《Food Policy》2022年第106卷第1期目录
Viewpoint: The case for a six-dimensional food security framework
Jennifer Clapp, William G.Moseley, Barbara Burlingame, Paola Termine
Viewpoint: An assessment of recent SNAP benefit increases allowing for money and time variability
Wen You, George C. Davis,Jinyang Yang
Research Articles
Are small farms really more productive than large farms?
Fernando M. Aragón, Diego Restuccia, Juan Pablo Rud
Behind the veil: Social desirability bias and animal welfare ballot initiatives
Yufeng Lai, Albert Boaitey, Kota Minegishi
Time use and eating patterns of SNAP participants over the benefit month
Ji Yong Lee, Rodolfo M.Nayga Jr, Young Jo, Brandon J. Restrepo
Pesticide-free but not organic: Adoption of a large-scale wheat production standard in Switzerland
Niklas Möhring, Robert Finger
Industry levy versus banning promotion on soft drinks in Scotland: A distributional analysis
Wisdom Dogbe, Cesar Revoredo-Giha
Green identity labeling, environmental information, and pro-environmental food choices
Wen Lin, Rodolfo M. Nayga
Mediation analysis of the impact of the Zimbabwe Harmonized Social Cash Transfer Programme on food security and nutrition
Noemi Pace, AshwiniSebastian, Silvio Daidone, Ervin Prifti, Benjamin Davis
The impact of policy design on payment concentration in Ad-hoc disaster Relief: Lessons from the Market Facilitation and Coronavirus food Assistance programs
Eric J. Belasco, Vincent Smith
Information effects on consumer preferences for alternative animal feedstuffs
Brianne A. Altmann, Sven Anders, Antje Risius, Daniel Mörlein
Associations of a national tax on non-essential high calorie foods with changes in consumer prices
Tadeja Gračner, Kandice A.Kapinos, Paul J. Gertler
An inquiry into the process of upgrading rice milling services: The case of the Mwea IrrigationScheme in Kenya
Yukichi Mano, Timothy Njagi, Keijiro Otsuka
Demand elasticities for fresh meat and welfare effects of meat taxes in Germany
Jutta Roosen, Matthias Staudigel, Sebastian Rahbauer
Trade impact of maximum residue limits in fresh fruits and vegetables
Mina Hejazi, Jason H.Grant, Everett Peterson