
刊讯|SSCI 期刊 《语言教学研究》2023年第5期

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刊讯|SSCI 期刊 《中国语言学报》2023年第1-2期


Language Teaching Research

Volume 27, Issue 5, June 2023

Language Teaching Research(SSCI一区,2022 IF:4.2,排名:10/194)2023年第5期共发文12篇,均为研究性论文。研究论文涉及语言生态、词汇习得、外语背景、语法教学、语内影响、英语教学、翻转课堂、英文教材分析等。欢迎转发扩散!


刊讯|SSCI 期刊《语言教学研究》2023年第1-4期



The wellbeing of language teachers in the private sector: An ecological perspective, by Sarah Mercer, Pages 1054–1077.

The effects of three different storytelling approaches on the vocabulary acquisition and response patterns of young EFL students, by Ya-Ling Gao, Fei-Yu Wang, Sy-Ying Lee, Pages 1078–1098.

Are think-alouds reactive? Evidence from an L2 written corrective feedback study, by Bo-Ram Suh, Pages 1099–1119.

The language and non-language benefits of literature in foreign language education: An exploratory study of learners’ views, by Art Tsang, Amos Paran, Wilfred W.F. Lau, Pages 1120–1141.

■ Social interaction in the Spanish classroom: How proficiency and linguistic background impact vocabulary learning, by C. Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch, Jonathan Santo, Pages 1142–1166.

Grammar teaching in ELT: A cross-national comparison of teacher-reported practices, by Alexandra Schurz, Marion Coumel, Pages 1167–1192.

Conceptualizing self-regulated reading-to-write in ESL/EFL writing and investigating its relationships to motivation and writing competence, by Barry Bai, Jing Wang, Pages 1193–1216.

Impact of constructional complexity and intralingual influence on the effectiveness of skewed input, by Xiaopeng Zhang, Chunping Mai, Pages 1217–1245.

Constraints on innovation in English language teaching in hinterland regions of China, by Neil Murray, Antony J. Liddicoat, Gavin Zhen, Penny Mosavian, Pages 1246–1267.

The flipped classroom in second language learning: A meta-analysis, by Joseph P. Vitta, Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Pages 1268–1292.

Intercultural teaching approaches and practices of Chinese teachers in English education: An exploratory mixed methods study, by Hongjing Liao, Yanju Li, Pages 1293–1324.

Representation of cultures and communities in a global ELT textbook: A diachronic content analysis, by Ufuk  Keles, Bedrettin Yazan, Pages 1325–1346.


The wellbeing of language teachers in the private sector: An ecological perspective

Sarah MercerUniversity of Graz, Austria

Abstract The teaching profession has been characterized as having high levels of stress and record rates of burnout and attrition. Language teaching is no exception to this global trend. Indeed, it could be argued that it is subject to additional specific stressors such as high intercultural and linguistic demands as well as the frequent use of energy-intense methodologies. Generally, language teacher psychology has been relatively neglected in research; however, those working in the private sector have almost exclusively been ignored. In terms of wellbeing, this is especially problematic given concerns about their working conditions. Therefore, this study takes an ecological perspective to investigating the wellbeing of teachers of English language teaching (ELT) working in the private sector in Malta. Eight volunteer teachers took part in a series of two semi-structured interviews assisted by visual prompts and journal entries. The data were analysed using a grounded Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach and presented in line with the ecological perspective. The main findings revealed how the teachers’ wellbeing is defined by the business model character of the private sector in particular in terms of working conditions and status of the ELT profession in Malta. For the teachers, this very often means precarity in terms of the job and future prospects. However, the study also revealed aspects of positivity. For example, teachers reported enjoying their teaching, positive relationships with colleagues and students, and a positive work climate, which varied across institutions. The findings suggest implications for good practice in the field and directions for further research. 

Key words ecological, psychology, teachers, wellbeing, private sector

The effects of three different storytelling approaches on the vocabulary acquisition and response patterns of young EFL students

Ya-Ling GaoNational Taiwan University of Science & Technology, Taipei

Fei-Yu Wang, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, Taipei

Sy-Ying Lee, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, Taipei

Abstract Storytelling is a well-established literary practice in language classrooms. However, approaches influencing its effectiveness and efficiency have rarely been investigated. This study compared the effects of three storytelling approaches on the vocabulary acquisition and response patterns of third-grade students of English as a foreign language (EFL). The storytelling approaches we considered are commonly used in schools, including storytelling alone (S), storytelling with word focus (S+W), and storytelling with activities (S+A). Our research comprised a three-week pilot study and a nine-week main study. For both studies, a pretest–posttest design involving a delayed test was used. Video recordings were also captured to facilitate the categorization of in-class response patterns. Results indicated that storytelling alone achieved the best performance. Vocabulary improvement with word focus or follow-up activities faded over the long term. The groups (S and S+W) which heard more stories generated more responses based on their own knowledge and life experience (as opposed to simply recalling facts) than did the group which completed more supplementary activities (S+A). This article provides both pedagogical implications and invitations for future empirical research.

