
活动通知 | Rod Ellis教授讲座




Rod Ellis 教授讲座通知

应上海市英语教育教学研究基地的邀请,国际知名二语习得研究专家Rod Ellis教授将于4月15日、4月22日在线上举办系列学术讲座,欢迎广大中小学英语教师、英语教研员、高校师生及科研人员参加!




Providing Support for Listening: A Research Study




Correcting errors in L2 writing




Lecture 1 - Providing Support for Listening: A Research Study

This talk reports a study of the effects of different listening conditions on Chinese university students’ performance of two listening information-transfer tasks that provided built-in measures of their comprehension. It also investigated whether the students acquired ten target words embedded in the listening texts. The conditions were: (1) listening to the texts once, (2) listening three times, (3) pre-listening schema-raising and listening three times, (4) pre-listening inferencing-training and listening three times. The results showed that text repetition had a positive effect on both comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. However, neither schema-raising nor inferencing-training had any additional effect nor was there any difference in the effect of these two types of pre-listening activities. Comprehension scores were found to be only weakly related to vocabulary scores. The study points to the importance of within-task support that provides learners with repeated opportunities to process the input and casts doubt on the value of pre-task support activities such as strategy-training. It is proposed that a task-based approach to teaching listening can cater to both listening skill development and linguistic development.

Lecture 2 - Correcting errors in L2 writing

How teachers correct second language (L2) students’ writing is a topic that has attracted enormous interest from researchers and teachers alike. In this talk I examine the various options for providing feedback on students’ written work. I will focus on just one kind of correction – corrective feedback (CF) (i.e. the correction of linguistic errors).  I will draw on the growing body of research that has investigated written CF to demonstrate that it plays an important role in helping students increase linguistic accuracy in their writing.  The options I will consider include focused and unfocused CF, direct and indirect CF, metalinguistic feedback and metalinguistic explanation. Each option will be considered in terms of its strengths and weaknesses. I will argue that identifying these options in a systematic way can assist teachers in making decisions about whether to correct written errors and also in choosing the most effective and practical way of doing so.

Rod Ellis


Rod Ellis is a visiting professor at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). His published works include articles and books on second language acquisition, language teaching and teacher education. His books include Understanding Second Language Acquisition (BAAL Prize 1986) and The Study of Second Language Acquisition (Duke of Edinburgh prize 1995), Task-Based Learning and Teaching (2003), and Analyzing Learner Language (2005). His recent publications include Language Teaching Research and Language Pedagogy (2012), Exploring Language Pedagogy through Second Language Acquisition Research (2014), a second edition of Understanding Second Language Acquisition (2015) and Reflections on Task-based Language Teaching (2018). He is currently on the editorial board of five prestigious international journals. Prof. Ellis was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand in 2013.



