐藏起来


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