
The Chinese Economy 专辑征文 | 食品与卫生经济学特刊:流行病,风险,行为和政策【转】

三农学术 2022-12-31

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Chinese Economy

Special Issue on Food and Health Economics: Epidemics, Risk, Behavior and Policy

Special IssueGuest Editors

Holly Wang, Purdue University,

Yu Yvette Zhang, Texas A&M University

Qiujie Angie Zheng, University of Alaska Anchorage

Huashu Wang, Guizhou University


Food and health have always been important issues for the Chinese economy. The recent coronavirus outbreak has become a global concern and has potential impacts on food supply and consumption, agriculture and trade, and public health. The issues of risk, food safety and security, nutrition and health, consumer behavior, and food policy, all relevant to the broadly defined food and health economics, are imperative in the response to this global health emergency. We welcome original research on all contemporary economic issues in China and the global economy related to these topics.




1. All submissions will be handled by email. Those interested in submitting their work to this special issue should e-mail their papers in pdf files to ce2020cfp@126.com.

2. Manuscripts should be written in English and should contain original materials that have not been previously published or submitted elsewhere. They shall not be submitted elsewhere unless it has been withdrawn by authors or rejected by editors.

3. Manuscripts should be double-spaced. All submitted papers will go through a standard double-blind review process. Please include a separate title page file with the title, names of the authors, their affiliations, and contact author's email, and be sure not to reveal author information in the manuscript file.

4. Final editorial decisions shall be sent to authors within three months, and authors of accepted papers will be required to follow the formatting instructions and complete a “Consent to Publish” form.

5. There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges in general.

6. Submission deadline is June 1, 2020. Please e-mail all queries to ce2020cfp@126.com.


The bimonthly journal, the Chinese Economy, published by Taylor and Francis https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/mces20/current,offers an objective and analytical account of economic issues concerning China. It features research papers by scholars from around the world. The journal aims to provide expert insight on China's economic development and directions for future research and policy analysis. The articles in this journal are abstracted/indexed in EBSCO, Scopus, Econlit, ProQuest, Thomson Reuters’ ESCI and Web of Science and many other.



  1. CAER征稿:新型冠状病毒性肺炎(NCP)紧急情况下的农业与粮食安全【转】

  2. 陈志钢 等:防范新冠肺炎疫情对中国食物和营养安全的冲击【转】

  3. 《管理世界》关于公开征集“新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情影响与防控”相关论文的启事【转】

  4. 《贵州社会科学》“抗击新型肺炎,国家治理能力现代化视野下公共安全与应急管理机制研究”主题征文通知【转】

  5. 征文通知 |《经济评论》审稿快线(第3期)“公共健康、医疗改革与国家治理现代化”

  6. 重磅征文 | 关于“国家治理现代化视野下的抗击新型肺炎研究”主题联合征文的通知

  7. 《妇女研究论丛》| “重大突发疫情防治中的性别视角”征稿启事【转】

