《Agricultural Economics》2022年第53卷第1期目录
Preferences for tree fruit market attributes among smallholder farmers in Eastern Rwanda
Hanna Ihli, Ronja Seegers,Etti Winter, Brian Chiputwa, Anja Gassner
Do private consultants promote savings and investments in rural Mozambique?
Paul Christian, Steven Glover, Florence Kondylis, Valerie Mueller, Matteo Ruzzante, Astrid Zwager
Measuring the impact of climate change on agriculture in Vietnam: A panel Ricardian analysis
Chau Trinh Nguyen, Frank Scrimgeour
Land certification, rental market participation, and household welfare in rural China
Licheng Xu, Xiaodong Du
A local general‐equilibrium emergency response modeling approach for sub‐Saharan Africa
Mateusz Filipski, Anubhab Gupta, Justin Kagin, Arif Husain, Alejandro Grinspun, Oscar Maria Caccavale,Silvio Daidone, Valerio Giuffrida, Friederike Greb, Joseph Hooker, SusannaSandström, Julian Fletcher-Taylor, J. Edward Taylor
Evaluating the impact of preferential trade agreement on fishery imports: An application of difference‐in‐differences with matching method
Pei-Yu Chi, Ting-Yu Chang,Kuo-I Chang
EU milk quota abolition, dairy expansion, and greenhouse gas emissions
Doris Läpple, Colin A.Carter, Cathal Buckley
To batch or not to batch? The release of USDA crop reports
Joshua Huang, Teresa Serra, Philip Garcia, Scott H. Irwin
Bargaining power and risk from substitutability between products attributes the case of specialty eggs in Canada
Baoubadi Atozou, Lota D.Tamini, Maurice Doyon
Marketing contract choices in agriculture: The role of price expectation and price risk management
Aymeric Ricome, Arnaud Reynaud