
高端访谈|小慧对话保加利亚索非亚土木建筑及大地测量大学Temenoujka Bandrova教授

慧天地 2021-09-20


采访整理:慧天地国际站一鸣,新闻来自:海洋与空间信息学院,作者:黄丙湖 何元庆,审核:崔学荣,版权归原作者及刊载媒体所有。

学术报告现场(刘雪 摄影)

11月29日上午,依托科技部2019年度高端外国专家引进计划“海洋综合导航定位理论与方法国际合作研究”项目的支持,保加利亚索非亚土木建筑及大地测量大学(University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia)Teme 教授应邀来中国石油大学(华东)进行学术交流,为海洋与空间信息学院师生做了题为“Cartographic Visualization for Disaster Management Response”的学术报告,并与师生进行了热烈讨论和友好交流。

Teme 教授对地图在灾害管理中的作用进行了介绍,指出以地图的形式,简化和妥善安排所需的空间数据,使决策过程更快更好,将损失降到最低。此外,Teme教授详细介绍了符号系统的制作规范和3D符号、动画符号在灾害管理中的应用,利用传统地图与AR技术相结合,更加清晰形象的对自然灾害进行模拟。

Temenoujka Bandrova 教授是保加利亚制图协会主席,索非亚土木建筑及大地测量大学制图学实验室主任。ICA(2019-)副主席,ICA制图和儿童委员会联合主席(2007 - 2011),理事会财务委员,国际数字电子技术协会青年科学委员会主席,国际制图协会预警和危机管理制图学地图投影委员会成员。

小慧对话保加利亚Temenoujka Bandrova教授


Temenoujka Bandrova教授:地图学在过去五年中开始处理和使用大数据(BD)。基于制图方法,考虑到GIS和Web制图技术的进步,我们进而可以决定BD的哪些部分可以用于现代制图产品和服务。在大数据处理方面,可以考虑地图比例尺、地图综合、符号系统、地图设计、地理定位和地理空间抽象等主题。地理信息系统和web技术的最新发展通过提供更实际和更完整的信息,提高了当代地图的空间和主题准确性,扩大了制图学的范围并赋予了其权力。对于每个制图人员而言,这个话题都是一项充满挑战的工作。


Temenoujka Bandrova教授:在危机管理过程中,首先要问的问题是“在哪里?”例如灾难在哪里?救援队在哪里?危险源在哪里?有危险的人应该被安置在哪里?这时,人们在下意识给出的答案中通常会包含3D的信息,比如“6楼着火了”、“救援队还在山谷里”、“山上的大坝情况危急”。如果这些答案能配上3D地图,则将更具说明性。但是,与2D数据的传输相比,处理与分析3D信息并将其呈现给紧急响应者需要更多的关注。有关此方面的更多信息,请单击此处:


小慧:减灾是一个复杂的过程,利用Digital Earth等强大工具可以改进解决方案,那么Digital Earth在信息管理与空间分析方面的强大优势主要体现在什么地方呢?

Temenoujka Bandrova教授:数字地球(DE)概念于1998年被引入科学社会。15年后,国际数字地球学会(ISDE)总结了发展现状,并试图制定出进一步的发展DE,主要是为了给更多用户带来价值。数字地球代表们也希望以一种更有吸引力的方式推广DE理念。因此,这一概念将被更多的人采用和遵循。改进的方案包括以可持续发展目标任务为基础的新的科研项目,以及由联合国全球地理空间信息管理中心新进建立的数据生态系统而衍生出的解决方案,还有更多的方案是基于地球观测小组和地球生态系统观测小组,哥白尼计划,以及最近的数字“一带一路”倡议。这强调了空间大数据的新趋势,联合国仙台会议的基本议题就是减少灾害风险。《数字地球手册》第15章讨论了信息管理和空间分析的三个方面:创新的数字地球发展、国家和地方灾害风险评估以及使用地图和动态数据带来的好处,并分析了制图对减少灾害风险的贡献。有关此内容的详细信息,请访问:



Temenoujka Bandrova教授:参与预警和危机管理的专家的主要任务之一是帮助减少当地民众的受灾可能性,并提高人民抵御灾害的能力,以应对与各种灾害和相关紧急情况有关的挑战,并帮助他们从灾难中恢复过来。我们特别重视儿童的教育和培训,并利用增强现实(AR)、虚拟现实(VR)和地理信息系统增强他们在紧急情况下的应变能力。我们正致力于建立一个“拯救儿童生命”的教育中心,利用现代数字设备、疏散规划和培训、小型振动台演示,对不同的自然灾害进行说明性模拟,为备灾和减轻风险提供最新的适龄教育材料和录像材料。模拟是现代灾难案例训练不可分割的一部分。这两种类型的模拟,包括2D和3D,都为以空间思维应对类似紧急灾害等场景提供了很好的基础。有关此方面的详细信息,请访问:



Temenoujka Bandrova教授:GIS的应用越来越广泛。因此,每个拥有GIS基础知识的人都可以创建自己的地图。当出版商向社会提供此类网络和纸质地图(在不符合基本制图原则的情况下)时,就会出现一些问题。目前,最受大众欢迎的地图是旅游地图。类似的地图吸引了那些没有相关制图经验和知识的出版商以及“地图制作者”。这常常导致地图产品不准确和对用户的误导。为了区分这些出版商和真正的地图出版商,公司经常使用“高质量地图”等的名称来宣传他们的产品。




Temenoujka Bandrova教授:每一项旨在说明通过集成方法来系统化免费提供的信息,以减轻灾害风险并减少人员伤亡的研究都可以说是非常有潜力的。强大的Web GIS功能,促进地理空间的思考和分析。遥感技术,大数据环境的解决方案,Web和Mobil地图,AR和VR的教育过程都可以成为工具和潜在的研究方向。地理信息系统的知识可以应用于灾害发生之前、期间和之后。该领域最重要的研究方向应当致力于教育、最佳实践和危机管理响应。


Q1: What could be the role of cartography in Big data processing?

