未来 + “城市学习”系列讲座 | 农村重建 Rural Regeneration
Due to the typhoon last week, the first lecture of lecture series: Learning the City, "Digital Urbanism" will be postponed to next week. And this week, the new topic "Rural Regeneration" will come...
Lecture Series: Learning the City-Lecture 1
主题: 农村重建
Topic: Rural Regeneration
时间:2017年7月29日本周六 下午17:00-19:00
Time: July 29th , 2017 17:00-19:00
Location: Urbanus, Oct Loft, Nanshan
讲师:张天欣、Jason Hilgefort
Speaker: Jessica Cheung, Jason Hilgefort
Rural Regeneration(Discourse)
Digital Urbanism (Tools)
Community Maker(making)
Productive City (Design)
Manufacturing the Culture(Research)
2 我们如何在城市中/与城市一同/通过城市学习?
3 如何通过学习为城市创造更好的未来?
The Future+ lecture series: Learning the City traces different organizations’ experiments with uncovering, understanding and transforming urban (and rural) landscapes in and around Shenzhen. Through showcasing and engaging with five diverse but intimately related technical, art, and design related projects, we urge participants to think broadly about three questions:
· What tools can we develop to learn about the city?
· How can we learn in, with and through the city?
· How might learning be translated into progressive city futures?
The series will be open to public for free. And it emphasizes open discussion; we encourage our audience to fully engage and exchange ideas with the speakers.This lecture series will lead up to our year-long Advanced Urban Design Programme (AUDP), starting this fall. Link
Rural Regeneration
The last decade has highlighted that global capitalism has done much to vastly increase opportunity in the world’s cities, but simultaneously has left our countryside’s behind. Each country tends to discuss this issue as though it is merely a ‘national’ problem. Our projects/research use the Chinese rural context as a testing ground for new methods of rural improvement. With these existing case studies, we seek to investigate new ways to allow for opportunity for those in the non urban areas to improve their lives through both modified traditions and the harnessing of immerging potentials to permit for an array of opportunities.
张天欣 Jessica Cheung
Urban Innovation Researcher
Jessica is developing social innovation solutions, urban development metrics and impact measurement strategies. She is a domain expert specialized in creating resilient developmental models for grassroots communities. She received master degree from Columbia University Urban Design Program. She is also a faculty member at CUHK teaching urban innovation seminar.
Jason Hilgefort
未来 + 学院国际项目经理
Jason曾在英属哥伦比亚大学攻读建筑硕士学位。他曾在纽约(Ehrenkrantz Eckstut and Kuhn)、洛杉矶(Behnisch Architects)、孟买(Rahul Mehrotra of GSD)等地工作。曾经在俄罗斯、乌克兰、巴西、芬兰、德国、意大利、中国和荷兰任教。杰森曾在维也纳举行的第十一届欧洲青年建筑师竞赛上摘获大奖。他后来成立了Land+Civilization Compositions(以鹿特丹和香港双城为基础的工作室)。他是2015—2016深圳香港城市\建筑双城双年展 的策展人和当年UABB学堂非常学院的院长。此外,他还加入了FUR(未来城市区域)项目。同时,他也是是uncube 杂志“建筑设计和其它(architecture and beyond)”专栏的撰稿人。
Jason Hilgefort is the Project Manager of FUTURE+Aformal Academy in Shenzhen. He studied at the University of British Columbia and the University of Cincinnati. He has worked with Peter Calthorpe, Rahul Mehrotra, and Maxwan A+U. He lead Maxwan’s competition victories in Helsinki, Basel, Kiev, Brussels, Ostrava, Hannover, and Lithuania before winning Europan 11 in Vienna. Jason academic experience includes Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, Finland, Germany, Italy, China and the Netherlands. He was a sub curator in the Shenzhen|Hong Kong Urbanism|Architecture Biennale and a co-director of its learning platform.
关于进阶城市设计 About AUDP
进阶城市设计项目是未来 + 学院首次发布的,面向广大市民的全年课程项目。该课程将会在2017年9月11日开始,为期一年,在南头古城进行。该课程旨在为城市建造培养新的领袖思考者,迎接新世纪的挑战。
Future+ Aformal Academy is proud to announce the launch of a one-of-a-kind, full-time Advanced Urban Design Program(AUDP). The program will begin September 11, 2017 and is based in the Urban villages of the Pearl River Delta in China. It is designed to forge the new leading urban thinkers in city making for the coming century’s challenges.
关于我们 About Us
未来 + 学院
未来 + 学院是中国第一所面向城市问题、通过设计思维和学科整合来进行城市研究、教学与实践的创新型非正规学院。我们的教学理念源自于深圳开放的创新生态系统,以及珠三角城市快速建造、测试和进化的方法论。传统城市设计偏重秩序,而我们拥抱城市中的不可预测和失序。这使我们能营造一个对城市问题能快速反应的学习环境,并且不断探索城市中适合实践的机会。我们不灌输教条,而是培育个人的学习能力及创新领导力。未来 + 是集研究机构、智库、教育提升及城市实验室的混合体。
We are the first independent academy forurbanism, landscape, & public art in China. Our pedagogy emerges from theopen innovation ecosystems of Shenzhen. The methodology of the PRD meansdesigns and the city is made fast, tested and evolved. Traditional urbanism wasabout order; we embrace the unpredictable and the messy. This allows us to forma place for rapid response urban learning. We mine the gaps of the city toidentify integral points for action. Our focus is not to instill a dogma but tofacilitate individual’s learning ambitions. FUTURE+ is a hybrid researchinstitute, think tank, and experimental laboratory. We have been formed by manyof the same folks that set up and run the Shenzhen/Hong KongUrbanism/Architecture Biennale and the Shenzhen Center for Design.