

第311期 英语教学教研 2022-06-06


I dream about you every night 

and wish you will be mine 
holding me,holding you the night 
I think about you every day 
and wish you will be here 
loving me,holding me,dear 
You fall in love with me 
like I have in love with you 
Only you could make my dreams come true 
Dream about you all the time 
think about you in my mind 
I wish I could make my dreams come true,right now 
loving you is all that I want 
having you is all that I need 
wishing you a polar lucky star 
so I could make you mine 
I dream about you every night 
and wish you will be mine 
holding me,holding you the night 
I think about you every day 
and wish you will be here 
loving me,holding me,dear 
You fall in love with me 
like I have in love with you 
Only you could make my dreams come true 
Dream about you all the time 
think about you in my mind 
I wish I could make my dreams come true,right now 
loving you is all that I want 
having you is all that I need 
wishing you a polar lucky star 
so I could make you mine 
Dream about you all the time 
think about you in my mind 
I wish I could make my dreams come true,right now 
loving you is all that I want 
having you is all that I need 
wishing you a polar lucky star 
so I could make you mine 
Dream about you all the time 
think about you in my mind 
I wish I could make my dreams come true,right now 
loving you is all that I want 
having you is all that I need 
wishing you a polar lucky star 
so I could make you mine






◇  四年级下|小学英语PEP四年级下册Units1-3配套朗读视频 ,预习随身学!



◇  四年级下|科普版四年级下册课本听力Lesson 4(附电子教材),预习随身听!


◇  听力专题|仁爱版7--8年级下册课文听力集锦(附知识梳理),预习复习随身学!


◇  听力专题|科普版3--6年级上册课文听力集锦(附电子教材),预习复习随身学!

◇  听歌学英语|学好英语必听的80首英文歌曲,练好听力全靠它了!(快快收藏)

◇  英文绘本|原版经典绘本《Guess how much I love you》(视频+中英对照),课外随身学!

◇  限时速领|免费!英语外教教学视频全套资料包(共523节),跟着外教练听说!

◇  中考真题|2017年河南省中考英语试卷听力(含答案),复习随身听!

◇  中考听力|2018年江苏中考英语听力样卷一(含录音+答案+听力材料),练习中考听力的好素材!

◇  高考真题|2017年高考全国卷Ⅰ英语试卷听力(含答案),新鲜出炉!

◇  高考词汇|40篇英语短文搞定高考3500个单词听力(一),复习随身听!


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