

内推详情请见文末 管培圈 2022-06-16

2018 BMW全球管理培训生项目激情来袭!


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1、BMW GLDP-MINI China Management Trainee 


2、BMW GLDP-Area Manager Trainee(宝马金融)

3、BMW GLDP-Data Analytics & AI Trainee(宝马金融)






The Global Leader Development Programme (GLDP) is the BMW Group’s acclaimed international graduate programme offering the opportunity to jumpstart the career of talented graduates and young professionals. It aims to attracts, develops and retains tomorrow’s leaders.

During the assignments, participants gain insight into business processes, strategy, culture, and the BMW Group brands from both a local and global perspective. Establishing an excellent international network, as well as working on strategic and operational projects in three different countries provides a solid basis for a successful international career at the BMW Group. All the GLDP associates will get timely guidance and feedback from professional mentor and line manager.


1. BMW GLDP-MINI China Management Trainee 

5 months in MINI Product Team China: get insight into product process, specific strategies for optimum exploitation of existing and future market potentials (SMP+LRP), analyses on the complex and fast changing China automotive industry and market, steering and preperation of presentation to top management.

3 months in MINI HC UM-2 Munich: get insight into HC business process, sales/marketing.

5 months in MINI China sales team and region team: get insight into region operation and dealer network and take part of responsibility in sales operation area.

3 monthes in MINI UK market: get insight and best practise from mature market. 

Education / Degree:  
Bachelor degree in a relevant discipline with excellent grades (Master¡¯s degree preferred).

 Knowledge / Skills /Competences: 

Business-fluent language skills in the local language. 
Fluent English (as well as knowledge of another language if English is the native language, preferably German).
A sharp intellect.
Passion for MINI.
Initiative, personal accountability, willingness to change, team spirit, and self reflection.
Readiness for an international career.


At least six months of relevant work experience (e.g. internships, training, initial professional experience).
A maximum of 2-3 years professional working experience.
At least four months of relevant experience abroad (e.g. studies, practical experience, work ).
Extracurricular involvement (eg. initial leadership experience in a 
university, community, or work setting, engagement in a student project, 
political or charity organization).






2. BMW GLDP-Area Manager Trainee 

 工作地点 :北京


  • Support AM to execute multiple project, including business requirement gathering, relevant alignment with cross function departments and other kind of busineess support as needed.

  • Communicate the project targets and status within the SF organization, including preparation for internal presentationa, articles for newsletters and the Intranet, etc.

  • Maintain up-to-date project documentations. Tracking project status with regards to project quality and timeline, escalate relavant project issues to the management team.

  • Support on developing and maintaining smooth relationship dealerships and bank cooperation in the area;

  • Align project plan and activities between intenal and external departments.

  • Support AM on proposing F&I manager‘s sales target and monitor area business performance; regularly review; propose F&I manager target adjustment to reflect the dynamic dealership business condition changes

  • Develop and maintain smooth relationship dealerships and bank cooperation in the area.

  • Coordinate meetings, agendas, meeting minutes, and follow up open items.

  • Understand the company culture and targets.

  • Support on the rollout of retail /wholesale finance and insurance activities.

  • College/University Degree.

  • Must be a self-starter with a "Can Do" attitude and strong team orientation.

  • Strong communication and learing ability. For new knowledge, there is a great willingness to learn.

  • Strong organizational and planning skills, with the ability to execute a project from initial concept to completion in an environment where daily priorities may shift. Work conscientiously steady and sure to responsible for, can positive to finish every task, have better adaptive capacity very to new environment.

  • Work conscientiously steady and sure to responsible for, can positive to finish every task, have better adaptive capacity very to new environment.

  • English (Language Speaking Proficiency)

  • Excellent communication skills to successfully align with international and cross-functional stakeholders.

  • Excellent Written and verbal skills, especially related to presenation and facilitation.

  • Microsoft Office Skills - Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, SharePoint and graphic programs.

  • Flexibility, with the ability to work smoothly under pressure, producing high quality results in a short time.

  • Worked in an multi-national company or overseas experience.

  • Experiences in Financial insititude, AFC, insurance company will be preferred.


