Jong-Hyeong Kim教授及其团队研究领域主要包括难忘旅游体验(memorable tourism experience)以及中国传统餐厅和民族风味餐厅的就餐体验(dining experiences in traditional Chinese restaurants or ethnic restaurants),本文将选取其中的难忘旅游体验这一领域做简要的成果介绍。
Jong-Hyeong Kim教授团队合照
Jong-Hyeong Kim教授带领团队在日本参加国际学术会议
近年Jong-Hyeong Kim教授研究成果概览
Jong-Hyeong Kim教授近年所获荣誉
Elsevier评选2021中国高被引学者:管理科学领域2021年:在运动、休闲及旅游领域全球7025最高被引学者当中排名第68位Baas, J., Boyack, K., Loannidis, J.P.A. (2021). August 2021 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators”, Mendeley Data, V3, doi:10.17632/btchxktzyw.32020年:依据斯坦福大学研究发布的至2019年底的职业生涯的被引影响力排名,在运动、休闲及旅游领域排名前2%的科学研究者Ioannidis, J.P.A., Boyack K.W., Baas, J. (2020). Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. PLoS Biol 18(10): e3000918. Available from:年:被列为旅游及接待业领域世界前50位研究者之一(排名第39位):基于2010-2019年在全球领先期刊的论文发表量Cao, Y. (2020). Hospitality and tourism research rankings by author, university, and country using six major journals: The second decade of the new millennium. Iowa State University:US. Available from
概念理解及量表开发相关研究成果:[1]Kim, J.-H., Ritchie, J. R. B., & McCormick, B. (2012). Development of a scale to measure memorable tourism experiences. Journal of Travel Research, 51(1), 12-25.[2]Kim, J.-H. (2022). Destination attributes affecting negative memory: Scale development and validation. Journal of Travel Research, 61(2), 331-345.
概念理解及量表开发相关研究成果:[1]Kim, J.-H., & Ritchie, J. R. B. (2014). Cross-cultural validation of a memorable tourism experience scale (MTES). Journal of Travel Research, 53(3), 323-335.[2]Kim, J.-H (2013). A cross-cultural comparison of memorable tourism experiences of American and Taiwanese college students. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 24(3), 337-351.
难忘旅游体验的前因和强烈记忆相关研究成果:[1]Kim, J.-H., & Youn, H.-W. (2017). How to design and deliver stories about tourism destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 56(6), 808-820.[2]Kim, J.-H., & Jang, S. C. (2016). Factors affecting memorability of service failures: A longitudinal analysis. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(8), 1676-1701.[3]Kim, J.-H. (2014). Antecedents of memorable tourism experiences: Development of a scale to measure destination attributes associated with memorable experiences. Tourism Management, 44(October), 34-45.[4]Kim, J.-H (2010). Determining the factors affecting the nature of memorable experience of travel experiences. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27(8), 780-796.
难忘旅游体验的影响相关研究成果:[1]Kim, J.-H. (2017). The impact of memorable tourism experiences on loyalty behaviors: The mediating effects of destination image and satisfaction. Journal of Travel Research, 57(7), 856-870.[2]Kim, J.-H., Ritchie, J. R. B., & Tung, V. W. S. (2010). The effect of memorable experience on behavioral intentions in tourism: A structural equation modeling approach. Tourism Analysis, 15(6), 637-648.
记忆消退相关研究成果:[1]Kim, J.-H., & Jang, S. C. (2016). Memory retrieval of cultural event experiences: Examining internal and external influences. Journal of Travel Research, 55(3), 322-339.[2]Kim, J.-H., & Jang, S. C. (2014). The fading affect bias: Examining changes in affect and behavioral intentions in restaurant service failures and recoveries. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 40, 109-119.
负面记忆的旅游和接待业体验相关研究成果:[1]Kim, J.-H., Guo, J., & Wang, Y. (2021). Tourists’ negative emotions: antecedents and consequences. Current Issues in Tourism, published online on June 3, 2021.[2]Song, H., & Kim, J.-H. (2021). The cause-effect relationship between negative food incidents and tourists’ negative emotions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 95(May), 102925.[3]Kim, J.-H., Wang, Y., & Song, H. (2021). Understanding the causes of negative tourism experiences. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(3), 304-320.