
刊讯|SSCI 期刊《第二语言学习与教学研究》2022年第2期

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Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching

Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2022

Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching(SSCI一区,2021 IF:2.352)2022年第2期共发文6篇。研究论文涉及对外语课堂焦虑的性别差异研究、对外语享受影响的元分析、对二语习得中自我效能与成就感的元分析、跨文化能力发展中的学习者变量研究、基于定性方法调查个体差异的研究等。


刊讯|SSCI 期刊《第二语言学习与教学研究》2022年第1期


■ Notes on Contributors,  Pages 153–156.

Editorial: Introduction to the special issue on conducting research syntheses on individual differences in SLA, by Kata Csizér, Ágnes Albert, Katalin Piniel, Pages 157–171.

Gender differences in foreign language classroom anxiety: Results of a meta-analysis, by Katalin Piniel, Anna Zólyomi, Pages 173–203.

Taking stock: A meta-analysis of the effects of foreign language enjoyment, by Elouise Botes, Jean-Marc Dewaele, Samuel Greiff, Pages 205–232.

Is learning really just believing? A meta-analysis of self-efficacy and achievement in SLA, by Julia Goetze, Meagan Driver, Pages 233–259.

Learner variables in the development of intercultural competence: A synthesis of home and study abroad research, by Zia Tajeddin, Neda Khanlarzadeh, Hessameddin Ghanbar, Pages 261–301.

Investigating individual differences with qualitative research methods: Results of a meta-analysis of leading applied linguistics journals, by Ágnes Albert, Kata Csizér, Pages 303–335.


Editorial: Introduction to the special issue on conducting research syntheses on individual differences in SLA

Kata Csizér, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Ágnes Albert, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Katalin Piniel, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Abstract As systematic research syntheses and meta-analytic studies are becoming more prominent in the social sciences, especially in the fields of psychology and ed-ucation, it appears that applied linguists have also started to follow suit (In’nami et al., 2019). One of the main reasons for this is that abundant knowledge has accumulated through the years about second and foreign lan-guage (L2) learning and teaching, making the time ripe to systematically syn-thesize the research findings in order to draw further conclusions and identify paths future studies could take. This is also true for the subfield of individual differences (IDs) research within applied linguistics, where proliferation in the number of studies focusing on individual learner differences with respect to a large variety of issues has been witnessed in the past decades. Hence, we saw it timely to compile a special issue on research synthesis in the subfield of IDs in L2 learning. We formulated the following aims to guide our venture: First of all, we intend to inform scholars of the nature and utility of research syntheses in our field. Second, we hope that the articles included in the special issue would serve as examples for researchers wishing to embark on conducting similar studies. Our third and not negligible aim was to see what tendencies regarding particular individual differences can be outlined based on previous research results. In order for the readers to make the most of these articles, in this editorial introduction we would like to articulate how we see the role of research synthesis in general and meta-analysis in particular in our field. To this end, we will offer relevant definitions and a short discussion on their utility. We will then move on to outline very generic guidelines for conducting sys-tematic research syntheses, and, finally, we will summarize the studies includ-ed in the volume and their contribution to the field of research on IDs.

Key words editorial

Gender differences in foreign language classroom anxiety: Results of a meta-analysis

Katalin Piniel, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Anna Zólyomi, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Abstract Exploring language learners’ anxiety is not a neglected area of inquiry in applied linguistics research, which can primarily be attributed to the publication of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS), an influential instrument developed by Horwitz et al. (1986) to measure language anxiety. An ever-growing array of studies has employed the FLCAS and analyzed the underlying relationship between the focal construct and foreign language achievement, various individual difference variables and a variety of demographic variables, such as learning experiences, age, and gender. Despite the considerable number of publications, studies focusing on biographical variables and language anxiety have not been conclusive. The aim of the present meta-analysis is to analyze 48 studies that employed the FLCAS to look at the potential gender differences with respect to language anxiety. Although there is great variation in the methodological and reporting practices in the studies included, and findings show a tendency for females to experience higher foreign language anxiety, gender-related differences are not statistically significant. The results of moderator analyses showed that neither age nor target language, regional context, or, in the case of university students, their majors, influence this relationship.

Key words language anxiety, gender, Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale, meta-analysis

Taking stock: A meta-analysis of the effects of foreign language enjoyment

Elouise Botes,University of Vienna, Austria

Jean-Marc Dewaele,Birkbeck College, University of London, UK

Samuel Greiff, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Abstract Studies examining the positive emotion of foreign language enjoyment (FLE) have recently increased exponentially, as researchers are applying the tenets of positive psychology in applied linguistics. It is therefore an appropriate time to take stock of the current literature and conduct a preliminary meta-analysis. The relationships between FLE and four variables, namely, foreign language anxiety (FLA), willingness to communicate (WTC), academic achievement, and self-perceived achievement were examined. A total of k = 96 effect sizes were analyzed with an overall sample size of N = 28,166 in random-effects models with correlation coefficients. There was a moderate negative correlation between FLE and FLA. In turn, moderate positive correlations were found between FLE and WTC, FLE and academic achievement, and FLE and self-perceived achievement. These positive associations confirm the value of FLE in FL learning and further affirm the need for researchers to examine positive psychology constructs in the foreign language classroom.

