熊涛 张文栋 Chen-Ti Chen | 祸福相倚:中国非洲猪瘟对全球生猪养殖上市公司市场表现的影响
China is the world’s largest hog producer and a leading porkimporter. Since August 2018, ongoing outbreaks of African Swine Fever (ASF), a highlycontagious and deadly disease affecting pigs, have hit China’s livestockindustries and wiped out 40% of China’s pigs. We leverage data on daily stockreturns from 25 major publicly listed firmsfrom China and eight major pork-exporting countries to provide the firstsystematic analysis of the firm-level economic impacts of the outbreaks. Wefind that, on average, announcements of ASF outbreaks have led to positive andsignificant stock returns for both Chinese and international hog firms. China’shog firms, on average, enjoyed 10%–40% cumulative abnormal returns during the2019 Chinese Spring Festival, when investors saw signs of a near-20% inventoryloss during a peak demand season for pork. We show that larger hog firms tendto capture greater positive stock returns. Our results suggest opportunitiesfor consolidation, expansion, and upgrades of China’s meat industry that havelong-run implications for its global competitiveness and efficiency.