
双语阅读|中国经济增长放缓 外界呼吁放弃制定增长目标

2016-03-11 纽约时报 翻吧

Every March, China releases a closely watched growth target for the year, a number that looms large for the world’s economists, executives and policy makers. But calls are growing for China to stop setting that goal, as its economic engine slows and doubts rise about the validity of Chinese data.


On Saturday, at the start of the National People’s Congress, the government announced a target for 2016 that acknowledges a worsening slowdown. It is a range, 6.5 percent to 7 percent economic growth over last year, rather than a number, suggesting that leaders are rethinking their adherence to hard-and-fast goals. Still, even the broader target is unlikely to reduce skepticism of official Chinese figures.


The government’s reading on the growth rate last year was 6.9 percent. The new target range means that leaders expect China’s growth could dip this year, which would further depress the global economic outlook.


Following tradition, Prime Minister Li Keqiang declared the new target at the legislature’s opening session. The Chinese government also announced its intent to keep the annual growth rate at a minimum of 6.5 percent through 2020, according to a copy of the 13th Five-Year Plan released Saturday.


The target — a product of China’s mix of central planning and quasi-capitalism — gives a general sense of what leaders think of the country’s economic health, but no indication of how the growth is supposed to happen or what policies the leaders are adopting. Economists and investors want to know whether China is really addressing deepening economic problems.


Though its service sector is growing, China is grappling with heavy debt and a glut of factories and homes, a legacy of years when the government pumped money into the economy to keep it humming. Global weakness has reduced demand for China’s exports, while money is increasingly leaving the country.


The growth target can actually make problems worse. For one thing, specialists and policy advisers say, it encourages central government officials to hide or falsify data, and it prods local officials to do the same, to meet tough provincial growth targets that feed into the national one.


It also reinforces a growth-at-any-cost mentality that harms China’s economy because it leads to wasteful investment and piles of debt. In January, the pace of lending reached a record level, with aggregate financing soaring to $525 billion.


“Putting too much emphasis on G.D.P. has become a habit,” said Han Meng, a researcher at the Institute of Economics under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, referring to gross domestic product, the focus of the annual target. “Now we need to break that habit. We need to keep G.D.P., but at the same time not make it into a hard goal.”


China is the only major world economy to set a hard annual growth target. The number has been critical to China’s economic planning in the post-Mao years. Communist Party leaders believe that the nation’s perceived ability to meet or exceed the annual number is an important element in lending legitimacy to the party, which offers citizens economic opportunity in exchange for their agreeing to the party’s monopolization of political power.

中国是全世界唯一一个制定年度增长目标的经济大国。在毛泽东时代之后, 经济增长数据对于中国的经济计划来说至关重要。中国领导人认为,国家达到甚至超额完成年度增长目标的能力是中共稳定政权的一个重要因素,因为向民众提供经济机会能换取他们对共产党执政的认可。

“They’re so obsessed with this G.D.P. target — it’s not an economic narrative, it’s a political narrative,” said Leland Miller, president of China Beige Book, which provides independent economic data for investors.

“他们过于执迷于GDP目标,这已不再是经济层面的问题,而是出于政治层面的考虑。” 中国褐皮书国际研究公司的总裁利兰•米勒(Leland Miller) 说道。该公司专门为投资者提供独立的经济数据。 

Now the propaganda value of hitting the target every year is wearing thin. Ordinary Chinese and foreign analysts say they doubt the economy is growing as quickly as the official rate indicates, given the facts on the ground: stagnant wages, mass layoffs and empty buildings nationwide, including apartment towers and shopping malls.


They also point to missteps by Chinese leaders that highlight economic mismanagement in areas unrelated to the growth target, like the desperate, failed attempts in recent months to prevent a stock market rout.


There is “much more scrutiny on policy makers for their economic policy-making,” said Mark Williams, chief Asia economist for Capital Economics, based in London. “It wasn’t that long ago when the world felt the Chinese government could do no wrong when it came to managing their economy. But there’s a lot more skepticism now, both in China and abroad.”

伦敦的凯投宏观(Capital Economics)首席亚洲经济学家马克•威廉姆斯(Mark Williams)认为, “对政策制定者制定的经济政策有更多的质疑。就在不久前,世界各国都认为中国政府在处理经济问题时是不会犯错的,但到现在,中国国内外都有了更多怀疑的声音。”

Some analysts say Chinese leaders should put more focus on measurements that give a much better sense of the nation’s economic health — gauging quality of life or the purchasing power of households, for example.


Qi Jingmei, a senior economist with the State Information Center, which does economic research for central government agencies, said G.D.P. growth is “not the only number.”“We want the public to care more about how and where the growth comes from,” she said, “rather than only care about what the number is.”

国家信息中心高级经济学家祁京梅表示,G.D.P.增长“并不只是一个数字”。“我们希望公众能更多地关心增长是怎么来的,从何而来,”她说。“而不是只关心那个数字是多少。” 该机构是中国政府的经济研究机构。

China can take extreme stimulus steps to hit the target, as it did after the 2008 global financial crisis. Then, a lending-and-spending binge increased growth but saddled state-owned companies and local governments with big debts. Officials also can massage or falsify data to hit the target.


Christopher Balding, an associate professor at the Peking University HSBC Business School, noted how the official growth number announced after the year ends always hews closely to the target set months earlier. Last year, the announced target was “about 7 percent,” and the official achieved growth at year’s end was 6.9 percent.

北京大学汇丰商学院副教授克里斯朵夫•鲍尔丁(Christopher Balding)指出,官方每年年底公布的增长数字总是与几个月前设定的目标非常接近。去年,官方宣布的目标为“7%左右”,而年底公布的实际增长率则为6.9%。

“It’s absurd how close they get to basically hitting their target,” he said. “I’ve seen that pattern going back years.”


In 2007, Mr. Li, then the party chief of Liaoning Province, in the northeast, met the United States ambassador, Clark T. Randt Jr., for dinner and told him that “G.D.P. figures are ‘man-made’ and therefore unreliable,” according to a State Department cable.

据美国国务院一份电函显示,2007年,时任辽宁省省委书记的李克强在一次晚宴上,对美国驻华大使克拉克•雷德(Clark T. Randt Jr.Clark T. Randt Jr.)表示,GDP数据都是‘人造的’,不可靠。

When gauging Liaoning’s economy, Mr. Li preferred to look at three indicators, he said: electricity consumption, volume of rail cargo and the amount of loans disbursed.


In December, Xinhua, China’s official news agency, published a series of stories examining the problems in the lagging economies in the three northeastern provinces, including Liaoning. One article concluded that some local officials were falsifying data to burnish G.D.P. numbers and many other economic indicators.


Analysts say the shift this year from one number for the target to a range is a move in the right direction, even if the change reveals uncertainty among policy makers about the strength of China’s economy. Besides the central government, nine provinces are announcing ranges this year, according to official news reports.





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