

三农学术 2023-10-24



Mingxing Sun, Guangwu Chen, Xiangbo Xu, Linxiu Zhang,Klaus Hubacek, Yutao Wang. Reducing Carbon Footprint Inequality of HouseholdConsumption in Rural Areas: Analysis from Five Representative Provinces inChina. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.1c01374.


家庭消费碳足迹和减少不平等对于可持续社会至关重要,尤其是对农村地区而言。本研究以中国农村这个增长最快、人口众多的经济体为重点,利用 2018 年最新的微观家庭调查数据与环境扩展投入产出分析相关联,探讨了碳足迹和家庭消费的不平等。结果显示,2018年中国农村家庭人均碳足迹为2.46吨二氧化碳当量,约为中国人均碳足迹的三分之一,进一步增长潜力巨大住房 (45.32%)、交通 (20.45%) 和食品 (19.62%) 是碳足迹的主要贡献者。同时,观察到农村家庭之间存在很大的不平等,基尼系数为 0.488,这主要是由于建造或购买的房屋类型(解释了 24.44% 的变化)、供暖(18.10%)、汽车购买(12.44 %) 和汽油消耗 (12.44%)。省份、平均受教育程度和非农收入是影响不平等的重要因素。在城市化和乡村振兴的过程中,家庭碳足迹极有可能继续增加,保持高度的不平等。目前中国农村向碳密集度较低的燃料过渡的能源转型可能会抑制碳足迹的增长率,并有可能减少不平等降低碳强度可以显着减少碳足迹,但会增加不平等。需要采取更全面的措施来减少碳足迹和不平等,包括向清洁能源过渡、扶贫、减少收入不平等和更好的医疗保健覆盖面。


Household consumption carbon footprint and inequality reductions are vital for a sustainable society, especially for rural areas. This study, focusing on rural China, one of the fastest growing economies with a massive population, explored the carbon footprint and inequality of household consumption using the latest micro household survey data of 2018 linked to environmental extended input–-output analysis. The results show that in 2018 in rural China, the average household carbon footprint is 2.46 tons CO2-eq per capita, which is around one-third of China’s average footprint, indicating the large potential for further growth. Housing (45.32%), transportation (20.45%), and food (19.62%) are the dominant contributors to the carbon footprint. Meanwhile, great inequality, with a Gini coefficient of 0.488, among rural households is observed, which is largely due to differences in type of house built or purchased (explaining 24.44% of the variation), heating (18.10%), car purchase (12.44%), and petrol consumption (12.44%). Provinces, average education, and nonfarm income are among the important factors influencing the inequality. In the process of urbanization and rural revitalization, there is a high possibility that the household carbon footprint continues to increase, maintaining high levels of inequality. The current energy transition toward less carbon-intensive fuels in rural China is likely to dampen the growth rates of carbon footprints and potentially decrease inequality. Carbon intensity decrease could significantly reduce carbon footprints, but increase inequality. More comprehensive measures to reduce carbon footprint and inequality are needed, including transitioning to clean energy, poverty alleviation, reduction of income inequality, and better health care coverage.





  1. 关于举办“碳达峰、碳中和与国土空间治理”研讨会暨2021年中国土地经济学年会、2021年江苏科技论坛分论坛的通知【转】

  2. 【观点】何可  张俊飚||实现“双碳”目标需将农业纳入碳交易市场

  3. Nature Food | 优化中国玉米和大豆生产可同时降低氮碳足迹和提高自给能力

  4. 北京大学侯玲玲与其合作者在《自然-通讯》发表题为“草原生态保护补助奖励政策实施效果”的论文【转】

  5. 邵帅 等:中国农村劳动力转移如何影响环境污染?【转】



