一周新词榜(Weekly Newbee Words)(2017.12.23~12.30)
Champagne problems are problems of the rich and famous that we would all be so lucky to have, having to decide between two completely awesome things that both lead to an ideal outcome, and not technically a real problem at all. (Source: macmillandictionary.com)
所谓的“香槟问题”(champagne problems)其实是有钱人和名人在两件绝佳好事之间抉择的情形,是我们这些普通人很希望能够有幸面临的问题;而且从实质上来说,这压根就不算是个问题。
David has champagne problems: to go skiing in Switzerland or join his friends in Dubai.
Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. The term, an abbreviation for "no-mobile-phone phobia", was coined during a study by the UK Post Office who commissioned YouGov, a UK-based research organization to look at anxieties suffered by mobile phone users. The study found that nearly 53 percent of mobile phone users in Britain tend to be anxious when they "lose their mobile phone, run out of battery or credit, or have no network coverage".
无手机焦虑症(nomophobia)指手机联系不畅通时的恐惧心理。这个词是no-mobile-phone phobia(无手机焦虑症)的缩写形式,是由英国一个名为YouGov的研究机构在受英国邮局委托研究手机用户焦虑症状时首创的一个说法。该研究发现,英国有近53%的手机用户在“手机丢失、手机没电或余额不足、或者不在服务区”的时候会感到焦虑不安。
记得原来学过一句谚语:A friend in need is a friend indeed. 在汉语里就是“患难见真知”的意思。不过,我们身边的朋友不可能都是这样的。今天讲的这个词foul-weather friend就是只在有困难的时候才会想起你的那种朋友。
A foul-weather friend only seeks you out if they have a problem, need a shoulder to cry on, a ride to town or someone to watch their dog, but otherwise they act as if they don't even know you.
Foul-weather friend(字面意思为“坏天气朋友”)只会在他们遇到麻烦、需要找个肩膀流泪、搭车进城或找人帮着照看他家宠物狗的时候才会想起你,否则,他们基本就跟不认识你一样。
你的微博一般会发布哪类内容?晒美图、美食、美景,还是晒心情、晒个人活动呢?推特用户中如果有人成天发自己的行动轨迹,一会儿吃饭,一会儿看电影,一会儿吃晚饭等等,这一类过于频繁又对别人毫无价值的信息就会被人称为personality spam。
Personality spam refers to incessant online posts and messages relating to one's personal life and interests, particularly on social media, and people who frequently do this are called personality spammers.
个人垃圾信息指发布在网络上,尤其是社交网站上的有关个人生活和个人兴趣的帖子和信息,经常发布这类帖子的人就叫做personality spammer(个人垃圾信息工)。
We have “personality spamming” when someone is simply too voluble about themselves — too many Twitter updates celebrating their activities. Some people’s Twitter is filled with updates about what they are doing, what they have for lunch, and they are late for work because they cannot get a taxi, etc.
有些人一说起自己就滔滔不绝,这样的行为就叫personality spamming,推特(微博)上的很多更新信息都是这些人在跟大家分享他们的活动信息。有些人推特(微博)上的更新基本都是他们在做什么,他们午饭吃了什么,以及他们上班迟到是因为打不到车这样的信息。
You can filter those automatically sent spam but you cannot filter personality spam, and what’s worse is that the spammers think that every word in their updates is important information. (Source: Word Spy)
交恶双方的hate hug
平时关系不好、不太来往的两个人在有些社交场合相遇时难免要装装样子、打打招呼,这种时候,双方的所有言行都是表面行为,原本友好的握手变成了hate handshake,温暖的拥抱也成了hate hug。
Hate hug is a hug given as an unavoidable social grace even though one or both people engaged in the hug hate each other and would not willingly hug if they were alone. Hate hug is characterized by being a very fast and "going through the motions" hug with as little contact, duration, and eye contact as possible.
Hate hug指双方彼此厌恶或一方憎恶另一方,但为了在社交场合保持姿态而不得不给对方的拥抱,即“假意拥抱”。如果双方是独处,他们肯定不愿意拥抱对方。这种“假意拥抱”的特点是,动作非常迅速,“做出拥抱的样子”时尽量避免身体接触、时间越短越好、并避免眼神交流。
That girl Angela who hates me showed up unexpectedly when I was out with coworkers having a drink. When we were all leaving she hugged people goodbye but gave me a hate hug.
爱挑错的guerrilla proofreader
Guerrilla proofreading means marking up a public sign to correct or point out a grammatical error or typo. Guerrilla proofreading does seem to be a popular hobby for some people. They can get quite agitated abo
guerrilla proofreadingut apostrophes, invisible hyphens, misspelled words and other such entities. People who enjoy are called guerrilla proofreaders. (Source: Word spy)
Guerrilla proofreading指把一些公共指示牌标记下来以纠正或指出其中的语法或拼写错误,我们可称之为“公众纠错”。有些人的确很喜欢做这种“公众纠错”。他们看到省略单撇号、未显示的连字符、拼错的单词等这一类错误时就会很生气。喜欢做“公众纠错”的人就被称为“公众纠错师”。
Tony is a college English teacher, and he really enjoys so-called guerrilla proofreading in his spare time. Whenever he sees something wrong on a public sign, he would mark it down and write to the government to complain about it.