
Nature Materials最新综述:光解水体系(PECs)异质界面的理论模拟研究进展

2017-01-10 CCL 研之成理


对于光分解水产氢的研究(PECs)一直是理论与实验相辅相成。初期理论研究主要以DFT理论为基础,单一体相材料为研究对象。随着研究体系越来越复杂,界面,特别是异质界面,的作用开始凸显。为了能够揭示界面的作用,相关的理论研究也在不断发展和完善。在最新一期的Nature Materials中,来个美国的三位科学家综述了近期关于PECs中异质界面理论研究的进展。

首先他们总结了相关理论计算方法的发展。单一DFT理论难以计算复杂多变的界面体系。为了能够满足界面研究,DFT理论常与其他理论方法相结合或者进行修正。比如:DFT结合分子动力学方法(molecular dynamics,MD)形成第一性分子动力学方法(first-principles molecular dynamics ,FPMD)。这一方法是研究异质界面的热力学动力学性质的有力工具。而FPMD还可以与GW近似相结合。

Two alternative mechanisms for water dissociation at surface oxygen bridges, as observed in the first-principles simulations of the full interface of liquid water with InP(001), when a submonolayer surface oxide is present. The sites denoted as O and O∗ refer to proton donor and acceptor oxygens, respectively. ac, The first scenario features a donor water molecule bound to one of the edge In atoms adjacent to O∗, and transferring a proton across the O–H...O∗ complex. df, The second scenario has the donor water molecule bound to an In atom that is not part of the In–O∗–In bridge. In this instance, water molecules in solution act as intermediaries in a Grotthuss chain for site-to-site proton transfer. Colour scheme: O, red; H, white; In, green; P, grey. 


Level alignment at the rutile TiO2(110)/water interface at the point of zero proton charge and flatband potential, as computed using DFT with semi-local (PBE and BLYP) and hybrid (HSE06) density functionals. 

Relative position of the conduction band minimum of WO3 (ECBM) and the Fermi level (EF) of IrO2, in the absence of water (left panel), and in the presence of water in contact with the absorber and the catalyst at the same time (right panel).


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