
JRS | 任彦军 等:超市环境与营养结果——来自中国农村的证据

三农学术 2023-10-24



Yanjun Ren, Jiajia Zhao, Thomas Glauben,Bente Castro Campos. 2022. “Supermarket Environment and Nutrition Outcomes: Evidence from Rural China”. Journal of Rural Studies, 92: 79-92.






全球范围内,超市环境在膳食与公共健康转型中扮演着日益重要的角色。基于中国健康与营养调查(CHNS2004-2011年针对农村地区的面板数据,本研究重点考察社区超市环境对个体营养健康的影响以及该影响的潜在作用机制。通过运用多项式LogitPseudo-fixed-effectsControl Function相结合的方法处理个体异质性以及社区超市环境在营养结果中的内生性问题。估计结果显示,超市可得性(supermarket availability)与可及性(supermarket accessibility)对个体营养结果指标无显著影响,但超市健康食物(水果和蔬菜)多样性(food variety)能够显著降低个体营养不良、超重和肥胖的发生率。该结果在解决了超市的内生性问题后依然稳健。为了进一步剖析超市健康食物多样性对个体营养结果的影响机制,本研究分别采用个体食物消费的卡路里摄入与健康饮食指数(CHEI)作为营养摄入与膳食质量的代理变量。分析结果表明,超市健康食物多样性降低了个体总卡路里摄入,同时显著促进了膳食质量的提高。因此,本文指出在改善中国农村地区营养健康的政策设计中,应该更多地关注消费者的食物选择,特别是通过提高社区超市健康食物的多样性。


Globally, the supermarket environment is playing an increasingly important role in dietary and public health transformation. This study highlights the nutrition effect of the supermarket environment and sheds light on the potential mechanisms through which this environment impacts nutrition outcomes. The data used in this study are longitudinal data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) for the period from 2004 to 2011 considering rural China. To account for individual heterogeneity and the endogeneity of the supermarket environment in panel estimation, a pseudo-fixed-effects estimator combined with a control function is applied within a multinomial logit model. Our panel estimations suggest that there are no significant effects of supermarket availability and accessibility on nutrition outcomes, while food variety (fruits and vegetables) indicates a significantly negative effect on being underweight, overweight, and obese. The results are largely consistent when the control function is used to address the endogeneity of the supermarket environment. To further clarify the mechanisms through which food variety influences nutrition outcomes, calorie intakes and the Chinese Healthy Eating Index (CHEI) are used to measure nutritional intakes and dietary quality, respectively. Our findings demonstrate that food variety in supermarkets shows a significantly negative effect on calorie intakes but a significantly positive effect on the CHEI. Policies targeted at efficiently improving nutrition-related health in rural China might, thus, focus on improving consumers’ food choices, through more food variety in supermarkets.



  1. 《Journal of Rural Studies》2022年第91卷目录及摘要

  2. 李会  王晓兵  任彦军:中介效应机制分析的比较研究——来自农民收入与健康的证据【转】

  3. Jill McCluskey:营养获取、收入和种族【转】

  4. 王晶晶  丁心悦  高海秀  樊胜根:调整食物政策与管理措施以激励并赋权弱势群体改善营养

  5. 《Food Policy》2022年第108卷目录及摘要

