
China Agri. Econ. Review 农村改革40周年系列论文12篇 【转】

CAER 三农学术 2022-12-31

China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER) 在2018年的两期中推出了“中国农村改革40周年”系列论文,作者包括蔡昉、罗必良、Kym Anderson、Huang祖辉、于晓华、Scott Rozelle、张林秀、樊胜根等。CAER官方微信公众号“CAER编辑部”也出了相关推文,以下是具体论文汇总(可点击下划线超链接跳转至“CAER编辑部”微信公众号阅读摘要):

  1. 大迁徙:改革开放以来中国农业剩余劳动力是如何转移和再分配的?
    Fang Cai, (2018) "
    The Great Exodus: How agricultural surplus laborers have been transferred and reallocated in China’s reform period?", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.3-15

  2. 中国农地制度变革 40 年: 制度目标、政策努力及未来方向
    Biliang Luo, (2018) "
    40-year reform of farmland institution in China: target, effort and the future", China AgriculturalEconomic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.16-35

  3. 从征税到补贴:1978年以来的中国农业政策
    Kym Anderson, (2018) "
    From taxing to subsidizing farmers in China post-1978", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10Issue: 1, pp.36-47

  4. 1978年后的中国农业组织和农民合作社的作用:过去与未来
    Zuhui Huang, Qiao Liang, (2018) "
    Agricultural organizations and the role of farmer cooperatives in China since 1978: past and future", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.48-64

  5. 改革开放以来的中国农村恩格尔曲线、农民福利和食物消费
    Xiaohua Yu, (2018) "
    Engel curve, farmer welfare andfood consumption in 40 years of rural China", China Agricultural EconomicReview, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.65-77

  6. 中国粮食生产的农业环境政策:走向可持续集约化
    Xiao-qiang Jiao, Gang He, Zhen-ling Cui, Jian-bo Shen,Fu-suo Zhang, (2018) "
    Agri-environment policy for grain production in China: toward sustainable intensification", China Agricultural EconomicReview, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.78-92

  7. 中国农村教育改革40年:过去的成功和未来的挑战
    Ai Yue, Bin Tang, Yaojiang Shi, Jingjing Tang, GuanminjiaShang, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle, (2018)"
    Rural education across China’s 40 years of reform: past successes and future challenges", ChinaAgricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.93-118

  8. 四十年来中国农村的非农就业
    Linxiu Zhang, Yongqing Dong, Chengfang Liu, Yunli Bai,(2018) "
    Off-farm employment over the past four decades in rural China", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 2, pp.190-214

  9. 中国公共农业和农村投资的回报
    Shenggen Fan, Emily EunYoung Cho, Christopher Rue, (2018)"
    Returns to public agricultural and rural investments in China",China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 2, pp.215-223

  10. 中国农村能源政策:40年农村改革的成就、挑战与出路
    Ling-Yun He, Bingdong Hou, Hua Liao, (2018) "
    Rural energy policy in China: Achievements, challenges and ways forward during the 40-year rural reform", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue:2, pp.224-240

  11. 中国农村扶贫:政策变迁、未来挑战与政策启示
    Yansui Liu, Yuanzhi Guo, Yang Zhou, (2018) "
    Poverty alleviation in rural China: policy changes, future challenges and policy implications", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 2,pp.241-259

  12. 中国城乡关系:演变与展望
    Zhenghe Zhang, Yawen Lu, (2018) "China’s urban-rural relationship: evolution and prospects", China Agricultural EconomicReview, Vol. 10 Issue: 2, pp.260-276




Fang Cai, (2018) "The Great Exodus: How agricultural surplus laborers have been transferred and reallocated in China’s reform period?", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.3-15

  • Purpose

The purpose of this paper is to review the process of rural labor reallocation and unfolds its growth effect through sufficiently supplying human resources, preventing diminishing return to capital, and increasing labor productivity.

  • Design/methodology/approach

The author surveys literature and statistics related to the subject to comprehensively picture the 40-year course of the shift and reallocation of agricultural surplus labor.

  • Findings

In the past 40 years, reforms in relevant areas have eliminated institutional barriers deterring labor mobility and allowed agricultural laborers to exit from low-productivity farming employment, migrate beyond rural-urban boundary and across regions, sectors, and ownerships, and enter higher productivity employment in non-agricultural sectors. As a result, resources allocative efficiency has been substantially improved, contributing a significant part to labor productivity growth and thus economic growth of the Chinese economy as a whole.

