
艺术之始,星河可及 | 合肥融创·云起星辰

DESIGN FOR LIFE 山水比德上海设计院 2023-09-06

Inspired by the explosion of the designer's imagination, a dream of fusion of inspiration and technology has been created to create a "star city" with infinite possibilities, including a star station, a star city and an interstellar exploration. Here, you can talk to the stars and stimulate your inner inspiration.


As the entrance area, set up the first image of the project, highlighting the display of the project. The combination of spherical plants and landscape wall adds a sense of hierarchy and liveliness, making the space become full of tension. A look at the distant view of the wall and the bush ball, build a sense of mystery, desire to advance, let people do not want to step into this place to appreciate it, a feast for the eyes.


Landscape wall and planting ball set off each other, light and tree shadow dance gracefully.


Through the entrance, exalted atmosphere center came into sight, stylist uses mirror-like waterscape, records enlarge or the frames around things are changing, star bright reflection in the floating on the surface of the mist, like the veils those dots of lights, as if place oneself the starry sky, romantic and beautiful, Light and water rise and fall together, becoming the temperature of the city that never sleeps.


Exquisite romantic stars waterscape


The interstellar transfer station is the parking space in the site. The designer cleverly combines the design theme with the parking lot, and applies the elements of spaceships and planets in the interstellar space, which changes the previous single black asphalt paving and endows the site with theme and interest.


Meteor wish, dream weavers Milky Way between me and you are the son of the stars, shining star with you, is the power of inner growth is to navigate the exploration of tide play theatre with space exploration as the theme, created with children as the core system of space, as a field of force, encourage children to have to the exploration of the unknown psychological, to keep the true pure childlike innocence of heaven and earth, giving children a natural and pure standing space.


In this colorful orbital park, large and small children's amusement facilities are builted by using terrain elevation difference. Combined with the interstellar theme, the venue takes blue plastic playground as the base and "interstellar exploration" as the main line to launch the adventure story of "space travel", including interstellar energy ring, magic field, starry sky exploration and orbital travel. Quietly build up a three-dimensional complex full-age activity scene space.


Blend into the track of the planet, echo with the endless life of plants, with the vision of the future, read the happiness of children playing. Travel the universe and explore interstellar paradise.

The clouds scattered and the moon was bright, and the wind was cool in the evening. The sky was turned over, and a dream grew out of the lamplight, holding a "starlight". Participants all have a wonderful feeling of "reaching for the stars by hand". Under the magic of light, it is like a fairy tale, like a dream, pure and bright.


The back space uses pure nature and surreal sculptures and lights to form a leisure space and time garden, permeating the familiar and intimate atmosphere between daily life. The indistinct and crisscrossing linear sequence and the tall and straight growing trees form a visual staggered layer, with abundant grass and long forest, belonging to nature.


A little romantic lighting, feel the natural and pure space experience. Open leisure space, light as visual shaping elements, to create an open, leisure, interesting place, time flow, connecting the modern and the future.


The on-site production process of "Starry Globe" and the painting and drawing process of sculpture








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作为系统化景观服务专家,山水比德拥有“国家风景园林工程设计专项甲级”资质,与90%中国TOP30地产集团形成了深度合作关系,为全国各级政府提供优质的规划与设计服务,在社区环境、商业综合体、文化旅游、特色小镇、城市设计、区域规划等领域定制系统化、一体化的专业解决方案。获得“全国十佳园林设计企业”“中国建筑规划设计最佳创意品牌机构”等荣誉称号。荣获IFLA国际大奖、风景园林奖、勘察设计奖、CREDAWARD地产设计大奖、金盘奖、亚洲设计大奖、意大利A’Design Award设计奖、美国IDA国际设计大奖等多项国内外设计大奖,连续3年蝉联时代楼盘中国地产景观设计竞争力第一,2020ARCHINA建筑中国设计企业品牌新媒体影响力总榜全国第一、民营企业设计企业品牌新媒体影响力全国第一。



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