
期刊荟萃|Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

2017-10-22 蒋莉 慧天地



※ Introduction

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems is an interdisciplinary journal publishing cutting-edge and innovative computer-based research on urban systems, systems of cities, and built and natural environments , that privileges the geospatial perspective. The journal provides a stimulating presentation of perspectives, research developments, overviews of important new technologies and uses of major computational, information-based, and visualization innovations. Applied and theoretical contributions demonstrate the scope of computer-based analysis fostering a better understanding of urban systems, the synergistic relationships between built and natural environments, their spatial scope and their dynamics.

Application areas include infrastructure and facilities management, physical planning and urban design, land use and transportation, business and service planning, coupled human and natural systems, urban planning, socio-economic development, emergency response and hazards, and land and resource management. Examples of methodological approaches include decision support systems, geocomputation, spatial statistical analysis, complex systems and artificial intelligence, visual analytics and geovisualization, ubiquitous computing, and space-time simulation.


Urban and regional planners and policy analysts, environmental planners, economic geographers, geospatial information scientists and technologists, regional scientists and policy makers, architectural designers.

※ Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: J.C. Thill, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA Email J.C. Thill

Associate Editors:

Y. Liu : Peking University, Beijing, China Email Y. Liu

I. Benenson : Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Email I. Benenson

C Pettit: UNSW Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Email C Pettit

S. Dragicevic: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada Email S. Dragicevic

※ Journal Metrics

Ø CiteScore: 3.39

(citescore measures the average citations received per document published in this title)

Ø Impact Factor: 2.659

(The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years)

Ø 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.920

(To calculate the five year Impact Factor, citations are counted in 2016 to the previous five years and divided by the source items published in the previous five years)

Ø Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.939

(SNIP measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject filed)

Ø SCImago Journal Rank (SJR):1.140

(SJR is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same)





期刊荟萃 | Cartography and Geographic Information Science



期刊荟萃|International Journal of Geographical Information Science

期刊荟萃|Remote Sensing of Environment


编辑 / 刘雪    审核 / 付航    荐稿 / 闻小玖 


