
期刊荟萃|Coastal Management

蒋莉 慧天地 2021-09-20



Coastal Management

Aims & Scope

Coastal Management is a peer-reviewed, applied research journal dedicated to exploring the technical, applied ecological, legal, political, social, and policy issues relating to the use of coastal and ocean resources and environments on a global scale. The journal presents timely information on management tools and techniques as well as recent findings from research and analysis that bear directly on management and policy. Findings must be grounded in the current peer reviewed literature and relevant studies. Articles must contain a clear and relevant management component. Preference is given to studies of interest to an international readership, but case studies are accepted if conclusions are derived from acceptable evaluative methods, reference to comparable cases, and related to peer reviewed studies.

Journal information

  • 6 issues per year

  • Print ISSN: 0892-0753

  • Online ISSN: 1521-0421

  • Publication: Coastal Management (1987 - current)

  • EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Patrick Christie

  • School of Marine and Environmental Affairs

  • Jackson School of International Studies

  • University of Washington

  • 3707 Brooklyn Ave. NE

  • Seattle, WA 98105-6715 USA

  • Phone: (206) 543-7004, Fax: (206) 685-2518

  • E-mail: coastjnl@u.washington.edu

  • 2017 Impact Factor: 0.973

Latest Articles

  • Factors Affecting Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Using the Community Capitals Framework

  • Ground-truthing social vulnerability indices of Alaska fishing communities

  • Sea Use Fees in China: An Effective Economic Tool for Sea Use Management

  • Salt Marsh Restoration and the Shellfishing Industry: Co-evaluation of Success Components

Most Read Articles

  • Developing Marine Protected Area Networks in the Coral Triangle: Good Practices for Expanding the Coral Triangle Marine Protected Area System

  • Designing Marine Reserves for Fisheries Management, Biodiversity Conservation, and Climate Change Adaptation

  • Indigenous Community Health and Climate Change: Integrating Biophysical and Social Science Indicators

  • Coastal Erosion as a Natural Resource Management Problem: An Economic Perspective

Official Website:




期刊荟萃|Ocean & Coastal Management期刊荟萃|Spatial Cognition and Computation期刊荟萃|GEOSCIENCES JOURNAL期刊荟萃|Marine Geodesy

编辑 / 林摩霄  审核 / 李梦夏 印涌强


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