Temenoujka Bandrova: Cartography started to deal and use Big Data (BD) in last five years. Based on the cartographical approach, taking into account the advancements in GIS and web mapping technologies we can describe which part of BD can be used for the purposes of modern cartographic products and services. The subjects as map scale, generalization, symbol system, map design, geolocation and geospatial abstractions could be considered in respect to BD handling. Recent development of GIS and web technologies have expanded and empowered cartography through providing actual and more complete information, increasing the spatial and thematic accuracy of the contemporary maps. The topic is a challenge of work for every cartographer.

Q2: Why do you think 3d maps play an important role in disaster management?

Temenoujka Bandrova: The first question to be asked in the course of crisis management is ‘WHERE?’ Where is the disaster? Where are the rescue units? Where are the sources of danger? Where should those in danger be relocated? Without realizing it, people often give a reply that has a 3D component, e.g., ‘The fire is on the 6thfloor’, ‘The rescue units are still down in the valley’, ‘The dam up the hill is in critical condition.’ It would be much more illustrative if these answers could be accompanied by 3D maps. However, processing, analyzing, and presenting 3D information to emergency responders requires much more attention as compared with the transmission of 2D data. More about this topic you can find here:


Q3: Disaster mitigation and DRR are complicated processes, and solutions could be improved by using powerful tools such as Digital Earth. What are the main strengths of Digital Earth in information management and spatial analysis?

Temenoujka Bandrova: Digital Earth (DE) concept was brought to scientific society in 1998. Fifteen years later, the International Society of Digital Earth (ISDE) stock of the status of development and seeks to formulate further developments DE, mainly deals with the aim to bring value to many users. Digital Earth ambassadors would also like to promote the DE idea in a more attractive way. Thus, the concept will be adopted and followed by more people. Improved solutions have been based on new research directions formulated in Sustainable Development Goals tasks and by expanding the possibilities of new effective solutions via newly organized data ecosystems generated by the United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management, the Group on Earth Observations and the Group on Earth Observations System of Systems, Copernicus and, more recently, the Digital Belt and Road initiative. The new trends in spatial big data are emphasized; the most important for disaster risk reduction are the basic theses of the U.N. Conference in Sendai. Three aspects of information management and spatial analysis are discussed in Chapter 15 of Manual of Digital Earth: innovative Digital Earth development, national and local disaster risk assessment and the benefits arising from the use of maps and dynamic data, and analyses of the contributions of cartography to disaster risk reduction. More about the topic you can find here:


Q4: The integration of new technologies such as AR and VR with GIS technology can bring more real map experience, which has a very wide range of applications. Can these technologies be used to create disaster simulations in a digital environment that allow rescuers to conduct necessary disaster drills before a real disaster occurs?

Temenoujka Bandrova: One of the main tasks of the specialists involved in Early Warning and Crisis Management (EW & CM) is to contribute to reducing the vulnerability of population and to extent the people’s capacity to resist hazards, to cope with the challenges associated with various disasters and relevant emergency situations, as well as to recover from them. We take special care for children' education and training to strengthen their resilience in case of emergencies using AR, VR and GIS. We are working on establishment of an Education Centre “Save the Children Life” and thus to provide illustrative simulations of different natural disasters using modern digital equipment, evacuation planning and training, small size shaking table demonstration, presentation of updated age-adapted educational materials and video materials for disaster preparedness and risk mitigation. Simulations are inseparable part of the modern training in disaster cases. Both types of simulations, 2D and 3D, provide very good base for spatial thinking in introducing emergency scenarios. More about this topic you can find here:


Q5: As a cartographer, what do you think is the most important component of a good map?

Temenoujka Bandrova: Nowadays the use of GIS becomes more and more popular. So already every person who has access and basic knowledge in GIS can create her/his map. The problem arises when publishers make such web and paper maps (where basic cartographic principles are not met) available to society. The most popular and useful maps for public use are tourist maps. The same maps attract publishers and “map-makers” without the necessary qualified experience and knowledge. Very often the results lead to inaccurate products and confused users. To make differentiation between such publishers and really cartographic ones very often companies used the name “quality maps” to advertise their products.

Cartographers could help in this process of map creating and using. The first step could be education of students how to use and later how to make a map. The next step is that National and international map agencies could make a control, certificates or other activities which will differentiate the quality maps created by all cartographical aspects and rules. Bulgarian and Croatian cartographic societies have some experience on this topic. Since 2017 Bulgarian Cartographic Association issues certificates of quality for cartographic products. To obtain a certificate, cartographic products must meet 12 terms of accuracy, reliability and high-quality design and presentation. The design of the map should conform to the scientific principles of cartography and meet the needs of users. More about the topic you can find here:


Q6: As a researcher related to GIS, what do you think is the most potential research direction of related technologies and applications of GIS in disaster response?

Temenoujka Bandrova: Every research which aims to illustrate the use of an integrated approach for systematization of the freely available information for disaster risk mitigation and reduce loss of human lives is very potential. Powerful Web GIS Functions, which promote geospatial thinking and analysis of georeferenced data. Remote sensing technologies, Solutions on BD environment, Web and Mobil mapping, AR and VR for education process could be instruments and potential research directions. Applications in GIS could be used before, during and after disasters happened. Ones of the most imported researches in the area can be dedicated to education, best practices and crises management responses.

Prof. Dr. Temenoujka Bandrova

Head, Laboratory on Cartography, UACEG

Vice President, International Cartographic Association

Treasurer, International Society for Digital Earth

President, Bulgarian Cartographic Association












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