
CWE | 李梦华 周昀 史新杰:谁来照顾中国农村的中老年父母?

王煜正 三农学术 2022-12-31



Menghua Li, Yun Zhou. and Xinjie Shi. (2021), Who Will Care for Middle Aged and Elderly Parents in Rural China?. China & World Economy, 29(2): 123-150. 



作者:Menghua Li, Yun Zhou, Xinjie Shi



Using data from the 2015 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, this paper analyzes how the health of parents is causally linked to the gender of their children. We find that, compared with parents with no daughters, those with one daughter are healthier by 0.155 more activities of daily living. This effect is mainly channeled through the provision of emotional comfort and financial support, and not through living with parents. We also confirm that daughters are an important source of financial and emotional support for elderly parents, regardless of whether the parents have pension insurance. This study has important policy implications for China as it focuses on the support from daughters, who historically have not been considered to be as reliable as sons in supporting their parents.



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  3. 赵启然  于晓华:中国农村的父母营养知识、铁缺乏症和儿童贫血【转】

  4. Demography | 岳爱 等:中国农村父母外出与子女早期发展【转】

  5. [重磅推荐-2016年人口经济学杂志Kuznets Prize获奖论文] Loren Brandt等:对父母不平均教育投资的补偿

