
初一英语 | 人教版/(新目标)七年级下册第一次月考试题及参考答案





新目标人教版英语七年级下学期第一次月考试题( Units1-3 )


一、单项选择( 25 分)

( )1.New Zealand has two islands. One isNorth Island and ________ is South Island.

A. another B. the other C. other D. theothers

( )2.--____ is the library from ourschool?—It’s quite near. Just go _____ the road.

A.How far ,cross B. How long ,across C.How far, across D. How long ,cross

( )3.--Where is Tokyo?—It’s in _____.

A. the United States B. Australia C.Canada D.Japan

( )4.Xiao Hua felt ______at the beginningof this term _____ he got the texts for free.

A. excited, because B. exciting, becauseC. excited, so D .exciting, so

( )5.This is the way ____my school. Weoften ____ a taxi to go to school.

 A.to ,take B. to ,make C. for, drive D. for ,turn

( )6  They are ______.They come from _______.

 A.America, America B. American , American

C. American, America D. America, American

( )7.I like koalas because they are______ friendly.

A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of D. akind

( )8.Hangzhou is a place ______.

A. visit. B. visiting C. visits D. tovisit

( )9.—Can you speak French?—Yes, but only______.

 A.a few B. little C.few D.a little

( )10.Linda with her sister often ____ tothe zoo to see the animals.

 A.go B. goes C . to go D. going

( )11.I like flowers. I’m going to buy ahouse_____ a small garden in front of it.

 A.in B. near C. with D. between

( )12.--Is your pen pal from France orChina?--__________.
 A. Yes, she is. B. She’s from France. C.No, she isn’t D. France or Chin

( )13.-- Can’t you see the girl in red?--_________.

 A.No, I can. B. Yes, I can’t C. Sorry, I can’t D. Sorry, I can

( )14.That is a new hotel,____ it’s verydirty.

A. but B. and C. so D. because

( )15.  -- Please write to me when you have time. -- Sure. But ____ is yourE-mail address?

 A.when B. where C. what D. which

( )16.—Let’s go to the zoo on Sundaymorning. --____________.

 A.That sounds good. B. Thank you C. Yes, we do D. You’re welcome

( )17. --You see, there are a lot of carsand people on the street. --Yes, it’s very______.

A. quiet  B. long C. busy D. free

( )18.He ____ Japanese very well, so he____ it in Japanese.

 A.speaks, says B. speaks, speaks C. says, speaks D. says, says

( )19.Koalas often sleep ____ the day,but get up and eat ____night.

A. at, during B. during , at C. at ,at D.during, during

( )20.The sunlight is coming ___ thewindow.

A. across B. over C. cross D. through

( )21. A reporter likes _____ to peopleand _____ stories.

 A.to talk, writing B. talking, to write C. talking, writing D. talk, write

( )22.The student is very ______.He neverdoes his homework on time.

A .ugly B. lazy C. clever D. shy

( )23.. ---Where’s your pen pal from?--He is from ______,the United Kingdom.

 A.Tokyo B. Beijing C. London D. New York

( )24.  --Excuse me. Is there a bus stop near here?

 --Yes, _________ the second turning on theleft.

 A.Make B. Take C. Give D. Have

( )25.The pay phone is _____ the bank______ the shop.

 A.across, from B. between ,and C. from ,to D. in ,on

二、完形填空( 20 分)

A) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A  B  C  D 四各选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

It is a small factory.There is nowhere( 没有地方 ) to   1   near it  so the workers take some food from their homes and eat it in thefactory at   2  .

3   of the workers always hasfish sandwiches( 三明治 ).Every day he takes one of them out of his   4  bites(  ) it and   5   throws (  )all the sandwiches away.

One day one of the workers __6___to him “ But Bill  don’t you like fish sandwiches? ”

“  7 ” says Bill “ I don’t like them.”

