第10届亚洲农经会议(ASAE 2020)推迟、继续接受投稿【转】
Announcement for ASAE 2020 Conference in Beijing
Dear ASAE Members, Friends and ASAE 2020 Conference Participants,
Thank you for your support for the ASAE2020 Beijing Conference. Being aware of the uncertainties caused by the corvid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic globally, the ASAE 2020 Conference LocalOrganizing Committee has decided to postpone 2020 ASAE International Conference (originally scheduled on August 10-12, 2020) till the late 2020 or the early 2021. Over time, we will continue to accept the abstract submission and online registration.
We will keep eyes on the virus issue and keep you informed of the situation via www.asae2020.pku.edu.cn or through emails. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at asae2020@pku.edu.cn or (+86) 10 62767327.
Jikun Huang
ASAE President
以上内容转自ASAE 2020 邮件