

2017-06-05 编译/王朦晰 翻吧

NOW it is a conglomerate with more than $100bn-worth of assets around the world. But HNA Group started life as a small local airline. Chen Feng, the Chinese company’s founder, led a coalition including private investors and the government of Hainan, a southern province, to launch Hainan Airlines in 1993.


Despite some help from the local government, the upstart firm was an outsider then. The central government chose three big state-run airlines to receive favoured landing slots, lavish subsidies and other advantages. The scrappy Mr. Chen was undeterred. With $25m in early funding from George Soros, an American billionaire, he carved out a profitable niche.

尽管海南省政府给予了不少的支持,成立之初的海南航空只能算是一个小角色。在当时中央政府的政策下,三大国有航空公司占据了大多优质航线、享受着国家补贴以及各种优惠政策。面对窘境,雄心勃勃的陈峰并不服输,他从金融巨鳄乔治•索罗斯(George Soros)得到了2500万美元的基金投资,成功扭转了亏损局面。

Since then, HNA has grown quickly, mainly through acquisitions. It reported revenues of 600bn yuan ($90bn) last year. In 2016 it acquired a 25% stake in America’s Hilton Worldwide for $6.5bn and paid $10bn for the aircraft-leasing division of CIT Group, a New York-based financial firm. This week it bid nearly $1bn for Singapore’s CWT, a logistics company.

自那之后,海航集团迅速发展壮大,发展主要的方式就是收购。去年,海航公布的营收达6000亿元人民币(约合900亿美元),在这一年内,海航花了65亿美元收购美国希尔顿酒店25%的股权,又花了100亿美元收购了纽约的金融机构CIT Group Inc.旗下的飞机租赁业务。本周,海航拟以10亿美元收购新加披物流公司CWT的全部股份。

Most deals have been in industries adjacent to its core business, such as travel, tourism and logistics. But some recent purchases have raised eyebrows for being more distant. It spent $6bn last year on Ingram Micro, an information-technology outfit based in California. Money has also gone into Deutsche Bank. It is rumoured to be bidding for Forbes, an American magazine. Some people suspect that these deals chime with China’s industrial policy more than HNA’s own corporate logic.

海航的大多并购交易都与其核心业务相关:旅游、酒店及物流等。不过,海航最近的爆买则开始着眼于更广阔的领域。去年,以60亿美元收购了加州的IT分销巨头英迈国际(Ingram Micro),斥巨资持股德意志银行。有传闻称海航还有意收购福布斯杂志。一些人认为,这类举措实际是为了响应国家的行业政策,而非出于海航自己的运营思维。

Yet HNA is not a classic state-owned enterprise. The Hainan government retains a big stake in it, but HNA has traits that distinguish it from state-owned enterprises, which tend to be sclerotic and run by bureaucratic grey men .


It has adopted professional management practices. Mr. Chen has trained his employees in Six Sigma, a management method popularised by Jack Welch, a former boss of General Electric, to eliminate waste; and in a financial methodology that scrutinises investments for economic value added. Hainan Airlines is considered the best Chinese airline. Mr. Chen, a Buddhist scholar, has also imprinted traditional Chinese philosophies onto the company’s culture. When it takes over a firm he leads new executives in a recitation of HNA’s core values, which include “love and devotion”. HNA typically does not fire the top brass at firms it acquires, nor does it force big lay-offs.

海航引进了专业的管理经验:陈峰使用通用集团前董事长杰克•韦尔奇(Jack Welch)所推广的“六西格玛流程”来培训员工,减少浪费;又使用了经济附加值(EVA)的金融方法来审核投资。现在海南航空被认为是中国最好的航空公司。信奉佛教的陈峰还把传统的中国佛教哲学引入到了企业文化中。每当接管一个新公司,他就会带着管理层背诵海航的价值观,其中就包括“爱与奉献”。对于收购的企业,海航既不会变动高层,也不会强制裁员。

Mr. Chen certainly seems skilful at managing the Chinese authorities. HNA is presenting this week’s bid for CWT as part of President Xi Jinping’s “One Belt, One Road” geopolitical strategy, for example. It is clever to play the political card given that the state is tightening control of outbound investment, which could hamper the company’s style, notes a Chinese business expert. A clampdown on foreign deals by Chinese regulators, who are worried about capital outflows, has led to the cancellation of dozens of announced acquisitions by Chinese firms.


But HNA is having no trouble getting the money and approval to do lots of big deals—it has spent over $40bn on acquisitions in the past three years. Indeed, Mr. Chen appears to have the advantages of a state firm, including cheap access to capital, without the disadvantages, such as officials telling him how to run his company, says a seasoned China hand. In this, he reckons, HNA is becoming “a lot like Hua-wei”, a telecoms-equipment firm. Mr. Chen should be flattered by the comparison to one of the country’s most successful multinationals. But he should also recall that a backlash against Huawei’s perceived closeness to China’s leadership led to its blacklisting by America’s government.













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