
纽澳医学院地震式大改革!想从医?先看看这个新考试你hold 住吗?

Crimson Crimson教育咨询 2019-04-18




★ UCAT和UMAT有何不同 ★











★  哪些大学会采用UCAT ★



★  UCAT考试内容 ★


★  UCAT常见问题汇总★


UCAT 常见问题



:我正在读11年级,但是选了一门12年级的课,这样可以参加UCAT ANZ吗?

Can I sit the UCAT ANZ if I'm enrolled in Year 11 and taking a Year 12 subject?

答:不能。UCAT ANZ仅适用于处于中学最后一年或更高年级的学生参加。在2019年开始入读澳大利亚11年级或新西兰12年级,及更低年级的学生不能参加2019年7月的UCAT ANZ。

No. The UCAT ANZ is only available to any student whose educational level at the time of sitting the test is their final year of secondary school, or higher. Students enrolled in 2019 in Australian Year 11/New Zealand Year 12 or lower are not eligible to sit the UCAT ANZ in July 2019.

:我已经完成了一个大学学位,可以参加UCAT ANZ吗?

Can I sit the UCAT ANZ if I have already completed a degree?


You are eligible to sit the UCAT ANZ if you have commenced or completed an undergraduate degree. However, not all the undergraduate degree programs for which the UCAT is a prerequisite offer places for non-school leavers. Candidates are advised to check the relevant university websites for further information. Links to the universities' websites are given here. Information on GAMSAT and graduate-entry medical and dental courses is available on the GAMSAT website.

问:国际学生需要参加UCAT ANZ吗?

Do international students need to sit the UCAT ANZ?

答:只有个别UCAT ANZ联盟大学,在特定情况下要求国际学生也提供UCAT成绩以获得学习医学和健康科学的课程的资格。建议考生查看相关大学的网站以了解更多详细信息。

Only a limited number of UCAT ANZ Consortium universities require international students to sit the UCAT for entry to medical and health sciences courses, and then only in specific circumstances. For full details, candidates are advised to check the websites of the universities to which they plan to apply.


Can I still sit the UMAT?


No.  The final sitting of the UMAT was in July 2018 for entry to university in 2019.


Can I sit the GAMSAT instead of the UCAT ANZ?


The GAMSAT is for entry to medicine and dentistry as a graduate only.  You should consult the GAMSAT website and the websites of the universities shown there to determine if you should sit the GAMSAT.


Will I be penalised for taking the test more than once?


You may only take the test once in any test cycle and any instances of multiple testing in the same year will be treated as an example of unprofessional behaviour. However, there is no penalty for taking the test again the following year. You may sit the UCAT as many times as you like, as long as you are a bona fide applicant each time.


What should I do if I cannot sit the test?

答:UCAT ANZ是我们的联盟成员大学的硬性入学要求,我们不对这项考试给予任何豁免。如果考生认为自己有正当理由不能参加考试,那么考生应当联系所申请的大学。不过如果没有UCAT成绩,大学是不太可能接受申请的。

The UCAT ANZ is a mandatory entry requirement for our consortium member universities.  We do not grant any exemptions from the test.  If you feel that you have a valid reason why you cannot sit the test then you should contact your chosen universities.  It is unlikely that they will accept any applications without a UCAT result.



How do I register for the test?

答:UCAT ANZ考试将于2019年7月1日至31日期间进行。考生必须使用Pearson VUE在线注册系统完成两个步骤的过程才能注册并预约考试。

UCAT ANZ testing takes place between 1 July and 31 July 2019.  You must complete a two-step process using the Pearson VUE online registration system to register and then book a test.


Can my school register me for the test?


You need to register for your test personally – this cannot be done by your school/college.


Can I sit the test at my school?

答:不可以。我们的考试只能在澳大利亚、新西兰和一些国际考试中心里通过Pearson VUE考试中心参加。

No, our tests can only be taken at Pearson VUE test centres throughout Australia, New Zealand and some international centres.


Can I sit the test overseas?

答:可以。我们的考试可以在澳大利亚、新西兰或一些海外指定地点参加。如果考生预计2019年7月会在海外,那么则应通过联系UCAT ANZ办公室(ucat-anz@monash.edu)安排合适的考试地点。

Yes, our tests can be taken in Australia, New Zealand and at selected locations overseas. Candidates who will be overseas for the month of July 2019 should contact the UCAT ANZ office to organise a suitable venue to sit the test.


How will I know the exact location of the test centre?


Full details of all available test centre locations will be published when registration opens in March 2019.  


How can I pay for my test?


The registration fee is payable online at the time of booking by major credit card (Visa, Mastercard or Visa debit card).  If you or your parents do not have access to a Visa, MasterCard credit card or Visa debit card to pay for the UCAT test fee, you can pay by purchasing a Prepaid Visa or MasterCard. You can also check with your local bank for prepaid credit card options.


What kind of ID is acceptable?


We will publish full details on acceptable identification prior to January 2019.


Does registering for the test mean I have applied for university entry?