3. BMW GLDP-Data Analytics & AI Trainee 

 工作地点 :北京


  • Understand the company strategy and targets and translate them into Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence projects and initiatives, defining scope, targets and timeline.

  • Identify and analyze trends in the external environment relevant to Data Analytics, Big Data, Data Mining or Artificial Intelligence and integrate them in the project planning.

  • Define project organizations, communication structures and execution plans that meet internal requirements and compliance guidelines.

  • Drive and support the execution of projects and initiatives, including business requirements gathering, relevant alignment with stakeholders, steering of external vendors, designing IT solutions, testing, etc.

  • Align plans, activities and with cross-functional stakeholders in China, the regional office, other markets and the global BMW headquarters.

  • Support the identification of potential external vendors, tender and bidding processes, and the evaluation and selection of service providers.

  • Coordinate meetings, agendas, meeting minutes, and follow up open items. Maintain up-to-date documentations. Track status with regards to quality and timeline, escalate project related issues to the management team.

  • Build global network and knowledge exchange in the area of data analytics, Big Data, AI. Share best practices with other experts within BMW.

  • Communicate the project targets and status within the organization, including the preparation on internal presentations and articles for newsletters, the Intranet, etc.

  • Create training materials and effective training methods to make sure corresponding knowledge is shared appropriately within the organization.

  • College/University Degree.

  • Must be a self-starter with a "Can Do" attitude and strong team orientation.

  • Analytical mindset and knowledge of state-of-the-art data analysis/data mining as well as AI technologies and approaches.

  • Hands-on data modelling and DWH/Big Data design skills.

  • Strong organizational and planning skills, with the ability to execute a project from initial concept to completion in an environment where daily priorities may shift.

  • English (Language Speaking Proficiency).

  • Excellent Written and verbal skills, especially related to presentation and facilitation.

  • Data Analytics, Data Mining, Big Data, AI related experience.

  • Project management experience.

  • Ability to work with multiple stakeholders and manage expectations with proven ability to deliver result.

  • Worked in a multi-national company or overseas experience.

  • Flexibility, with the ability to work smoothly under pressure, producing high quality results in a short time. Excellent communication skills to successfully align with international and cross-functional stakeholders.









1.京东 | 2019秋招管培生招聘拉开帷幕I京东管理培生招聘启动啦!

2.平安银行 | 避过秋招,现在就成为管培生吧!平安银行管培生预备军招聘启动!

3.易居中国 | 易居中国“金种子”策划人才储备计划开始招募!总部带薪培训&包食宿!

4.沃尔玛 | 世界500强TOP1公司 | 2019总部管培生、营运管培生校招正式开启!

5.金辉集团 | 管培实习转正 | 中国房产36强金辉集团2019“萌芽生”暑期实习生招聘正式启动!

6.多益网络 | 中国互联网企业25强,创造App Store收入排行榜单中国第1人气记录的公司招聘管培生啦!

7.上海东泽物流 | 暑期实习转正管培 | 上海东泽国际物流招聘中!

8.美国通用电气 | 暑期实习转正管培 | 美国通用电气生产运营管理领导力项目招聘中!

9.远洋商业地产内推 | 内推 | 精英专属管培项目!远洋商业地产“探海者”储备暑期实习生招聘! 


1.昆仑银行 | 赶上管培生招聘末班车!昆仑银行2018管培生招聘6月20日截止申请!

2.融创 | 2018补招 | 中国TOP4地产公司融创“创想家计划”正在火热招募中!

3.伊利 | 伊利集团总部2018年管培生招聘!市场、人力资源、战略、经营分析等6大方向!

4.红星美凯龙 | 中国商场数目最多的家居MALL | 2018届星动力招聘开启啦!

5.中融人寿 | 全国性人寿保险公司中融人寿总部管培生火热开招!人力、财务、风控等5大方向!

6.嗨学网内推 | 内推 | 市场管培补招中!年薪15W+,有机会解决北京户口,快来Pick这家即将上市的教育公司!

7.500强德企蒂森克虏伯 | 世界500强德国工业巨头,世界三大电梯品牌之一的公司招聘销售管培生啦!




