

2017-07-31 翻吧君 翻吧

A VERDANT suburb in the northern state of Schleswig-Holstein, Pinneberg epitomises the Germany of record consumer confidence, booming exports and a bulging federal budget surplus. Here commuters stream off trains from Hamburg (local unemployment is 4.9%), climb into big cars and zip home to neat houses with solar panels on the roof.


But visit the Theodor Heuss secondary school and you see another Germany. Duct tape attaches wallboard partitions to bare concrete ceilings studded with loose wires. Pipes, weeds and bits of tile stick out of the ground. Noisy emergency roof repairs had to be carried out during exams. “We went to the state government three years ago but nothing has happened,” complains Ulrike Graefen of the Pinneberg School Alliance, a parents’ group.

不过,站在特奥多尔·豪斯小学,你会看到德国的另一面。隔板用密封胶带粘到光秃秃的水泥顶上,而电线到处都是。在地上,乱露着水管、杂草以及一些瓷砖。在学生考试的时候,修屋顶时传来的吵闹声此起彼伏。“我们三年前就去州政府反映情况,不过没有任何结果,”家长团体平讷贝格学校联盟的乌尔里克·格雷芬(Ulrike Graefen)投诉道。

This is the underside of Germany’s economic miracle: a country with a budget surplus of €23.7bn ($26.7bn), or 0.8% of GDP, has the lowest infrastructure investment rate of any big, rich economy. The IMF complains that such under-spending contributes to the country’s excessive savings, helping to unbalance global trade. And it hurts Germany, too.


In the 1990s Germany invested massively to incorporate the formerly communist East. Then came two shocks, both to do with rules. In 2001, with the economy ailing, the government broke the new euro zone’s deficit limits and had to cut spending. Ten years later, as the euro crisis again drove deficits up, Berlin imposed a “debt brake” on federal and state governments. Politicians found it easier to cut long-term outlays than current spending. The net value of state assets fell between 2002-07, and again since 2012 (see chart).

在1990年代,德国对前东德地区有大量的投入,以实现经济整合。之后出现了两次投资紧缩,以应对法律的要求。在2001年,由于经济状况不佳,德国政府突破了新欧元区预算赤字的上限, 不得不减少财政支出。10年之后,欧元区的金融危机再一次造成预算赤字,因此,德国政府对联邦以及地方州政府的预算实施“债务刹车”。政府人物纷纷发现消减长期的预算投入会比当下的支出更为容易。在2002年至2007年期间以及2012年以来,德国各州资产的净值都下滑。

Schleswig-Holstein is typical. An urgent expansion of the coastal motorway is delayed. The railway across the Danish border had to be closed in April because of a rotting bridge. At the eastern entrance to the Kiel Canal (the world’s busiest artificial waterway, connecting the Baltic and North seas), only one of the four Wilhelmine locks is in operation, leaving freighters queuing to get through. Last year broken lock gates closed it down altogether, forcing ships to take the 450km (280-mile) route around Denmark. Comprehensive repairs will begin in 2025.


Such tales of leaky classrooms and potholed roads, as well as patchy internet, are the flip side of today’s wealthy, booming Germany. In the World Economic Forum’s global competitiveness survey in 2010-11, Germany ranked fifth in the world for both road and railway quality, and 12th for internet bandwidth. The latest survey ranks it 16th, 11th and 29th respectively.


Marcel Fratzscher of the German Institute for Economic Research believes that low public investment weighs on the (also low) private investment rate. Business lobbies, like the Northern Business Union in Schleswig-Holstein, clamour for something to be done. The government is increasing infrastructure spending to €14bn in 2017, up 10% on last year. But local governments reckon they need over €135bn just to handle the current backlog.

德国经济研究所的马塞尔·弗拉茨舍(Marcel Fratzscher)认为,公共投资与(同样比较低)的民间投资相比,占比很低。企业社团(如苏益格的北部商业团体)大声呼吁要采取措施。德国政府在加大基础设施的投入,在2017年将达到140亿欧元,较2016年同比增加10%。不过,地方政府承认目前有1350亿欧元的资金缺口。

In the campaign for the national election in September, politicians will clash over whether to invest the federal budget surplus or to return it in tax cuts. The liberal Free Democratic Party and many in Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats prefer the latter. But Sebastian Dullien, an economist at Berlin’s University of Applied Sciences, argues that past tax relief has not fuelled higher investment; rather it mostly sits in bank accounts. The Social Democrats and Greens share that analysis. Mrs Merkel, in contrast to others in her party, seems to prefer a mix of tax cuts and investment.

在今年九月大选的竞争活动中,政治人物将在是用联邦预算盈余用于减税还是返还给民众的问题上争论不休。属于自由阵营的自由民主党(Free Democratic Party)以及属于安吉拉·默克尔的基督教民主党阵营中的不少人倾向于后者。不过,柏林应用科学大学的经济学者塞巴斯蒂安·dullien认为,以往的减税并没有促进投资的增加;相反,更多地是躺在银行账户里。社会民主党和绿党则认同这种分析。默克尔的观点与自己的党派相反,更为倾向于减税和投资并举的政策。

Mr Fratzscher points to a longer-term solution: requiring Berlin to invest at least as much in state assets as the value by which they are depreciating, and to put aside funds in good economic times to ensure a smooth flow of investment in bad ones. If Germany’s obedience to rules got it into its low-investment funk, perhaps new rules can get it out.











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