
CER | 赵启然 王晓兵 罗斯高:更好的认知,更好的学校表现? 来自中国小学的证据【转】

赵启然 等 三农学术 2022-12-31

Zhao Qiran, Wang Xiaobing, Rozelle Scott. Better cognition, better school performance? Evidencefrom primary schools in China[J]. China Economic Review, 2019, 55:199–217.


尽管中国农村和流动学校的学生通常表现不佳,但每个队列中的一部分人都能在学校里成长并考入高中和大学。为了理解持久性的起源,特别是为什么有些学生比其他人学得更多,研究人员确定了问题的某些根源。然而,很少有研究关注学生的认知发展水平低在其学习成绩中所起的作用。为了解决这一差距,本研究着重于认知可能在农村学生的学术成就方面发挥的作用。我们使用瑞文标准推理测验(Raven Standard Progressive Matrices test)分析了来自北京和苏州的民办流动学校的10,000多名小学生以及河南和安徽的公立农村学校的10,000多名小学生的数据。我们的研究结果表明,发育迟缓的发生率很高(大约33%的学生的Ravens得分低于国际平均水平的一个标准差以下)。此外,研究的所有亚组中的延误率很高,包括在城市上学的农民工和在农村地区上学并在农村公立学校就读的农村儿童。结果还表明,学生的认知与他们的教育表现高度相关,实际上,到目前为止,这是他们学习成绩中最重要的因素。


Although students in rural and migrant schools in China generally have not performed well, a share of each cohort has been able to thrive in school and to test into academic high school and college. To understand the origins of persistence, specifically, why some students learn more than do others, researchers have identified certain sources of the problem. Few studies, however, have paid attention to the role that low levels of cognitive development of students play in their academic performance. To address this gap, this study focuses on the role that cognition may play in terms of the academic achievement of rural students. We analyze data from more than 10,000 primary school students from private migrant schools in Beijing and Suzhou and from public rural schools in Henan and Anhui, using the Raven Standard Progressive Matrices test. Our results show high rates of developmental delay (about 33% of the students have Ravens scores that are less than one standard deviation lower than an international mean). Further, the rates of delay are large among all subgroups in the study, including rural children who attend migrant schools in cities and those who live in rural areas and attend rural public schools. The results also suggest that the cognition of students is highly correlated with their educational performance and, in fact, is by far the most important factor in their academic achievement.




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