
学术会议 | 第十二届国际计量语言学会议(QUALICO 2020 @ Tokyo)

计量语言学 语言学心得 2021-12-26

国际计量语言学协会(International Quantitative Linguistics Association, IQLA)成立于1994年。然而,在IQLA成立之前,1991年就召开过首届国际计量语言学会议(QUALICO)。IQLA成立后,QUALICO成为IQLA组织的最重要的国际计量语言学学术交(jiāo)流(liú)平台之一。历届QUALICO的举办时间与地点如下:

  • QUALICO 1991, Trier, Germany

  • QUALICO 1994, Moscow, Russia

  • QUALICO 1997, Helsinki, Finland

  • QUALICO 2000, Praha, Czechia

  • QUALICO 2003, Athens, Georgia USA

  • 5th Trier Symposium on QL 2007, Trier, Germany

  • QUALICO 2009, Graz, Austria

  • QUALICO 2012, Belgrade, Serbia

  • QUALICO 2014, Olomouc, Czech Republic

  • QUALICO 2016, Trier, Germany

  • QUALICO 2018, Wrcolaw, Poland


主题:语言的普遍性与特殊性之定量方法(Quantitative Approaches to Universality and Individuality in Language)


地点:日本东京都立川市(Tachikawa City, Tokyo, JAPAN)


  • conceptual or philosophical study discussing linguistic hypotheses, models, or language and text phenomena in order to construct laws, theories, models, and systems in quantitative linguistics;

  • methods of linguistic measurement, model construction, sampling and testtheory;

  • descriptions of all aspects of language and text phenomena, includingpsycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, pragmatics, languagetypology, usage-based approaches, etc., as far as they use quantitativemathematical methods;

  • applications of methods, models, or findings from quantitative linguistics toproblems of natural language processing, text classification, stylistics, authorship attribution, language teaching, text mining, linguistic networkanalysis.


Abstracts in English not exceeding 500 words (including key words andreferences) should be submitted not later than September 30, 2019 (EasyChair abstract submission will close September 30, 2019 11:59:59 pm GMT).The submission of an abstract is possible only via EasyChair.


Presentations should be inEnglish. Each paper will be allotted 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes discussion). There will also be a poster session; however, authors cannot select which type of session in advance. Authors will know the type of session when they receive a notification of acceptance.


Notification of acceptance will be sent to the contact author by January 20, 2020.


We will invite authors of accepted abstracts to submit full papers for the conference volume. The volume will appear in February 2021 from Mouton de Gruyter. The deadline for fullpapers will follow ca. 10 weeks after the notification of acceptance.


  • January 2019: call for abstracts.

  • September 30, 2019: deadline for abstracts.

  • December 2019 to January 2020: notice of the acceptance of abstracts and an invitation for full papers for the conference volume.

  • March 31, 2020: deadline for full papers for the conference volume.

  • September 10-13, 2020: Qualico 2020.

  • After Qualico: notice of the acceptance of full papers for the conference volume.

  • September 30, 2020: deadline for minor corrections for full papers for the conference volume.

  • February 2021: the conference volume of full papers appears.


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