Key words efficiency rate, EFL pupils, response patterns, storytelling, vocabulary acquisition

Are think-alouds reactive? Evidence from an L2 written corrective feedback study

Bo-Ram SuhSeoul National University, Republic of Korea

Abstract The use of concurrent data elicitation procedures (e.g. think-alouds, eye-tracking, response time) to investigate learners’ cognitive processing and processes is becoming more prominent in research designs as researchers seek to acquire a better understanding of how second language (L2) learners process L2 data (e.g. Martin et al., 2019; Rogers, 2019; Thinglum, 2019; for more recent studies employing concurrent procedures, see Leow, 2019). At the same time, an increasing number of studies have empirically investigated the reactivity of think-aloud protocols in second language acquisition (e.g. Medina, 2019; Morgan-Short et al., 2012). While the studies that have addressed the reactivity issue have yielded mixed findings, only a few studies (e.g. Adrada-Rafael & Filgueras-Gómez, 2019; Sachs & Polio, 2007) have addressed the written mode, particularly in the context of L2 writing that incorporates feedback. As part of a larger study of written corrective feedback, the present study investigates the possible reactive effects of think-alouds during exposure to written corrective feedback, which was provided on learners’ L2 writing, on their L2 development. Fifty-nine Korean university learners of English as a foreign language, randomly assigned to either a think-aloud or to a non-think-aloud (silent control) condition, participated in the study. L2 development was measured by a written story-retelling task and a multiple-choice receptive test. Results showed that thinking aloud while processing written corrective feedback during three feedback sessions did not affect learners’ development of receptive knowledge and their ability to produce the target structure in a new piece of writing when compared to a non-think-aloud condition. 

Key words think-alouds, reactivity, L2 development, writing tasks, written corrective feedback, research methods, second language acquisition (SLA)

The language and non-language benefits of literature in foreign language education: An exploratory study of learners’ views

Art TsangThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Amos Paran, UCL Institute of Education, UK

Wilfred W.F. Lau, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Abstract Set against the backcloth of increasing recognition and attention to literature in foreign language education (FLE) globally, this article reports part of a large-scale study of 1,190 secondary-level learners’ views of the benefits of literature, as instantiated by short stories (ShS) and poems and songs (PS) in their English-as-a-foreign-language learning. An inventory of 27 items (13 language-related and 14 non-language-related) was compiled with reference to previous studies and curricular documents. The analyses compared the two modules through independent t-tests, as well as including an exploratory factor analysis to examine latent factors. Findings reveal a three factor structure and a slightly positive view of the benefits of literature. ShS were perceived to be generally more beneficial than PS, especially in the domains of generic skills and work/studies. There were benefits common to ShS and PS, which by extension, may be universal to literary texts at large. This study makes a theoretical contribution by unveiling the potential value of literature in FLE and the three underlying factors of its perceived benefits. Practically, the inventory can be used by foreign language (FL) teachers to measure students’ perceptions to inform their use of literature in FLE.

Key words foreign language education, learners’ perceptions, literature, perceived benefits, poems and songs, stories

Social interaction in the Spanish classroom: How proficiency and linguistic background impact vocabulary learning

C. Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA

Abstract Spanish learners engaged in two-way interaction gap tasks where, through social interaction, they identified and defined low-frequency vocabulary. Participants (referred to as actors to differentiate them from task partners) completed two such tasks. Each time, they collaborated with different partners of varying degrees of Spanish proficiency and linguistic background, either an L2 learner or a heritage speaker (HS). The purpose of the study was thus to shed light on if and how features of the collaborating partners in mixed (HS–L2) and matched (L2–L2; HS–HS) partnerships impacted vocabulary learning. Through a mixed methods analysis of the data (perception measures and qualitative responses, plus pre- and post-vocabulary tests), it was deduced that learners’ language proficiency level alone was not associated with differences in vocabulary gains. Rather, the nature of the partnerships among learners was more salient. In particular, learners in mixed partnerships had greater gains than those in matched partnerships. In addition, actors’ perceptions of the experience of working with their partner had no discernible effect on vocabulary, except for HSs who increased less when working with partners’ whose linguistic abilities they had rated as low. Pedagogical implications address learners’ social interaction in mixed language classrooms. 

