

Nanozymes 纳米酶 Nanozymes 2024-01-10


S17 纳米酶:新一代模拟酶的机遇


S17 Nanozymes: the challenges and opportunities for next generation of artificila enzymes

About the section:

Nanozymes are nanomaterials with enzyme-like characteristics, which are emerging as next-generation artificial enzymes. Since the discovery of peroxidase-like iron oxide nanozymes in 2007 by Professor Xiyun Yan and her collaborators, substantial progress has been made in the field. Nanozyme was selected as one of THE 2022 TOP TEN EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN CHEMISTRY by IUPAC. To further advance the field of nanozymes, this session invites both domestic and international scholars to discuss and communicate their recent progress in various aspects of nanozymes. 

The session topics include but not limited to: 

(1) Design and fabrication of nanozymes. 

(2) Data-driven discovery of nanozymes. 

(3) Catalytic mechanisms of nanozymes. 

(4) Standardization and database. 

(5) Bioanalytical and biomedical applications of nanozymes. 

(6) Translational applications of nanozymes. 

(7) Other emerging applications of nanozymes. 

Meeting check-in: 

Start on the morning of July 20th, and you can check-in during the whole meeting.


Xiyun Yan   Institute of Biophysics, CAS, China 

Xiaogang Qu   Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, CAS, China 

Invited Speakers:

Chunying Chen   National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China

Xueyun Gao   Beijing University of Technology, China
Yanli Zhao   Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Zhengwei Mao   Zhejiang University, China
Xinglu Huang   Nankai University, China
Huiyu Liu   Beijing University of Chemica Technology, China

Jing Wang   National Institute of Metrology, China


纳米酶入选IUPAC 2022年十大化学新兴技术
纳米酶入选IUPAC 2022年十大化学新兴技术【视频版】
Adv. Mater. | 中科院生物物理所高利增课题组设计高活性纳米酶超越天然酶
Nat. Nanotechnol. | 模拟酶发展的里程碑——Fe3O4磁性纳米颗粒类过氧化物酶活性的发现
Nat. Commun. | 基于数据启示的水解型纳米酶的发现