  • Social implications

To sustain this source of economic growth as far as China completes its transition from upper-middle income status to high-income status, deepening reforms is urgently needed. The author provides policy suggestions for further reform.

  • Originality/value

This paper enhances people’s understanding of the Chinese economic reform and its nature of efficiency and inclusion.

Biliang Luo, (2018) "40-year reform of farmland institution in China: target, effort and the future", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.16-35

  • Purpose

Based on the brief historical review, the purpose of this paper is to expound the target and bottom line for the farmland institutional reform of in China, analyze the “Chinese scenes” and historical heritage of farmland institutional arrangement, evaluate the policies and their effects over the last four decades and outline the keynotes and possible direction of the future reform.

  • Design/methodology/approach

The paper builds the analytical clue of “institutional target – institutional heritage – policy effort – realistic dilemma – future direction” and review and forecast the Chinese farmland institutional reform.

  • Findings

The farmland institution is an important issue with Chinese characteristics. Over the last four decades, the farmland institutional reform in China has focused on “stabilizing the land property rights” and “promote the farmland transfer.” As the study indicates, the promotion of farmland transfer has not effectively improved the scale economy of agriculture and stabilizing land property rights by titling may restrain the development of farmland transfer market because farmland transfer is of special market logic.

  • Originality/value

It depends on the revitalization of farmland management rights to resolve the transaction constraint of personal property and its endowment effect in farmland transfer. And, classifying the land management property to involve farmers into the economy of division can be reference for the reform of traditional agriculture worldwide.

Kym Anderson, (2018) "From taxing to subsidizing farmers in China post-1978", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.36-47

  • Purpose

The purpose of this paper is to document the pace and extent to which China’s policy regime has transitioned over the past four decades from explicitly and implicitly taxing to subsidizing its farmers relative to its producers of other tradable goods; to present projections of the world economy to 2030 that suggest China will continue to become more food import-dependent under current policies and productivity growth rates; and to explore alternative policy instruments for remaining food secure and ensuring that farmers are not losers from economic growth.

  • Design/methodology/approach

The data used to estimate the extent of distortions to producer incentives come from freely available World Bank and OECD sources that allow direct comparisons of China’s policy developments with those of more- and less-advanced economies.

  • Findings

The estimates of nominal and relative rates of assistance to farmers reveal that China has made the transition from negative to positive assistance to farmers far faster than an average developing country, and almost as fast as its Northeast Asian neighbors did in earlier decades at similar levels of real per capita incomes. That helped to ensure China remained food self-sufficient during the first two decades of reform; but self-sufficiency is now declining and is projected to continue to do so over the next decade under current policies.

  • Research limitations/implications

Preventing food self-sufficiency from declining further by increasing agricultural protection would be very costly, and is now unnecessary, thanks to the information and communication technology revolution that enables the government to directly support the well-being of poor farm households with conditional cash transfers.

  • Originality/value

This review of indicators of distortions to agricultural incentives in China is based on estimates of nominal and relative rates of assistance and consumer tax equivalents that are in the public domain. Its originality is in presenting the estimates for China in a comparative perspective, showing how they have evolved over time and as real per capita incomes have grown, and relating that to developments in China’s self-sufficiency in agricultural and food products. The paper also points to more-efficient ways of achieving societal objectives than using policy instruments that distort producer and consumer prices.

Zuhui Huang, Qiao Liang, (2018) "Agricultural organizations and the role of farmer cooperatives in China since 1978: past and future", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.48-64

  • Purpose

During the past four decades, agriculture and rural development in China has scored a great progress. Organization institution in agriculture is one of the domains with drastic innovations. The purpose of this paper is to map the emergence and evolution of various agricultural organizations in China since 1978. Development status and the trend of agricultural organization system are analyzed. Further, the role of farmer cooperatives is discussed.

  • Design/methodology/approach

Data used in the paper are mainly from statistical yearbooks and documents published by the government including Ministry of Agriculture and Bureau of Industry and Commercial. Both descriptive and deductive analyses are adopted to achieve different analytical purposes.