Key words heritage speakers, linguistic background, proficiency, Spanish, vocabulary

Grammar teaching in ELT: A cross-national comparison of teacher-reported practices

Alexandra Schurz, University of Vienna, Austria

Marion Coumel, University of Warwick, UK

Abstract Social media offer an unprecedented opportunity for companies to interact more closely with customers and market their products and services. But social media also present reputational risks as negative word-of-mouth can spread more quickly and widely through these platforms than ever before. This study investigates how companies respond to customer complaints on Twitter. We propose an innovative mixed methods approach (i) to identify the key features that mark the styles used by a sample of companies in their replies to customers and (ii) to determine the most effective strategies for responding to complaints. Our results reveal that an affective style, expressed through devices such as stance markers, emphatics, and amplifiers, elicits the most positive response from complainants, regardless of the formality of the message. The study advances our understanding of the features and effects of corporate social media discourse. It also provides business communication practitioners with linguistically grounded insights that can inform the development of appropriate strategies for dealing with negative word-of-mouth online.

Key words English Language Teaching, extramural English, implicit vs. explicit instruction, inductive vs. deductive instruction, Instructed Second Language Acquisition, planned vs. incidental form-focused teaching

Conceptualizing self-regulated reading-to-write in ESL/EFL writing and investigating its relationships to motivation and writing competence

Barry Bai, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Jing Wang, Zheijang University, China

Abstract Self-regulated reading-to-write (R2W) can be portrayed as learners’ proactive learning of useful elements (e.g. content, rhetorical features, and conventions) from reading by using strategies, which is an effective mechanism connecting reading and writing, to improve their writing competence. In the present study, six major types of self-regulated R2W strategies, i.e. mining reading, writerly reading, cognitive strategies, purposive reading, recalling while writing, and peer revision reading that can contribute to writing competence were included in the proposed self-regulated R2W framework. Importantly, a self-regulated R2W scale was established to understand the impacts of four types of strategies. Participants were 458 primary students (9 to 13 years old, M = 10.12, SD = .62) in Hong Kong. They completed the self-regulated R2W questionnaire along with motivational variables and a writing competence test. The motivational variables (i.e. self-efficacy and perceived task values) were positively related to self-regulated R2W strategy use. Important differences in self-regulated R2W strategy use among the high, average, and low achievers were identified. Results indicated that self-regulated R2W strategy use had positive impacts on writing competence. This is the first time that reading-to-write is proposed from a self-regulated learning perspective in ESL/EFL school contexts. The self-regulated R2W framework, scale and positive impacts of strategy use on writing have important implications for future research and practices. 

Key words English writing competence, ESL/EFL, reading and writing connections, self-regulated R2W, strategy use

Impact of constructional complexity and intralingual influence on the effectiveness of skewed input

Xiaopeng Zhang, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Chunping Mai, North Minzu University, China

Abstract With an increasing global popularity of Chinese learning, how to efficiently conduct the teaching of Chinese as a second language (CSL) to a growing number of learners with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds draw more and more attention from educators and researchers. In an attempt to unveil the realities and complexities of language practices in CSL classrooms, Danping Wang investigates CSL policies and classroom practices in Hong Kong in her book entitled Multilingualism and Translanguaging in Chinese Language Classrooms, a monograph included in Palgrave Studies in Teaching and Learning Chinese, a series aiming at exploring global Chinese language education.

Key words complexity, counterfactual conditionals, intralingual influence, skewed conditions

Constraints on innovation in English language teaching in hinterland regions of China

Antony J. Liddicoat, University of Warwick, UK

Gavin Zhen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaPenny Mosavian, University of Warwick, UK

Abstract Since the start of the twenty-first century, English has come to be seen by the Chinese government as a linchpin of its continued economic and political influence. Its resultant efforts to promote innovation in English language teaching align with the aspirations of a population, many of whom regard competency in English as a determiner of opportunity and success in their careers, and thus a vehicle through which to provide a good quality of life for themselves and their families. However, despite government-driven initiatives to improve English language education, change has been slow to materialize, especially outside of the main urban areas of Eastern China. Here, we report on a study that sought to explore the constraints governing attempts by teachers of English to innovate in universities located in some of the so-called ‘hinterland’ regions of Southwestern China. Key determinants that emerged, and which we discuss, included time pressure and competing priorities; scepticism towards new ideas; lack of investment in resources; the primacy of the textbook; students’ language proficiency; and opportunities for professional development. Together, these findings indicate the need for a change of culture if innovation is to be welcomed, both in principle and in practice, as a driver of positive change in the teaching of English in these universities. Teachers, their line managers, and university senior managers need to feel willing and able to engage freely in constructive and informed discourse, and in doing so consider recalibrating institutional priorities, thereby helping reconcile the pressures and tensions currently experienced by English language teachers and which impede progress. 

