
刊讯|SSCI 期刊《多元语言和多元文化发展》2021年第8期

Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development

Volume 42, Issue 8, 2021

Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development(SSCI一区,2020 IF: 2.814)2021年第42卷第8期共发文6篇,其中导言1篇,研究性论文4篇,讨论1篇。研究论文涉及多语研究、家庭语言政策、家庭语言实践等方面。主题包括多语家庭、多模态互动等。



■ Exploring the multilingual family repertoire: ethnographic approaches, by Luk Van Mensel, Maartje De Meulder, Pages 693-697.


■ Family language policy on holiday: four multilingual signing and speaking families travelling together, by Annelies Kusters, Maartje De Meulder, Jemina Napier, Pages 698-715.

■ ‘Our cat has the power’: the polysemy of a third language in maintaining the power/solidarity equilibrium in family interactions, by Cassie Smith-Christmas, Pages 716-731.

■ Navigating partially shared linguistic repertoires: attempts to understand centre and periphery in the scope of family language policy, by Judith Purkarthofer, Pages 732-746 .

■ ‘Ba-SKY-aP with her each day at dinner’: technology as supporter in the learning and management of home languages, by Fatma F. S. Said, Pages 747-762.


■ The family as a space: multilingual repertoires, language practices and lived experiences, by Elizabeth Lanza, Pages 763-771.


Family language policy on holiday: four multilingual signing and speaking families travelling together

Annelies Kusters, Maartje De Meulder, Jemina Napier

Abstract Most FLP research focuses on intrafamily communication (1FLP) and how this is impacted by larger contexts. But what happens when different multilingual families interact intensively on a daily basis? This article analyses language use during a holiday in India in and between four deaf-hearing befriended families, and how this evolved over the twelve days of the trip (4FLP). Three of the four families are our (the authors’) own. The family members originate from the UK, Belgium, Denmark and India. All families use more than one language at home (at least one sign language and one spoken language), and all family members are fluent signers. We ask: how does intrafamilial FLP (1FLP) at home inform interfamilial FLP (xFLP) on holiday? And how does interfamilial contact on holiday inform intrafamilial FLP during that same holiday? The data discussed in the article is organised along different multilingual practices, some of them general to multilingual interactions and others specific to multilingual signers: language mixing, switching and learning, language brokering, speaking and signspeaking. The findings reveal rich complexities of interfamilial language practices which inform thinking on FLP and multilingualism.

‘Our cat has the power’: the polysemy of a third language in maintaining the power/solidarity equilibrium in family interactions

Cassie Smith-Christmas

Abstract This article examines how power and solidarity in family relations are negotiated along linguistic lines, and in particular, the role of a third language in this negotiation process. It takes as its case study a transnational family in Ireland who practise a strongly pro-Polish FLP and where the parents are seen as authorities in Polish and their daughters are seen as authorities in English, the dominant societal language. The paper takes a microinteractional approach to analysing excerpts where family members engage in language-learning activities using Irish, the national autochthonous minority language. The paper demonstrates how in many ways, Irish operates as a neutral, third space for family members to negotiate power/solidarity alignments, and thus contributes to the family’s maintenance of the power/solidarity equilibrium. The paper also demonstrates the polysemy inherent in how these negotiations play out at an interactional level, especially vis-à-vis the family’s pro-Polish FLP, as well as the polysemy of Irish-as-a-language within the scope of the family’s interactions as a whole.

Navigating partially shared linguistic repertoires: attempts to understand centre and periphery in the scope of family language policy

Judith Purkarthofer

Abstract The aim of the paper is to understand how German speakers living in Norway with their families navigate partially shared repertoires. Using the notion of legitimate peripheral participation, I aim to analyse how family members work towards shared repertoires in the family or account for only partially shared linguistic and cultural repertoires within the family and wider social contexts. This speaker-centred research draws on interviews and multimodal activities. Language experiences, ideologies and narratives are analysed to understand subject positioning and negotiations among the family members (and the researcher). Findings indicate that speakers distinguish social spaces that are governed by the family language policy and others that are perceived as more peripheral, albeit relevant to interact with friends and relatives. Apart from the immediate experiences of family members, national contexts and references are used in the interviews and creative tasks to construct the family’s position in a transnational space. Within this special issue, this paper relates to the use of complex semiotic resources that families use to construct and maintain family language policies, especially in light of the subjects’ positions vis-à-vis ideological and societal discourses.

‘Ba-SKY-aP with her each day at dinner’: technology as supporter in the learning and management of home languages

Fatma F. S. Said

Abstract The paper describes the transformational role technology plays in the management and transmission of heritage (minority) languages (HL) in two UK-based multilingual families. Data were collected in the form of a language background survey, parental interviews, and recordings of interactional events within the home. Findings suggest that parents use technology as a language management tool within the home domain to transmit their HL through enhancing HL language practices and creating rich HL linguistic environments, which both support and seem to contradict parents’ declared language beliefs. Technology allows Family members from across the world to frequently partake in everyday multilingual talk thereby strengthening HL learning and use. Interestingly, the support parents feel technology offers them in transmitting the HL reduces their own anxiety over their children’s HL development whilst also unexpectedly relaxing their attitudes towards fears of (over)consumption of technology. Equally, technology appears to support children to consciously develop overt bilingual identities that they previously did not (openly) profess. The data supports the notion of technology as semiotic practice emphasising that with strategic parental support and agency from children, technology can transform the home into a hub where the learning and maintenance of the HL is advocated in multiple unprecedented ways.

The family as a space: multilingual repertoires, language practices and lived experiences

Elizabeth Lanza

Abstract The field of family language policy has flourished in recent years addressing an ever-increasing breadth of transnational populations, family types, and linguistic configurations. Furthermore, diverse established and innovative methodological approaches have unlatched the door to enhanced understandings of family multilingualism. A focus on ethnographic approaches is in line with current trends in sociolinguistic enquiry, providing deep insight into multilingual families, as demonstrated by this thematic issue on ‘Exploring the multilingual family repertoire: Ethnographic approaches’, edited by Luk Van Mensel and Maartje De Meulder. An underlying current in the studies of this special issue is the notion of the family as a space, negotiated through the multilingual family repertoire – multilingual practices that embrace the speakers’ lived experiences. This concluding discussion analyzes the ways in which the four articles address the family as a multilingual space and highlights some of the more salient aspects that deserve further attention, looking beyond at new potential approaches to critically addressing family multilingualism.


The Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development is a cross-disciplinary journal for researchers from diverse scholarly and geographical backgrounds. It is concerned with macro-level coverage of topics in the sociology and social psychology of language, and in language and cultural politics, policy, planning and practice. Authors are encouraged to reject a deficit view of multilingualism and hence avoid terms such as 'native speaker, non-native speaker' and use neutral terms such as 'L1 user, LX user' instead.


The journal welcomes submissions on the many ramifications of these broad themes:

-Language planning and policy

-Ethnicity and nationalism

-Identity politics (with its linguistic, religious and other markers)

-Languages and cultures in contact

-Intertwinings among language, culture and religion

-Language learning

-Bilingual and multilingual accommodations

-Programmes and policies of multiculturalism and pluralism

-Language rights (group and individual)

-Reading and literacy

-Collective identity and its “markers”

-Minority-group dynamics

-Educational provisions for languages and cultures 

-Endangered languages

-Emotions in Multilinguals

-Multilingual learner emotions




















本文来源:J. Multiling. Multicult. Dev.官网



刊讯|SSCI 期刊 Journal of Second Language Writing 2021年第53卷

今日一词|多模态 Multimodality





  审     核:心得小蔓





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