SCI论文写作之“细节决定成败”(一) 数字篇续
论文细节方面的知识贵在积累, 从不知道到知道, 然后从知道变成习惯, 并将良好的习惯保持下去, 写作会变得越来越简单, 繁琐的东西也会变得越来越少。
温馨提示: 这里主要基于ACS style,其他出版社可能略有区别, 请千万注意
1. 短语中具有数学含义(mathematical sense)的数值用数字来表示
举例:The incidence of disease increased by a factor of 4.
The yield of product was decreased by 6 orders of magnitude.
The efficiency of the reaction was increased 2-fold.
After 2 half-lives, the daughter product could be measured.
The control group had 3 times the risk for coloncancer.
The values are determined with 5 degrees of freedom.
2. 当fold,times作为后缀的数值不具备特殊数学含义时,如果数值小于10,将该数字拼写出来
举例:The purpose of this discussion is two fold.
The beaker was rinsed four times.
3. 比例中,必须采用数字
举例:a ratio of 1:10; a ratio of 1/10; a 1:1 (v/v) mixture
举例:January 3, Jan 3 (not January 3rd, Jan 3rd)
September 5, Sept 5 (not September 5th, Sept 5th)
2)通过数字表示十年时,直接在数字后面加s, 而不是's.
举例:the 1960s (not the 1960's, not the'60s)
values in the 90s (not the 90's)
She is in her 20s. (not her 20's)
3) a.m.和p.m. (注意写法)前用数字
例如:12:00 p.m.
5. 当分数中分子分母都小于10时,将分子分母都用单词拼写出来,并用 "-"连接起来; 如果有一项大于或者等于10,则采用数字分数形式
举例:two-thirds of the results;one-quarter of the experiments
¹⁄₂₀ of the subjects; ¹⁄₁₂ of the volume.
6. 用来表示并列句子和短语时,采用(1),(2), (3)而不是1), 2), 3).
举例:Some advantages of these materials are (1) their electrical properties after pyrolysis, (2) their ability to be modified chemically before pyrolysis, and (3) their abundance and low cost.
7. 当数值特别大时,应该采用科学计数法来避免超过四位数
举例:1.2 × 106 s 3.0 × 104 kg
5.8× 10–5 M or 58 µM 42.3 L (not 42,300 mL or 42 300 mL)
液体密度:g/L 固体密度:kg/m3
弹性模量:GPa 液体压力:kPa 应力:MPa
8. 不要采用E来表示10的指数
举例:3.7× 105 (not 3.7e5, 3.7E+5)
9. 在叙述性文字中,不要用"="来作为"is"或"equals"的简写;不要用"+"来作为"and"的简写;除了计算机语言之外,其他情况下不要用"*"来表示乘号。
推荐:本文主要参考Coghill, A., et al., in the ACS Style Guide, American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006. 有需要的朋友请点击阅读原文将它带走,请勿用作商业用途,谢谢!