  • Findings

The vast small-farm sector, co-existence of various types of organizations, and innovation of other organizations will continue and sustain for a long-time period in China. Despite the fast development of modern farmers and various organizations, it is important that traditional farmers participate effectively in modern agriculture. Farmers act collectively via a cooperative in a desirable way, which determines the central position of farmer cooperatives in the agricultural organization system.

  • Research limitations/implications

This paper is a qualitative analysis on agricultural organizations in China, yet no quantitative estimation regarding the comparison of various organizations is conducted due to insufficient data.

  • Originality/value

This paper fills the gap of a comprehensive review of the emergence, development status, and trend of agricultural organizations in China.

Xiaohua Yu, (2018) "Engel curve, farmer welfare and food consumption in 40 years of rural China", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.65-77

  • Purpose

The purpose of this paper is to review the theoretical background, methodological extensions, and empirical applications of the Engel curve, which is applied to the research of the change in farmers’ welfare and food demand in China after the economic reform in 1978, compared with the statistics of income and food consumption.

  • Design/methodology/approach

This paper mainly uses the traditional method of Engel curve, which is compared with income growth and food consumption, to study farmers’ welfare improvement in rural China.

  • Findings

The Engel coefficients identify three different stages for farmers’ welfare change after 1978. The first stage is the period between 1978 and 1988, in which farmers’ welfare has been continuously enhanced due to the institutional bonus of the 1978 economic reform and increased government purchase price of agricultural products. The second stage is the period between 1989 and 1995, in which farmers’ welfare has been slightly deteriorated mainly due to the end of institutional reform bonus, suppressed food prices, relative high inflation, and instable political situation. The third stage is the period after 1995, in which farmers’ welfare returns to a growing path, as the dual price system was abolished, the transition from a planned economy to a market economy had been completed, and the government carried out protective policies for agriculture and started to heavily subsidize agriculture. The Engel coefficient still remained at a very high level at 0.59 in 1995, but it continuously decreased to 0.33 in 2015. The welfare enhancement for farmers mainly results from deepened market-oriented reform, protective policies for agriculture, and prevalent off-farm employment. The Engel coefficient is also linked to food demand elasticities. Along with the decreasing Engel coefficient in the past 40 years, income elasticities also continuously decrease from 0.55 in 1978 to 0.08 in 2015. Food demand is very inelastic now, and any further increase in income will not substantially increase food demand any more.

  • Research limitations/implications

Inequality has not been analyzed.

  • Originality/value

This paper reviews the methodological advantages of the Engel curves, and uses it to identify different stages of welfare change and estimate income elasticities of food demand for farmers in China after the 1978 economic reform.

Xiao-qiang Jiao, Gang He, Zhen-ling Cui, Jian-bo Shen, Fu-suo Zhang, (2018) "Agri-environment policy for grain production in China: toward sustainable intensification", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.78-92

  • Purpose

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the historical pattern of environmental cost due to grain production in China and to provide further implications of technologies and policies for the transformation of China’s agricultural development toward sustainable intensification.

  • Design/methodology/approach

The data sets about grain production, arable land and chemical fertilizer use in China were collected from FAO, NBSC, and IFA. Greenhouse gas emissions were estimated using life cycle assessments. The policies concerning grain production and the environment were collected from the Ministry of Agriculture, and the State Council of China.

  • Findings

China has produced enough food to feed its growing population, but has neglected the resource-environmental costs of grain production since 1978. Consequently, China’s grain production is always accompanied with a high cost of resource and environment sustainability. However, from 2006 to 2015, the growth rate of grain production has surpassed that of chemical fertilizer consumption, resulting in improvement in nutrient use efficiency and decreasing trends of environmental cost for grain production. This could be partially attributed to technology innovations, such as Soil-Testing and Fertilizer-Recommendations (STFR), soil quality and crop management improvement, and so on, and policy supports (policies of STFR, soil quality improvement, and high-yield construction). This indicated that China’s grain production is starting to transform from high-input and high-output model to “less for more.”

  • Originality/value

This study is the first to determine the detailed, historical role of technological innovation and agri-environmental policy on the sustainability of grain production in China. The findings should have significant implications for technology and policy for the transformation of China’s agriculture development to sustainable intensification.

