
JIA 征文: Impact of COVID-19 on Agriculture & Farmers【转】

JIA 三农学术 2022-12-31



JIA Call for Papers

Special Focus: Impact of COVID-19 on Agriculture and Farmers

Recently, while the spread of the novel coronavirus or COVID-19 in China has been effectively controlled, new infection cases continue rising in the rest of world. As the epidemic continues to spread globally, more and more countries have to adopt drastic measures to protect people from COVID-19 and control the spread. While these emergency measures are necessary, they could potentially lead to supply chain disruptions and a negative impact on economy as well as in agriculture. We have to be aware of the challenge and concerns brought by this new coronavirus to our agriculture system and farmers, and thus to take positive actions to ensure a quick recovery of agricultural and rural economy.

In response, the Journal of Integrative Agriculture (JIA) is organizing a special focus entitled “Impact of COVID-19 on Agriculture and Farmers” to have better understandings of these issues. Sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and published by Elsevier, JIA provides an active and comprehensive forum for agricultural scientists to disseminate their newest scientific discoveries. JIA is a fully OA journal on ScienceDirect and the current impact factor is 1.337.


This call includes (but are not limited to) the following topics from China and the rest of world:

Impacts on agricultural production

Impacts on agricultural markets and international trade

Impacts on farmer livelihoods, income and rural poverty

Impacts on consumer behavior and food consumption

Lessons on responding strategies and policies in agriculture and rural areas

Submission Guidelines

The special focus will be organized by Executive Editor-in-Chief HUANG Ji-kun, Peking University. For further questions, please contact Managing Editor WENG Ling-yun, Tel: +86-10-82106280, E-mail: wenglingyun@caas.cn.

For those who are interested in contributing, please submit a title and detailed abstract (including the research objective, data and methods, main results and conclusions; in English or Chinese) by April 5, 2020, to Prof. HUANG Ji-kun (jkhuang.ccap@pku.edu.cn) andManaging Editor WENG Ling-yun (wenglingyun@caas.cn) .

All full papers should be submitted and presented in English.

All papers must be submitted online (http://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/asic), and should include the key words “Impact of COVID-19 on Agriculture and Farmers” after the title to distinguish themselves from other articles. The format of manuscript and the information about JIA could be found in:

This special focus will strictly follow the editorial policy of JIA. All manuscripts must be passed by rigorous peer-review process.

Important Dates

Submission (Title and Abstract) Deadline: April 5, 2020

Submission (Full paper in English) Deadline: May 15, 2020


JIA 农经栏目合辑

Journal of Integrative Agriculture (《农业科学学报》,JIA) 是中国农业科学院与中国农学会联合主办、农业信息研究所承办的英文学术期刊。创刊于2002年,主编为中国农业科学院副院长万建民院士。2018年SCI影响因子1.337,位于科睿唯安JCR农业综合学科Q2区(18/56)。目前为月刊,全年12期,同时在Elsevier-ScienceDirect (SD)平台全刊OA出版。专注刊登作物学、园艺、植物保护、动物科学、动物医学、资源环境、食品科学、农业经济与管理等国际农业科学前沿热点领域的综述、研究论文、简报以及评述等。






① 各地邮局订阅:邮发代号2-851;

② 编辑部期刊发行部:联系电话 010-82106247;

③ 网上购买:搜淘宝店、微店店铺名称:中科期刊(订阅及销售过刊);或扫描下方二维码:







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