
学术会议 | 第17届语言与社会心理国际研讨会


主办: IALSP Executive与香港理工大学共同主办





Dear Colleagues

The IALSP Executive and PolyU have been discussing the best way forward with ICLASP17:2020 given the virus outbreak. As you will know from previous announcements we debated a mix of virtual and face-to-face or just virtual for June. The idea of virtual only was appealing except it took away a key reason for ICLASP - meeting like minded colleagues and introducing our postgraduate students to our association.

We have now decided to postpone the conference until December 2020. This is a good compromise as it keeps our bienniel conference arrangment and allows time for people to consider coming to Hong Kong at a time of year that is extremely pleasant temperature wise.
This means that the CfP wil be extended. However, given the strict timelines for our Chinese colleagues we are going to have two deadlines for CfP. The first will be 1 May for those in Mainland China and we will provide feedback and acceptance by mid May. The second will be 1 June for others and we will provide feedback and acceptance by end June.
More details will follow shortly. The new date for ICLASP17: 2020 is 9 to 12 December. Please contact us via email to iclasp17@polyu.edu.hk if you have any questions.
Warm wishes for the organising party at PolyU.

Call for Symposia and Papers

To receive full consideration, submissions must be submitted by 1 May 2020 (for colleagues in Mainland China) or 1 June 2020 (for non-Mainland China colleagues). Submissions received after the two corresponding dates may be accepted on a space available basis.
Proposals should submitted via this link
(https://www.polyu.edu.hk/pfs/index.php/224156?lang=en). All proposals received by the two deadlines will be reviewed, and corresponding authors will be notified of the status of their submissions by mid May 2020 (for colleagues in Mainland China) or end June (for non-Mainland China colleagues). Submissions received after the deadlines will be reviewed on an ongoing basis if space is available.
All submissions must include complete contact information for all authors, along with an indication of the corresponding author.



All submissions must be in English.
Submissions will be accepted in two forms: Symposia or individual papers (see below for details):
Symposia submissions should be a single file containing:
The name and complete contact information for the person responsible for the symposium (corresponding author);
A 250 word (maximum) introduction to the theme and content of the symposium;
An indication of the symposium’s length and the roles of all participants (chair, discussant, presenting author, co-author etc.). If the symposium is of the traditional format then it may be 4 papers per 1.5-hour session with the option of a discussant;
If there are more speakers, the symposium can run over two sessions. However, there must be enough speakers to cover 2 sessions (i.e., 2 x 1.5 hour sessions), otherwise we cannot accept;
However, this year we are encouraging diversity in presentations and so welcome other modes and style of presentations in symposia. One option would be to include some short 5 minute presentation in the session – often called ‘blitz sessions’ that could be used to drive home particular concepts and ideas;
A list of the individual presentations in order, including the title and abstract for each oral presentation (120 words maximum) and whether it is a traditional presentation or some variation (with some detail e.g., blitz session), presenting author, and the name, affiliation and e-mail address of each presenter. If a symposium has special IT requirements these MUST be noted in the submission.
Individual paper submissions should be a single file containing:
The names and complete contact information for all authors;
A clear indication of which author(s) will present the paper;
The title of the paper;
Either an extended abstract of the paper (180-250 words in length), or an abstract (120 words maximum) and the full paper;
An indication of authors’ preference for an oral presentation or an interactive (poster) presentation.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by mid May 2020 (for colleagues in Mainland China) or end June (for non-Mainland China colleagues).
Please submit your abstract here(https://www.polyu.edu.hk/pfs/index.php/224156?lang=en)

 Important Dates (Tentative)

Deadlines for abstract submissions:   
1 May 2020 (for colleagues in Mainland China)
1 June 2020 (for non-Mainland China colleagues)  
Notice of acceptance:
mid May 2020 (for colleagues in Mainland China)
end June (for non-Mainland China colleagues)
Deadline for online payment registration (presenters):
Early Bird before 15 October, 2020 and later registration by 10 November, 2020
Programme announcement: 5 October, 2020



You are welcome to contact the Conference Organising Committee at iclasp17@polyu.edu.hk if you have any enquires.

We look forward to your submissions and welcoming you to Hong Kong!

Organising Committee

  Committee Chair:
  Professor Bernadette Watson, The Hong Kong Polytechnic 
  University, Hong Kong
  Committee Members:
  Dr Blair Jin, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  Professor Hans Ladegaard, The Hong Kong Polytechnic  
  University, Hong Kong
  Dr Gerald Stell, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong 
  Dr Margo Turnbull, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 
  Hong Kong
  Professor Liz Jones, Griffith University, Australia
  Dr Maggie Pitts, The University of Arizona, USA



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  审    核:心得小蔓

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