
招 聘|马普研究所招聘语言学博士后

六万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2023-05-17









We are offering a 5-year position for a postdoctoral researcher here at the Language Development Department at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in the Netherlands. Start date is negotiable but we anticipate the researcher will be in place by October 2023 at the latest. 

The successful candidate will divide their time between acting as a design and statistics consultant to the department’s research projects (2 days per week), and as a project leader on one of the department’s new projects: Mechanisms of individual differences in language development (3 days per week):

  • ConsultancyThe consultancy role will involve creating statistical tools suitable for use in the department’s research, training researcher to use such tools, and advising on particular projects. For more information about the department’s research, click here.

  • Project: Mechanisms of individual differences in first language development: There are large individual differences in the speed with which children acquire language in the first 5 years of life. A popular approach is to attribute this variance to differences in the quality and quantity of the child's interactions and input; for example, to the amount of child directed speech or the number of conversational turns that adults and children use in interaction. However, even the strongest findings report only small to moderate effect sizes of language input, so other factors must be at play. The successful candidate will undertake research to discover the underlying mechanisms that explain individual variation in young children’s language acquisition. The Language05 Project dataset will be available for use in this project, although the researcher can choose to work on different data of children’s first language if they wish.




  • A PhD in computer science, cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, cognitive neuroscience, or a related discipline.

  • Expertise in advanced statistical modelling of human behaviour using R.

  • A track record of research on language development, including experience disseminating research through conference presentations and publications.

  • Experience managing confidential information provided by participants, dealing with ethical and administrative issues, and efficiently managing and cataloguing data.

  • Experience supervising and/or teaching undergraduate or postgraduate students.

  • Excellent written and spoken English. The language of the institute is English, so knowledge of Dutch is not required.



  • Expertise in at least one other statistical package and/or programming language used to model behaviour.

  • Expertise in computational modelling of human behaviour.

  • Experience working with longitudinal datasets.

  • An explicit interest in, and commitment to, Open Science.


Conditions of employment

  • The position is available from 1st May. Start date is negotiable but the researcher should be in place by October 2023 at the latest.

  • Unfortunately, remote working is not possible.

  • Full-time position (39 hours per week) with a term of appointment of 5 years.

  • The salary is according to the German TVöD (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst) and is classified in salary group E13. Depending on the experience of the applicant, the salary is between EUR 4,187.45 and EUR 6,089.52 gross per month plus a holiday bonus of 8% of the gross salary. This equates to EUR 54,269.34 – EUR 78,920.18 per year, including holiday bonus.

  • All research staff have access to state-of-the art research and training facilities and a generous conference and travel budget. 


Application procedure

Informal enquiries should be addressed to Caroline Rowland at caroline.rowland@mpi.nl

The deadline for applications is midnight (Central European Time) on Wednesday March 15th, 2023. Please submit your application directly via this link on our recruitment portal.

Applications should include:

  • A 2-page application letter that includes information about your research interests, why you are interested in this post, and why you consider yourself a good match for the post.

  • A CV, which should include a list of publications.

  • Contact details for three referees (referees will not be contacted unless you are invited to interview).

  • Details of your availability for interview via Zoom in the week beginning Monday 27th March.


The employer

The Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Psycholinguistics is entirely devoted to psycholinguistics – the study of how we produce and understand language, and how we acquire these skills as first or second language learners. Our goal is to understand how our minds and brains process language, how language interacts with other aspects of mind and with other agents, how multiple modalities (as in speech, gesture and sign) shape language and its use in diverse languages, and how we can learn languages of quite different types. We are situated on the campus of the Radboud University and have close collaborative links with the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour and the Centre for Language Studies at Radboud University.  We also work closely with other child development researchers as part of the Baby and Child Research Centre.

Staff and students at the MPI have access to state-of-the art research and training facilities (including audio-visual equipment, EEG, fMRI, eye tracking, virtual reality labs, molecular biology labs and a child-friendly child development lab).

The Institute is part of the Max Planck Society, an independent non-governmental association of German-funded research institutes dedicated to fundamental research in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities.

The MPI for Psycholinguistics recognises the positive value of diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination. We are committed to redressing systemic problems with diversity in science, and therefore welcome applications from individuals from minority groups and from groups that are otherwise under-represented.




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