答:不是。申请参加UCAT ANZ联盟大学是一个单独的过程。查看大学网站后,如果您对大学申请过程还有任何疑问,请联系您感兴趣的大学。

No. Applying for admission to one of the UCAT ANZ Consortium universities is a separate process. After consulting the universities’ websites, you should contact the universities of interest if you have any questions about the application procedure for university admission.



What if the access arrangements on offer do not meet my needs?

答:请发送电子邮件至UCAT ANZ(ucat-anz@monash.edu)办公室咨询。请至少在你注册考试关闭前5个工作日咨询。

Please email the UCAT ANZ Office (ucat-anz@monash.edu ) to discuss this.  You should aim to do this at least 5 working days before the close of registration for your test.



Are there any practice questions or preparation materials available?


Yes, there are extensive resources available on the Preparation page(http://www.ucatofficial.com/ucat-anz/preparation/) which are available to everyone, regardless of whether you have registered or booked your test yet. These have been developed so that you have everything you need to support your preparation, including a Question Tutorial, a Question Bank with over 1,000 free example questions and 3 free fully timed Practice Tests which mimic the live test environment.


Do I have to pay for these preparation materials?


No, all resources contained on the UCAT website are FREE.  

:网站上指的准备材料使用的是UKCAT,而不是UCAT ANZ——这两个考试一样吗?

The preparation materials on the website refer to the UKCAT, not the UCAT ANZ – is this a different test?

答:是同一个考试。尽管在2019年才开始在澳大利亚和新西兰开始使用UCAT,但是UCAT在英国已经以UKCAT这个名字使用了12年以上了。我们网站提供的准备资料虽然称为UKCAT,但和UCAT ANZ考试完全相同的内容,是可以用于熟悉考试格式来为考试做准备的。这些准备材料将于2019年12月重新发布,到时候会更改为新名字UCAT。

No, although new to Australia and New Zealand for 2019, the UCAT has been used for over 12 years in the UK under the test name UKCAT.  The preparation materials provided on this site, although referred to as UKCAT, represent the exact content of the UCAT ANZ test and may be used to familiarise yourself with the test format and to prepare for the test.  These preparation materials will be re-published in December 2019 to reflect the new international test name of UCAT.



When will I receive my results?

答:考试当天。当你离开考试中心时,会拿到有关如何登录Pearson VUE系统及查看UCAT成绩单的详细信息。

On the day of your test.  When you leave the test centre you will be given details of how you can log-on to the Pearson VUE system and retrieve your UCAT Score Report.


When do you deliver my results?

答:考试成绩将于9月初被上传到UCAT ANZ成员大学。您不需要将分数转发到您选择的大学,我们将负责传递。由于每年参加考试的考生数量众多,我们无法检查或确认是否已经上传个别成绩。

Test results will be delivered to UCAT ANZ Consortium member universities in early September.  You do not need to forward your score to your chosen universities, we take care of this.  Due to the number of candidates sitting our tests each year we cannot check or confirm that individual results have been sent.  


Can you tell me about the universities' selection criteria?

答:我们目前无法提供有关选拔标准或分数线的详细信息。每所大学都有不同的选拔标准或入学程序,而且每年都有可能改变。我们的联盟大学将在2019年于各自的网站上提供有关他们将如何对待UCAT ANZ分数的详细信息。大学发布此信息后,如果您还需要进一步了解,请联系相关大学。

We cannot provide detailed information about selection criteria or cut-off scores at this time. Each university has different selection criteria and admission procedures, which can vary from year to year. Our Consortium universities will provide information on their websites regarding how they use the UCAT ANZ scores later in 2019. Once this information is published, you should contact the universities concerned if you require further information. 



想知道更多关于学霸的故事吗?想获得专业教育信息吗?请马上扫描以下二维码,关注Crimson的官方微信号。这里有澳洲、新西兰本地教育资讯,英美的教育干货,IB、NCEA 、CIE、SAT 、ACT等各种考试秘籍,还有来自全世界学霸们的真实故事!





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➡ 透过新西兰24年最大教师罢工深析教育体制问题:真的到了最危急的时刻?

➡ 华人扎堆!孩子英语说不好,中文识不得,这些移民新问题你遇到了吗?

➡ 奥大IT专业真相!小哥亲述:四年累蜕一层皮,毕业被500强企业争抢。

➡ 学业、家庭、性生活,最全数据告诉你什么样人能上哈佛。

➡ 大数据研究结果:养出学霸的家庭竟是这样的!和我想象的不太一样啊……

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➡ 自杀、彷徨、失恋痛……他们是顶级名校的骄子,却自揭伤疤展示不为人知的另一面

➡ 孩子考上奥大医学院却要放弃!这位从事新西兰教育的华裔妈妈却给出这样的理由……

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➡ 独特视角:海外华裔家长也热衷送孩子出国读书,移民究竟图个啥?

➡ 给纽澳所有华人求职者的建议:6秒钟吸引雇主的CV就得这么做!

➡ 奥大中国留学生:高中就来新西兰,我从没后悔过!

➡ 新西兰华裔少女深入中东难民营!走入联合国的女孩讲述不一样的人生体验。

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➡ 她是全校唯一的中国人!看哈佛女孩如何用“讲段子”融入洋人圈。

➡ 六招教出新西兰95后“富一代”,这个妈妈的方法绝了!