Key words constraints on innovation in language teaching, contrasting educational traditions, English language reform in China, English language teacher professional development, English teaching in rural China

The flipped classroom in second language learning: A meta-analysis

Joseph P. VittaRikkyo University, Japan

Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, Saudi Arabia

Abstract Flipped learning has become a popular approach in various educational fields, including second language teaching. In this approach, the conventional educational process is reversed so that learners do their homework and prepare the material before going to class. Class time is then devoted to practice, discussion, and higher-order thinking tasks in order to consolidate learning. In this article, we meta-analysed 56 language learning reports involving 61 unique samples and 4,220 participants. Our results showed that flipped classrooms outperformed traditional classrooms, g = 0.99, 95% CI (0.81, 1.17), z = 10.90, p < .001. However, this effect had high heterogeneity (about 86%), while applying the Trim and Fill method for publication bias made it shrink to g = 0.58, 95% CI (0.37, 0.78). Moderator analysis also showed that reports published in non-SSCI-indexed journals tended to find larger effects compared to indexed ones, conference proceedings, and university theses. The effect of flipped learning did not seem to vary by age, but it did vary by proficiency level in that the higher proficiency the higher the effects. Flipped learning also had a clear and substantial effect on most language outcomes. In contrast, whether the intervention used videos and whether the platform was interactive did not turn out to be significant moderators. Meta-regression showed that longer interventions resulted in only a slight reduction in the effectiveness of this approach. We discuss the implications of these findings and recommend that future research moves beyond asking whether flipped learning is effective to when and how its effectiveness is maximized.

Key words CALL, flipped learning, foreign language learning, research synthesis, second language learning

Intercultural teaching approaches and practices of Chinese teachers in English education: An exploratory mixed methods study

Hongjing LiaoBeijing Foreign Studies University, China

Yanju Li, George State University, USA

Abstract Integrating intercultural competence in foreign language classrooms has been emphasized in China, yet scant explicit guidance currently exists on how to teach intercultural competence in college English courses. This study aimed at comparing and contrasting intercultural pedagogical approaches used by instructors in English courses for non-English majors, as well as teaching feedback provided by students enrolled in such courses. This study applied a sequential exploratory mixed research design. Methods such as face-to-face interviews and teaching and learning related document analyses were utilized to collect data, and generated qualitative and quantitative data. Three-dimensional meta themes emerged in mixed analysis, categorizing pedagogical approaches and teaching styles of individual instructors. Student feedback revealed learning experiences and difficulties of the teaching approaches.

Key words English language, intercultural competence, mixed methods, teaching approaches

Representation of cultures and communities in a global ELT textbook: A diachronic content analysis

Ufuk KelesThe University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA

Bedrettin Yazan, The University of Texas at San Antonio, TX, USA

Abstract This study examines the representation of cultures and communities in the world across five editions of New Headway elementary level textbook (NHE). It conducts a diachronic content analysis to explore how the representation of cultures and communities has evolved in NHE across five editions since its first edition’s publication in 1993. Adapting Kachru’s model of concentric circles for data analysis, we utilized Yuen’s adaptation of ACTFL’s (1996) standards for language teaching via the categories of persons, perspectives, products, and practices. Our findings mainly indicate that the Inner Circle has maintained its dominance in NHE’s content over five editions. We found that there was an imbalance favoring European cultures against non-European cultures in the Expanding Circle. On the other hand, Expanding Circle / Non-European and Outer Circle are underrepresented with around 10% of the textbook content. These findings show that NHE’s cultural focus is on the Western, European, and Anglo-American world of English-speaking communities. Such an imbalance in representation of world cultures leads us to conclude that NHE’s writers do not sufficiently raise English learners’ global cultural consciousness since there has been little engagement with multicultural view of English language varieties. We invite teachers, learners, and material developers to critically approach, analyse, revise, and/or adapt textbook content as discursive constructions which shape the imagination of cultures and communities.

Key words concentric circles, cultural representation, diachronic analysis, English as an international language, English language textbooks, new headway, world Englishes


Language Teaching Research is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research within the area of second or foreign language teaching. Although articles are written in English, the journal welcomes studies dealing with the teaching of languages other than English as well.


The journal is a venue for studies that demonstrate sound research methods and which report findings that have clear pedagogical implications.


A wide range of topics in the area of language teaching is covered, including: Programme, Syllabus, Materials design, Methodology, The teaching of specific skills and language for specific purposes.






推  荐









刊讯|SSCI 期刊 《中国语言学报》2023年第1-2期




前沿专著|Daniel R. Walter《课堂二语习得的心理语言学方法》


今日一词|语言马赛克 Language Mosaic




刊讯|SSCI 期刊《心理学前沿》 “汉语二/外语阅读习得”专刊





  审     核:心得小蔓






刊讯|SSCI 期刊 《语言教学研究》2023年第5期

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