“ Then why does your   8   make them for you everyday ?There are lots of other nice things for sandwiches. Tell   9   and she will make othersandwiches. ”

“ It isn’t easy as that ” answers Bill. “ I don’t have a wife. I   10   sandwiches myself( 我自己 ). ”

( )1.A.play        B.eat        C.swim        D.sing

( )2.A.night        B.morning      C.evening      D.noon

( )3.A.One        B.Two        C.Three        D.Four

( )4.A.home        B.room        C.bag        D.house

( )5.A.then        B.than        C.so          D.or

( )6.A.says        B.tells        C.speaks        D.say

( )7.A.Yes        B.No        C.Certainly      D.OK

( )8.A.mother      B.wife        C.father        D.brother

( )9.A.her        B.him        C.them        D.me

( )10.A.do        B.make        C.eat        D.have

B) 用方框内所给的词填空

shy  quiet  play with  Sunday  because  China  new  panda  want  beautiful

Today is  1  Jim and David   2   to go to the zoo.  3   there is a   4   in the zoo this week.Sheis   5  .Her name is Ling Ling.She is from  6  .She’s only five years old.She’s very   7  .Children likes her very much.They want to   8   her  but LingLing is very   9  .So the people in the zoo tell them to be   10  .

三、阅读理解( 20 分)


Quantity ( 数量 ) Item ( 物品 ) Price ( 价格 )

1 magazine $3.75

3 pen $0.50 each ( 每个 )

1 tape $1.25

1 pencil case $2.50

1 notebook $1.00

Subtotal ( 小计 ) $10.00

Tax (  ) $0.50

Total ( 合计 ) $10.50

Seller: The total is $10.50. How will youpay?

Mrs. Green: Do you take credit cards ( 信用卡 )?

Seller: Sorry, I don’t. Cash only ( 只有现金 ).

Mrs. Green: OK, here’s $20.

Seller: Thanks. Here’s your change ( 零钱 ). Do you need a bag?

Mrs. Green: Yes, please.

Seller: Here you go.

Mrs. Green: Thank you. Have a nice day.

Seller: You, too.


( ) 1. Mrs. Green wants __________.

A. to use a credit card B. to pay with acheck ( 支票 )

C. to get a discount ( 折扣 ) D. one bag for each item

( ) 2. The seller  ( 售货员 ) gives Mrs.Green __________.

A. $9.50 B. $10.00 C. 10.50 D. 20.00

( ) 3. The tax is _________.

A. fifty dollars B. less than a dollar ( 不到 1 美元 )

C. 10% of the total D. more than ( 多于 ) the price of a notebook

( ) 4. “Here you go” is the same as“__________”.

A. This is for me B. please leave

C. This is your bag D. The door is overthere

( ) 5. Which of these sentences is true (正确的) ? _________.

A. A pen costs (花费)  more than a tape B. The seller doesn’t takecredit cards

C. Mrs. Green buys five things    D. The seller doesn’t have any bags


When you are in England,you must be morecarefull in the street because the traffic drives on the left . Before youcross the street, you must look to the right first and then left.

In the morning and in the evening ,whenpeople go to or come from work, the street are very busy. Traffic is the mostdangerous (危险) then..

When you go by bus in England ,you haveto be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you mustbe more careful ,have a look first or you will go wrong.

In many English cities, there are bigbuses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can seethe city very well.


( )6.In England the traffic drives______.

A.on the right B.in the middle C.on theleft D.in the front

( )7.When you cross the street, you mustlook to _______.

A. the left first B.the right first C.thefront first D.the back first

( )8.In the morning and in the eveningthe streets becomes busy because________.

A the people go to work B. the peoplecome from work

 C.the weather is fine D. both A and B

( )9.It’s________to cross the streets inthe morning and in the evening .

A. dangerous B. easy C. interesting D.funny

( )10.The big buses with two floors inthe England are _______in China.

A. 单层公共汽车  B.  双层公共汽车   C. 地铁   D. 长途公共汽车

四、根据所给单词,填上一个正确的单词形式( 10 

1.Miyoko is a ________ (Japanese).

2.My father is busy _______(do)housework.

3.They like ________ (take) a walk aftersupper.