Ai Yue, Bin Tang, Yaojiang Shi, Jingjing Tang, Guanminjia Shang, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle, (2018)"Rural education across China’s 40 years of reform: past successes and future challenges", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 1, pp.93-118

  • Purpose

The purpose of this paper is to describe the policy and trends in rural education in China over the past 40 years; and also discuss a number of challenges that are faced by China’s rural school system.

  • Design/methodology/approach

The authors use secondary data on policies and trends over the past 40 years for preschool, primary/junior high school, and high school.

  • Findings

The trends over the past 40 years in all areas of rural schooling have been continually upward and strong. While only a low share of rural children attended preschool in the 1980s, by 2014 more than 90 percent of rural children were attending. The biggest achievement in compulsory education is that the rise in the number of primary students that finish grade 6 and matriculate to junior high school. There also was a steep rise of those going to and completing high school. While the successes in upscaling rural education are absolutely unprecedented, there are still challenges.

  • Research limitations/implications

This is descriptive analysis and there is not causal link established between policies and rural schooling outcomes.

  • Practical implications

The authors illustrate one of the most rapid rises of rural education in history and match the achievements up with the policy efforts of the government. The authors also explore policy priorities that will be needed in the coming years to raise the quality of schooling.

  • Originality/value

This is the first paper that documents both the policies and the empirical trends of the success that China has created in building rural education from preschool to high school during the first 40 years of reform (1978-2018). The paper also documents – drawing on the literature and the own research – the achievements and challenges that China still face in the coming years, including issues of gender, urbanization, early childhood education and health and nutrition of students.

Linxiu Zhang, Yongqing Dong, Chengfang Liu, Yunli Bai, (2018) "Off-farm employment over the past four decades in rural China", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 2, pp.190-214

  • Purpose

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the trend of off-farm employment in rural China over the past four decades since the reform and opening-up.

  • Design/methodology/approach

Using two sets of panel survey data, the China National Rural Survey conducted in 2000 and 2008, and the China Rural Development Survey conducted in 2005, 2008, 2012 and 2016, this study offers a re-visit of China’s off-farm employment to give us the latest information about its evolution and whether rural labor markets have developed in a way that will allow them to facilitate the transformation of China’s economy more effectively. The evolution of off-farm employment is further examined through decomposition of types, destinations, industries, and population sub-groups as well as the change in the wage rate.

  • Findings

The data show the rapid increase in rural labor activities over the whole study period. Most notably, the authors findnd that a rapid rise in off-farm employment has continued even until after 2008 and into the mid-2010s, which is a time when some feared that macroeconomic conditions might keep rural residents on the farm or drive them back to the farm. In the disaggregation of labor market trends, the authors show that labor markets are acting consistently with an economy that is in transition from being dominated by agriculture to being dominated by other forms of production and with a population that is consistently becoming more urban.

  • Originality/value

The authors believe that the results will contribute positively to the exploration of answers to the question whether or not rural labor markets have developed in a way that will allow them to facilitate the transformation of China’s economy more effectively over the last four decades.

Shenggen Fan, Emily EunYoung Cho, Christopher Rue, (2018) "Returns to public agricultural and rural investments in China", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 2, pp.215-223

  • Purpose

The purpose of this paper is to review China’s past returns in a period over the last 40 years to public agricultural and rural investments to highlight the importance for future strategic investments in China’s agri-food system and in rural areas.

  • Design/methodology/approach

The paper synthesizes research findings from previous studies and reviews more recent trends. Based on the main findings, the authors provide forward-looking guidance for China’s investments agriculture and rural areas in the context of emerging global and domestic trends in agriculture, food security, and nutrition.

  • Findings

Public investments in the agricultural research and development (R&D), rural education, and rural infrastructure have been shown to have significant positive returns to agricultural growth as well as to reductions in poverty and regional inequality. Returns to overall agricultural GDP were highest for agricultural R&D, followed by education, roads, and telephones. Investment in education had the greatest returns to poverty reduction, as well as to nonfarm GDP and overall rural GDP. Investment in agricultural R&D had the second greatest returns in term of poverty reduction, and was also a close second in returns to nonfarm GDP and overall rural GDP following education. The rural infrastructure spending also saw significant returns to poverty reduction, largely through growth in agricultural and nonagricultural sectors. Investments in agriculture and rural areas will continue to be important, as China and the world face emerging challenges amidst a changing global landscape, particularly regarding climate change, rapid urbanization, nutritional imbalances, and food safety concerns. In addressing these emerging challenges, continued support for agricultural R&D and innovations can play a key role.

