
装甲熊猫——Lenco BearCat 装甲车

小透明Mai LEPlayers 2020-09-14

Lenco BearCat (译作熊猫或勇士)最初是为了执法机构在辖区内执行特殊行动而打造的战术装甲车辆。经过实战的检验,熊猫装甲车能够抵御包括突击步枪射击的多种攻击,为SWAT成员提供史无前例的防弹保护。熊猫装甲车为全国范围内的执法机构提供了可以在安全和高机动环境下执行任务的能力。最高时速85mph,拥有极高越野性能,Lenco 熊猫装甲车堪称多才多艺,可以扮演很多不同的角色

The Lenco BearCat was initially developed as a tactical armored vehicle for special operations units within the law enforcement community. Having proven itself in the field, the BearCat has repelled multiple attacks from assault weapons, providing SWAT teams unprecedented ballistic protection withits life saving armor. The BearCat has enabled law enforcement agencies nationwide to perform critical response and rescue operations in a safe, secure and highly mobile armored vehicle.

With a maximum highway speed of 85mph, and off road capabilities, theLenco BearCat proves itself highly versatile on the front line of defense in a variety of roles.来自www.lencoarmor.com的官方广告