4.We have fun _______ ( talk) to otherpeople.

5.Jim enjoys _________ (swim).

6.Bridge Street is a good place_______(have) fun.

7.Let the girl ________ (go) to schoolearly.

8.I want ________ (play) basketball.

9. I think the comedy is very________(relax).

10. Li Lei gets to the school _________(one).

五、句型转换:( 10 分)

1.They speak English. (   French  改成选择疑问句 )

 _____ they speak English ___ French?

2.Across from the park is an old hotel. (同义句 )

 _____ ______ an old hotel across from thepark.

3.My pen pal speaks  English .( 划线提问 )

 ______ _______ does your pen pal speak?

4.Monkeys are a little smart. ( 同义句 ) Monkeys are ______ ______ smart.

5.I don’t like the picture  because it is beautiful . ( 划线提问 )

 ______ _______ you like the picture?

六.书面表达( 15 分)

动物园里新来了两只动物,请你根据下表中的提示对它们进行描述。( 60 词左右)




Description words


Pan Pan(Panda)



Cute, shy





Strong, dangerous



一.单项选择( 25 分)

1.————— 2. ————— 3. ————— 4. ————— 5.—————

6.————— 7. ————— 8. ————— 9. ————— 10.—————

11.—————12. —————13. ————— 14. —————15.—————

16.—————17. ————— 18. ————— 19. —————20.—————

21.—————22. —————23. ————— 24.—————25.—————

二、完形填空( 20 分)

(A) 1-5__ __ __ __ __ 6-10__ __ __ __ __

完形填空( B 

1.————— 2. ————— 3. ————— 4. ————— 5.—————

6.————— 7. ————— 8. ————— 9. ————— 10.—————

三、阅读理解( 20 分)

(A) 1-5__ __ __ __ __ (B) 6-10__ __ __ ____

四、根据所给单词,填上一个正确的单词形式( 10 

1.Miyoko is a ________ (Japanese).

2.My father is busy _______(do)housework.

3.They like ________ (take) a walk aftersupper.

4.We have fun _______ ( talk) to otherpeople.

5.Jim enjoys _________ (swim).

6.Bridge Street is a good place_______(have) fun.

7.Let the girl ________ (go) to schoolearly.

8.I want ________ (play) basketball.

9. I think the comedy is very________(relax).

10. Li Lei gets to the school _________(one).

五、句型转换:( 10 分)

1.They speak English. (   French  改成选择疑问句 ) _____ theyspeak English ___ French?

2.Across from the park is an old hotel. (同义句 )

_____ ______ an old hotel across from thepark.

3.My pen pal speaks  English .( 划线提问 ) _____________ does your pen pal speak?

4.Monkeys are a little smart. ( 同义句 ) Monkeys are ______ ______ smart.

5.I don’t like the picture  because it is beautiful . ( 划线提问 )

______ _______ you like the picture?

六.书面表达( 15 分)

动物园里新来了两只动物,请你根据下表中的提示对它们进行描述。( 60 词左右)




Description words


Pan Pan(Panda)



Cute, shy





Strong, dangerous



一、 1—5.BCDAA, 6—10.CBDDB 11—15.CBCAC 16—20ACABD 21—25.CBCBB  

 1--5.  BDACA  6--10. ABBAB

B) 1.Sunday 2.want 3.Because  4.panda  5.new

6.China  7.beautiful 8.play with  9.shy  10.quiet

 1—5.AABCB   6—10. CBDAB

四、 1.Japanese 2.doing 3.taking 4.talking 5.swimming

6.to have 7.go 8.to play 9.relaxing10.first

五、 1.Do,or 2.There is 3.What language 4.kind of 5.Why don’t


 In the zoo, there come two new animals. One is a panda, and the other is a tiger.The panda’s name is Pan Pan. It is from China and it’s three years old. It eatsbamboo. It is very cute, but it is very shy.The name of the tiger is Molly andit’s from Africa. It is five years old and it eats meat. It is a strong tiger.OF course, it is very dangerous.



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