  • Originality/value

The paper highlights research findings on key investment areas that will be increasingly important for China’s agri-food system, and provides guidance in the context of emerging trends impacting food security and nutrition.

Ling-Yun He, Bingdong Hou, Hua Liao, (2018) "Rural energy policy in China: Achievements, challenges and ways forward during the 40-year rural reform", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 2, pp.224-240

  • Purpose

Rural energy policy is a critical measure to fight the long-standing poverty issue in China. Energy poverty, per se, is one important yet too often neglected dimension of poverty, and one of the biggest challenges in rural China during the 40-year rural reform. Reducing energy poverty is one of the poverty alleviation tasks and the goals of energy transition in the rural areas. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the status of energy poverty in China, discussing the challenges of energy poverty reduction, and then proposing the potential measures.

  • Design/methodology/approach

Using various data (including the authors’ survey data), this paper analyzes the volume and structure of energy use, and affordability of energy for the rural households, then examines the impacts of energy poverty on health, social and productivity, and finally discusses the infrastructure, cognitive ability, culture, income, etc., that shape the challenges to energy poverty reduction.

  • Findings

In addition to raising the household income, it is urgently needed to enforce the collaborations among government departments, and to improve the energy infrastructure according to local conditions, helping the residential environment cognition.

  • Originality/value

Energy poverty is almost a too often neglected issue in rural China. Few in existing literature comprehensively investigate this critically important social economic problem. This paper contributes to the profound understanding in energy poverty and the possible approaches to alleviate it.

Yansui Liu, Yuanzhi Guo, Yang Zhou, (2018) "Poverty alleviation in rural China: policy changes, future challenges and policy implications", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 2, pp.241-259

  • Purpose

Poverty alleviation is a global challenge. Human society has never ceased to fight against poverty. China was once the developing country with the largest rural poor population in the world. Remarkable achievements have been made in China’s antipoverty program over the past decades, shaping a unique poverty reduction strategy with Chinese characteristics. The purpose of this paper is to first review the history of China’s rural reform and antipoverty, and then analyze the related policy systems, mechanism innovations and future challenges in poverty alleviation and development. At last, some specific policy implications were provided.

  • Design/methodology/approach

Literature on China’s antipoverty history was reviewed and mechanism innovations on targeted poverty alleviation strategy were investigated.

  • Findings

Along with the deepening of the rural reform, the poverty alleviation and development in new China have undergone six stages, and experienced a transformation from relief-oriented to development-oriented poverty alleviation. The object of poverty alleviation has gradually targeted with a transformation from poor counties/areas to villages/households, and the effectiveness of poverty alleviation is also gradually improved. However, the increase in the difficulty of antipoverty, fragile ecological environment, rapid population aging and rural decline poses challenges to the construction of a well-off society in an all-round way in China. Specific antipoverty measures were put forward based on the investigation. Finally, the authors emphasize the importance of strengthening the study of poverty geography.

  • Originality/value

This study investigates the history of China’s antipoverty policy and analyzes the future challenges for implementing targeted poverty alleviation policy. These findings will lay a foundation for the formulation of China’s antipoverty policies after 2020, and provide experience for poverty alleviation in other developing countries around the world.

Zhenghe Zhang, Yawen Lu, (2018) "China’s urban-rural relationship: evolution and prospects", China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 10 Issue: 2, pp.260-276

  • Purpose

In the 69 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially the 40 years since the reform and opening-up, the relationship between urban and rural areas has undergone profound change. When the deepening reform of the urban-rural relationship is entering a critical period, it is necessary to reassess the evolution of the urban-rural relationship in China and draw a picture for that relationship in the future. The paper aims to discuss these issues.

  • Design/methodology/approach

This paper combs the policies on the urban and rural development since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and analyzes macro data on the industries, population, personal income, and other aspects.

  • Findings

The study found that this urbanism affects individuals’ lives and the choices of society through the will of the state, and then provides feedback at the whole level of social values.

  • Originality/value

This paper divides the evolution of China’s urban-rural relationship into two major stages – nurturing cities with rural areas and leading rural areas with cities, which are then subdivided into five periods. The features of the relationship between the urban and rural areas in different periods are analyzed, and the future development of urban-rural relations is also considered.




