

三农学术 2022-12-31

Key findings

  • Across 101 countries, 1.3 billion people—23.1 percent—are multidimensionally poor.

  • Two-thirds of multidimensionally poor people live in middle-income countries.

  • There is massive variation in multidimensional poverty within countries. For example, Uganda’s national multidimensional poverty rate (55.1 percent) is similar to the Sub-Saharan Africa average (57.5 percent), but the incidence of multidimensional poverty in Uganda’s provinces ranges from 6.0 percent to 96.3 percent, a range similar to that of national multidimensional poverty rates in Sub-Saharan Africa (6.3–91.9 percent).

  • Half of the 1.3 billion multidimensionally poor people are children under age 18. A third are children under age 10.

  • This year’s spotlight on child poverty in South Asia reveals considerable diversity. While 10.7 percent of South Asian girls are out of school and live in a multidimensionally poor household, that average hides variation: in Afghanistan 44.0 percent do.

  • In South Asia 22.7 percent of children under age 5 experience intrahousehold inequality in deprivation in nutrition (where at least one child in the household is malnourished and at least one child in the household is not). In Pakistan over a third of children under age 5 experience such intrahousehold inequality.

  • Of 10 selected countries for which changes over time were analysed, India and Cambodia reduced their MPI values the fastest—and they did not leave the poorest groups behind.

  • There is wide variation across countries in inequality among multidimensionally poor people—that is, in the intensity of poverty experienced by each poor person. For example, Egypt and Paraguay have similar MPI values, but inequality among multidimensionally poor people is considerably higher in Paraguay.

  • There is little or no association between economic inequality (measured using the Gini coefficient) and the MPI value.

  • In the 10 selected countries for which changes over time were analysed, deprivations declined faster among the poorest 40 percent of the population than among the total population.







部分地区的Stata do files:






  1. 2018全球多维贫困指数 (MPI)发布 (内含MPI介绍视频)

  2. 杨龙  等:农业产业扶贫的多维贫困瞄准研究【转】

  3. 论文故事 | 高明、唐丽霞:《多维贫困的精准识别——基于修正的FGT多维贫困测量方法》的写作历程【转】

  4. 论文故事 | 袁航:《中国农户贫困陷阱:争议与解答——基于 2004-2012农村固定观察点数据的分析》的心路历程【转】

  5. 毕洁颖 陈志钢 :国际贫困瞄准的经验及对中国的启示【转】

  6. 贫困测量:重要英文文献汇总

  7. 扶贫日 | 2018年世行贫困报告:Piecing Together the Poverty Puzzle

  8. 免费下载 | 中国农村贫困监测报告2018【转】

  9. 史清华 等:贫困问题的研究进展及未来方向(上)+(下)【转】

  10. 经济增长与贫困:重要英文文献39篇