Key words foreign language enjoyment, meta-analysis, foreign language anxiety, willingness to communicate, academic achievement, self-perceived achievement

Is learning really just believing? A meta-analysis of self-efficacy and achievement in SLA

Julia Goetze, Pennsylvania State University, State College, USA

Meagan Driver, Michigan State University, Lansing, USA

Abstract The positive psychology movement (Seligman, 1998) has contributed to the proclamation of a positive turn in second language acquisition (SLA) (MacIntyre et al., 2016). Within the context of individual differences, self-efficacy (Bandura, 1997), an individual’s judgment of their capability to achieve goals, has gained particular interest in language learning (e.g., Lake, 2013). The present study meta-analyzes a body of research that has investigated the relationship between second language (L2) self-efficacy and L2 achievement by exploring 1) reporting practices in this domain, 2) the strength and direction of the relationship, and 3) the effects of moderator variables on the self-efficacy-achievement link. A comprehensive literature search uncovered 37 studies, which contributed to a total of 40 independent samples (N = 23,050). The average observed effect in the sample was r = .46. A moderator analysis showed systematic variations in the effect size for learners’ first language, target language, proficiency level, and both self-efficacy and achievement type. We discuss our findings with respect to theoretical constructs and methodological practices and suggest implications for L2 pedagogy and future research into self-efficacy in SLA.

Key words positive psychology, individual differences, L2 achievement, self-efficacy

Learner variables in the development of intercultural competence: A synthesis of home and study abroad research

Zia Tajeddin, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

Neda Khanlarzadeh, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, IranHessameddin Ghanbar, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Abstract To provide insights into a wide array of individual learner variables implicated in intercultural education in home and study abroad contexts, this study systematically reviewed the effects of such variables on the development of intercultural competence. The corpus consisted of 56 journal articles published over the past two decades (2000-2020). The purpose of this study was to explore: (a) learner variables that were described in research on intercultural competence, including, inter alia, their age, gender, first language (L1) background, proficiency level, and attitudinal orientations; (b) settings in which learners’ intercultural development was studied, including both home contexts and study abroad contexts; and (c) effects of learner variables on the development of their intercultural competence. The results of this synthesis indicate that a growing number of studies have started to document intercultural instruction in both home and study abroad contexts. They show how learner variables were considered in conducting these studies and how variation in these variables impacted the effectiveness of instruction that targeted intercultural competence. The findings can considerably broaden our understanding of both opportunities and constraints in intercultural education in terms of learner variables and in particular variables that make the most contribution to intercultural development in home and study abroad contexts.

Key words learner variables, intercultural competence, home context, study abroad context

Investigating individual differences with qualitative research methods: Results of a meta-analysis of leading applied linguistics journals

Ágnes Albert, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Kata Csizér, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

AbstractThe aim of the present article is to provide a systematic review of qualitative studies in the leading journals of our field focusing on their distributional properties in the various journals as well as topic choice and selected quality control issues. In order to achieve this aim, we carried out a systematic review of research articles published in leading journals in our field, namely, Applied Linguistics, Language Learning, Language Teaching Research, Studies in Second Language Acquisition and Modern Language Journal between 2016 and 2020. Our sample contains 93 articles in which researchers employed qualitative research methods or mixed methods including a qualitative component. Our main results indicate that there is great variation among journals in terms of the number of qualitative studies. As for topic considerations, some traditional individual difference variables seem to have a dominant role, with cognitive processes involved in language acquisition gaining some ground as well. Concerning quality control issues, there could be room for improvement with regard to reporting the quality control measures, including the tools employed in the studies. Based on our results, we can conclude that a more systematic understanding of acceptable processes in the field of applied linguistics could increase not only the number of qualitative articles published but also their topical importance.

Key words qualitative research, individual differences, quality control, meta-analysis, systematic review


Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching is a refereed journal published four times a year by the Department of English Studies, Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz Uiversity, Kalisz, Poland. The journal is devoted to reporting previuously unpublished highest quality theoretical and empirical research on learning and teaching second and foreign languages. It deals with the learning and teaching of any language, not only English, and focuses on a variety of topics ranging from the processes underlying second language acquisition, various acpects of language learning in instructed and non-instructed settings as well as different facets of the teaching process, including syllabus choice, material design, classroom practices, and evaluation.




本文来源:Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching官网









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