《我是不是你最疼爱的人》是潘越云演唱的一首歌曲,收录在同名专辑《我是不是你最疼爱的人》中,这首歌曲是潘越云的代表作之一。《我是不是你最疼爱的人》不仅旋律优美流畅,而且歌词细致入微 。这首歌曲是华语流行乐坛的经典之作,潘越云用她深情婉转的声音,唱尽的是红尘中的情与心,而所有这些都是鲜活的存在。
可能很多人并不知道这首歌其实是一首寄托哀思的歌,而只以为它是一首苦情歌,潘越云将一首歌唱得让人们即使不知道这首歌背后的故事都能被感动得想哭,足以体现她的声音魅力 。今天给大家分享的是《我是不是你最疼爱的人》英文版,一起来听听吧!
You have broken my heart
it hurts so much
but I don't care
everyday of my life
I'll wait for you
I have never before felt so in need since you've been gone
I just can't go a while without your love
how could you leave me spending all alone
oh why don't you live the world
I am begging you to come home
can you hear me
can you hear the love
how could you leave me spending all alone
oh why dont you live the world
if you can please give me a call
I'll wait for you my love
you have broken my heart
it hurts so much
but I don't care
everyday of my life
I'll wait for you
I have never before felt so in need since you've been gone
I just can't go a while without your love
how could you leave me spending all alone
oh why don't you live the world
I am begging you to come home
can you hear me
can you hear the love
how could you leave me spending all alone
oh why dont you live the world
if you can please give me a call
I'll wait for you my love
I'll guess by now if I so were you
please don't hurt her my love
like you hurt me before
how could you leave me spending all alone
oh why dont you live the world
If you can please give me a call
I'll wait for you my love
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