预告 | 科学小组主席Joachim von Braun:联合国食物系统峰会相关的科学议题【转】
*本文转自公众号“全球食物经济与政策研究院”,原标题“预告 | Joachim von Braun:联合国食物系统峰会相关的科学议题”
2021年,联合国秘书长António Guterres将召开食物系统峰会作为2030年实现可持续发展目标十年行动的一部分。峰会将采取大胆创新的行动以在所有17项可持续发展目标上取得进展,每项目标在一定程度上都依赖于更健康、可持续和公平的食物系统。
峰会致力于通过邀请全球各地的参与者分享各自的经验与研究成果,为食物系统转型提供最新的基于实证的科学方法。峰会的科学小组由来自世界各地的顶尖科学家和研究人员组成。这个独立的小组是峰会构成的关键。他们将通报峰会的成果,并阐明峰会追求的目标和承诺。这个独立的科学小组由Joachim von Braun担任主席。
在本次研讨会中,Joachimvon Braun教授将会介绍小组的工作,最新的进展,峰会的主要问题和相关建议,以及接下来的行动。
Joachim von Braun教授是波恩大学发展研究中心(ZEF)主任,也是该研究所的经济和技术变革教授。他的研究重点是经济发展、科技政策、减贫、粮食和营养安全、资源经济和贸易。Joachim von Braun教授也是梵蒂冈教皇科学院院长,德国国家科学院院士,北莱茵-威斯特伐利亚艺术与科学院院士,非洲科学院院士和美国科学促进协会成员,中国农业大学全球食物经济与政策研究院(AGFEP)学术委员会委员。同时,他还是德国非政府组织Welthungerhilfe副主席。此前,他曾担任国际粮食政策研究(IFPRI)所长,国际农业经济学家协会(IAAE)主席,获得了众多奖项。
更多关于联合国食物系统峰会科学小组的信息,请点击链接https://sc-fss2021.org/时间:2021年6月2日 14:00-15:30(北京时间)
In 2021, UN Secretary-General António Guterres will convene a Food Systems Summit as part of the Decade of Action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The Summit will launch bold new actions to deliver progress on all 17 SDGs, each of which relies to some degree on healthier, more sustainable and equitable food systems.
The Summit is committed to delivering the latest evidence-based and scientific approaches to food systems transformation by inviting a diverse range of input from actors everywhere. The Summit’s Scientific Group, an independent group of leading researchers and scientists from around the world, is key to the Summit’s structure. They will inform the Summit’s recommended outcomes and clarify the level of ambition and commitments that emerge from the Summit process. The Scientific Group is chaired by Joachim von Braun.
During the Seminar, Professor von Braun will introduce the Group’s work, its latest progress, key issues and recommendations for the Summit and its follow up actions.
Professor Joachim von Braun (Germany) is the Director of the Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn University, and Professor for economic and technological change at the same institution. His research focuses on economic development, science and technology policy, poverty reduction, food and nutrition security, resource economics and trade. Professor Joachim von Braun is President of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences of the Vatican; member of the German National Academy of Science – Leopoldina, the Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech), the Academy of Arts and Science North Rhine-Westphalia, a fellow of the African Academy of Science and of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences. He is Vice President of the German NGO “Welthungerhilfe”. Previously, he was Director-General of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). He was elected as president of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), received honorary degrees and several other awards.
Website with all information on Scientific Group is at. https://sc-fss2021.org/
Time: 2:00 pm(Beijing, GMT+8), June 2nd, 2021
ZOOM link:
1. 陈锡文开讲 | AGFEP农食系统转型系列讲座第1期顺利举行
2.【AGFEP专家观点】 Uma Lele :中国在应对水资源短缺上领先印度
3.Uma Lele博士做客AGFEP农食系统转型系列讲座第2期