My Family
Hello everyone, I’m Adele.
My family loves traveling, and our different personality can be shown clearly through traveling.
My mom loves challenging. Once, she went parachuting by herself from the height of 4500 meters! She was so nervous that she went backand forth to the toilet of hundreds of times! Ah look! Mom was in the sky with a purple parachute. She was like a feather played by the wind. After landing, Mom looked so proud, although she walked like a little drunken duck with her hair like hundreds of snakes dancing in the air...
My dad is a shy guy who doesn’t like to speak much. One day he went bungee jumping in a very nice place. Between the two mountains, there was a red bridge and a green stream. Dad was tightened with a rope around his ankles, and ready to jump. Normally before the jump, you had to talk to the staff to make sure you were ready. But my dad didn’t say anything before jump. “Wait wait!” the staff grabbed him back. “Are you ready?” “~~!” “Wait wait! Do you know what to do after you jump?” “~~.” “Wait wait. Will you say hi to this beautiful view?” “~Hi!” Dad jumped. He was like a noodle doing “biang biang biang’’ in the sky. Still, he didn’t even say a single word after this wonderful adventure.
As to me, my job is to help them out if they are really in trouble. Such as, if they can’t find any toilet or we got lost, then it’s my show time. I just put a desperate look on my face: “Excuse me, would you please help me out?” This always works for kids.
This is my family, a family of adventurers!
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