
npj: 热电明星材料Mg3Sb2—理论设计和实验验证

npj 知社学术圈 2022-09-22





具有CaAl2Si2型结构的AB2X2化合物(A是碱土金属或二价稀土元素,B是过渡金属或主族元素,X元素通常来自第14、15族,偶尔来自第13族),通常被描述为Zintl相,由于其有望成为可应用的热电材料而风靡。来自丹麦奥胡斯大学化学与iNANO系材料晶体学中心的Bo Brummerstedt Iversen教授和张家伟博士,总结了该领域一些成功的经验,介绍了许多有启发性的见解,如轨道交叠、轨道简并、轨道分裂能、谷退化、有效质量、载流子袋各向异性、费米表面复杂性、点缺陷、电负性、共价键,以供深入了解Mg3Sb2及相关CaAl2Si2型热电材料中的电热输运性质。他们从晶体结构和Zintl概念的一般介绍开始,这一概念现已被广泛应用于理解CaAl2Si2型化合物的结构、键合和电子输运。


该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 5: 76 (2019),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。

Insights into the design of thermoelectric Mg3Sb2 and its analogs by combining theory and experiment

Jiawei Zhang, Lirong Song & Bo Brummerstedt Iversen 

Over the past two decades, we have witnessed a strong interest in developing Mg3Sb2 and related CaAl2Si2-type materials for low- and intermediate-temperature thermoelectric applications. In this review, we discuss how computations coupled with experiments provide insights for understanding chemical bonding, electronic transport, point defects, thermal transport, and transport anisotropy in these materials. Based on the underlying insights, we examine design strategies to guide the further optimization and development of thermoelectric Mg3Sb2-based materials and their analogs. We begin with a general introduction of the Zintl concept for understanding bonding and properties and then reveal the breakdown of this concept in AMg2X2 with a nearly isotropic three-dimensional chemical bonding network. For electronic transport, we start from a simple yet powerful atomic orbital scheme of tuning orbital degeneracy for optimizing p-type electrical properties, then discuss the complex Fermi surface aided by high valley degeneracy, carrier pocket anisotropy, and light conductivity effective mass responsible for the exceptional n-type transport properties, and finally address the defect-controlled carrier density in relation to the electronegativity and bonding character. Regarding thermal transport, we discuss the insight into the origin of the intrinsically low lattice thermal conductivity in Mg3Sb2. Furthermore, the anisotropies in electronic and thermal transport properties are discussed in relation to crystal orbitals and chemical bonding. Finally, some specific challenges and perspectives on how to make further developments are presented.



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